Minutes 07-14-70HELD TU£So~ 3ULY 14~ CITY PRESEN~ 3ames Sa~no~ Chairman Robe~% Olds Otis ~. ~alke~ 3oseph B~ull 3ohn Frank ~cCoy Stuart B. Fuller~ Building Official Ray ~llen P~esent fo~ Council: ~e, Emily 3ackson ~r, Ssrno celled the meeting ~ o~de~ al 8sO? ~oved by [~. Olds that mt~tes of the 3une 24th and 3une 2g~ ~ee[i~s be accepted as m~itten. Botion ~s ee~nd~ by ~1~. H~eil a~ ell vo[~ aye. Bi,les approved. B~.. Sa~no [hen passed a p~elimina~Y P~[ a~und fo~ the B~d [o study. This p~epos~ small suMtvi~on ~ill be k~n es "T~su~e Lane" ~lemos conce~ni~ ~he su~ivision f~oe The Public ~o~ks a~ in9 De~[m~[s ~e~e [hen ~ead. ~. O~b~ien [hen explain~ lo Board ~ha[ ~ne~s desired a~ one the omne~s explained that they ~snted to meet a11 city ~equi~en~s. Bz.. O~B~ien fu~the~ explained that they ~uld p~ovide 50 foot cul-- ds-sac as ~equested by Public ~o~s. Chai~n Sa~no then explained that this had not been b=ough[ B~d p~eviously as it had been ha~d to get a quorum as they three m~be~s sho~t a~ some me~e on ua~tlon. C~ncil has appointed th=es n~ m~be~s. C~i~n called ~o~ motion. ~1~. ~cCoy ~de motion t~t this be appzoved as a p~eltmi~zY plan mtth the u~e~sta~ing that the developezs ~eze to bea~ costs of al1 mate~, st~eets, utilities, etc., 8~ ~e~e [o p~vtde a 50 foot wl- d~sac pe~ Public ~o~ks ~squi~ents. tile[ion s~ed by i~. Olds all voted aye. P~$1imt~Y p~ns approved. C~an [hen b~ough[ ne~ Board ~embe~s up [o dele on wo~k Board has done on n~ p~opos~ o~dl~e and map~ Dls~ssion was held on ~o[ion [o ad~n by B~. Howell and seco~ by ~1~. Sa~no. ~ll aye and meeting adjou~ed al S~45 P.B.~ ~mes ~0, Chai~