MInutes 06-03-70)~.R~F~ OF TS~ ZON~C~ BO~Pd) P~!G, 5,~TD k~I~SDAY~ JI~E ~ 1970, 7:30 P.M. Boynton Beach, City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida Present: Charles Skeels D~. Richard .~nthey Mary F~ye ~lber~ Wehrell, Chairman Jack Bs~rett, Deputy Building Official Vernon Thompson Hammond Livingston Loren Blaeketeem Chairman called mmeting to order 7:30 P.M.. Old Business: Chairman called fora motion to pass minutes of meting held ApPil. Chairman made correction of motion nmde in last pamag~aph of the minutes. Minutes stated that Chairman had made a motion, tt was stated tha~ the Chairman had made the suggestion, ~hich DP. M~nthey had made a motion, seconded by ~So Frye. Chapman then called fora any further corrections to the 14iuutes. None were stated. Chairman then stated Minutes stood as approved. Still t~lder Old Business, the ~_oard stated, regarding Parcels which had been tabled, that due to the fact that it ~x~ld be so, time before the City's new ~ter Plan would be completed, the Council had denied both tabled Parcels ( these Pazu~ls had been tabled at the last meeting in hope that the ~ster Plan might indicate the zoning changes in these ~o areas) }~w Business: Parcel 1: Lots 16, 17 ~ 18, 19, ~0, ~1, B!cok ~ Lake Boyntcm Estates Adc~s: 713 ~ 735 W, Ocean Avenue. R~quest: R- 1 to B' 2 Applicant: Thcmas J. Reals To be used for 3 dUPlex homes. Chairman explained, that %his par~e! %~as located behind the Two parcels tabled by the Zoning Boax~ add turfed d~n~ by the City Council. Chairman then called fop representation of the Parcel. Mone were present. Discussion called fo~ from_ the Board. }~. B~tt stated that, due to the excessive absentees, he wondered if the principals ssking for rezoniug was properly notified, of the meeting. He stated since there had been so tomy present to object to the rezoning of,the Parcels in ~e same adjacent area at the last Zoning Board ~{eeting, he also wondered whether all residents near the subject property_ had been properly notified. Board questioned the legality of the meeting. ~. B~tt offered that since there was a quortm~, it was a legal ,meeting, He stated furThe~ howeve~ that since ther~ was some question as to whethe~ all pa~ties ~oncermed had been propemly notified, the~ w~s scme question to the legality of action that the Board took. ~. Barrett offered, that he thought it would be legal fop the Board To _r~stpone the meeting. Dr. M~xnthey made motion that this ~eting be postponed until the next '- regular meeting ( July lst), M~s. Frye seconded. - Discussion was held regarding motion made. Yz~_ion unanimously carnied, meet~ postponed until next regular meeting. the ?la~ Board ~d new ~mste~ :L~co~ted ~ the City's ne~ Maste~ ~1~. ~. Skeels made ~-~o~ that meet~ be a~jot~q~ed, seco~cled by Ma~they. Meeting adjourned 8: g0 P.M. Charles Skeels, Sec~etazy