Minutes 05-06-70HINUTES OF THE ~ORKSHDP mEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD HELD ~EDNESDAY mAY 6, iD?O, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, nESENTj. 3ames Serno Robert Olds 3ohn Howell Stuart B. Fuller, Buildin9 Official Ray Allen Clyde ~i111am Ma~mmduke Rudolph Stanley Present for Council - Mrs. Emily 2eckson and mr. Forrest ~a!IaCeo Present for partial time For Zoning 8card - Colonel Albert ~ehrell ~s. ~ary F~anoee Fry Present fo~ Oake Association - mr, Gerald Oake. ~eetin9 called to order at ?~40 P.B. 8oa~d ment through balance of P~Oposed zoning ordinance i[em by item and ~. Dake s~a~ed he mould make changes ~ ~t$~ussed and resubmit copies of o~dinance for ~evie~ and.~EPP~ovel, 'Requested B~. Sa~no get committee'to $%udy PropOsed zonin~map. ~eetin9 adjourned a, 10:30 p.~. ~