Minutes 09-02-70}:IINtrI~S OF TI~ ZONING BOARD HELD SBFI'~$ER 2, 1970
Col. A; ~'~hrell
~.4r. V. Thompson
Mrs. M. Fry
~. L. Blacketer
~,~r. H. Livingston
Dr. R. iqanflte¥
Stuart B.
Fuller, Building Official
Ymet~ng called to order at 7:40 P.I~'!. by Chaim'~n C~l. T~ehrell.
~inutes from Aug~t 5, 1970, meeting wer~ discussed, k~ion ~o apF¥o-¢e as
written made by ~r. Blacketer and seconded by !,~. Skeels. All voted aye
and minutes were approved.
Chairma~ then introduced ~e Board m~ers to t_be l~blic audience,
Parcel # 1 Lots 20 ~.nd 21, Block 1, Boynton Place Palm Beach County Records
Applicant: ?~'!r. and }¥s. J~mes Patterson and O~mer
Address: 619 N. E. 7 Avenue
Request - ~ to R-2
I~'~r. Patterson camm fo~ard to present his request to tBe Board. At present
he owns a two (2) story, three Aparta~nt unit building on the subject
property. This use was in effect before the present zoning was passed. There
are similar uses in this neighbo~od. ~e ~,~uld like to place a duplex on
the adjoining lot. There is a similar use on street bebh~d hir~.~ in form. of a
motel. Property across the street from_ him was recently rezoned to R-2.
C-1 zoning extends to within one lot of his property from Federal Hio~vay.
There is an answe~ service on the corner of N. E. 7th and Federal.
Proposed new build, lng would be single' story and would not detract from the
asked for objectors from t~he audience ~nd there were v~ne.
O~airman had two letters of objectinm, one from ~.~. ~ b~Irs. Bowen, 627 N. E.
8th Avenuen and one from l~r. and }<res. Troy ~hook, 643 N. B. 8 Avenue.
Noted fact t~bat t~here were R-2 uses in the neighborhood t3mt were in use
before the present zoning Ordinance was passed.
Mrs. Fry ccmnented that petitioner had, a nice front lmm and hoped he would
keep it that way if rezoning were granted.
~iotion made by [~. Blac~eter to grant the requested rezoning. Seconded by
Dr. Manthey and all voted, aye. _~tion carried.
1.~nutes of the Z~dng Board
September 2, 1970
Parcel 2
The N. 318.5' of S 1/2, S. ~L 1/4, Sec. 27, ~ 45-S
l~nge 43 E, lying Iqest of I.C.'SV.!~r. Pr:!
Ad~s: P~cel o~ 1~ ly~g ~ ~t o~ ~e
foll~g ~cl~ive st~t ~m
1526 - 1420 S. F~ral Nigbw~
Applic~t: ~d~i ~~tes ~c.
~r: ~,~. Ca,ne
~tr. A. $ilverman and ~'~. Louis ,~blff were present to represent ~e
A letter from the petitioners requesting a change from the original request
was read by t~he (~mirman. Chairman noted that there was a question d ~resent
c~nership but it would not affect the requested rezoning.
Mr. Silverman c~ lombard to explain the requested rezoning. Stated.. fl~at he
and ~lr. !:iolff were associated together in this proposal. ~,.ey have dene
this type of work before and had beantiful projects. They have met with
residents from Lee ~:hnor Isles and request still f~er rezoning to a
lower category on the portion which is now zoned C-1. They now have a
petition from residents of Lee ~'~nor Isles, in which they ha~ worked out a
cc~romise that would be beneficial to the neig~berhood. !,~at they propose
would not decrease property values in any way. Ail zoning requirements would
be met. A plot shc~ing fl~e proposed apa.~nts, etc.., was taken shown to
Board. The cos~ of de.~ucking ?r going to piling in fids area is toe much to
expect develop~nt of single family residences. Their proposal would be the
properties best use. New plan vxrald have only one meagre of egress to Federal
t~ghway and would avoid excess traffic hazards. S~_~ol~.ing Center is nearby
and within walking distance and this would help eliminate traffic
Ji~ 1~orth, 640 Castilla Lane, cmr.~e forward and discussed previous zoning
of C-1 on Lotto property, t~ C~en stated that residents present in Lee
Manor Isles had gotten together wiflt the petitioners and reached a
reluctant comprise, l-~owever, this proposal is better than any previous
submitted. Area residents would approve only if Lhese iter~ could be
written into OrdLuance form. Present C-1 portion to be changed, to R-3. North
100' East of present C-1 be changed to R-2 with the provision that only one
story duplexes be built in this area. Balance of property be changed to
The petition enumerating these items ~ms then read and signers na~s enumerated.
This was put into the record. Again reiterated that Ordinance shou~ kave
these items clearly set fortJ~, for petition to be valid.
Chairman tb. en called for questio~m by t~he Board m~bers.
It was again noted that there was a shopping center within walking, distance.
Also, noted that residents and petitioners ~md appa~mtly reached an
agreement on this rezoning request.
(haimmu then called for a motion.
}~,inutes of t%e Zoning Board
September 2, 1970
Dr. Manthey made a motion that rezoning be granted in accordance with the
bPetition si~ned by Lee ~4anor Isles residents. The e~sting C-1 zoning to
e ~d to R-S, a strip to I00' South of Lee ~,~an.or Isles and lluming
~ast from present C-1 to the watel~ay be zoned R-2 with tAe proviso ~at
only one story duplexes be built in ti:is area, the balance of the property
to be changed to R-3 zoning. ~.'btion was seconded by ~r. Blacketer and all
voted aye. ~.{otion carried and rezoning recon~m~ndation approved as outlined
The peti~oners requests1 ~at any re~ordin~ or a copy o£ proposed ordinance
be sen~ to their firm.
New Business:
Board discusse~ the possibility that future application shiv v~at was
going on property by mearm of a drmfing etc. P~r.t of this would be taken
care of in the new zoning ordinance. Nothing would prevent applicants
from changing plans in future after rezoning was granted. ..~iscussion held
on this.
~tion to adjourn nmde by Dr. ~anthey and seconded by ,%~r. Blacketer. All
voted aye and meeting adjourned at 8:45.
Col. A16e~~rell, Chaiman