MInutes 04-15-70'MZFL5~S OF ~ PLA}~D,IG BOARD ~TING i'~TLD APPIL 15, 1970, AT 7:30 P.Y.., CITY tIALL~ BO~,~OM PRESE~Ff James Sarno,"Ten?porary Cb.airman John Howell k3ill~m W.~uke Eob el~t Olds Elmo Elliott, Deput~y Building Inspector ABSENT Rudolph Stanley Pay Allen Clyde Worrell Temporary Chsirman called the meeting to order at 7:35 P£N., stating to t/he audience members present and mom'.bors that were absent. Chairman then called for motion to approve or deny minutes of the meeting held February 3~ 1970. ~. Olds n~de motion that the minutes be apprOVed as presented; seconded by i'"..~r. H~ell. ~'btion unanimously carried. At this tire, !'ir. Howell suggested that the minutes of the Special i'~eeting of the Planning Board, }{eld ~smch 31, 1970 be apProved at this time also. Nm. tlowell them_ made motion to approve the minutes~ seconded by Nr. Olds. l~animously ear, led. BUSINESS Parcel 1: To consider absndonnment of the Southerly 167.94~ of the extension of N. F. 7th St. abutting Lots 23, 24 end 25, ~lod< 7, Lake ~dition, as sh~,~m oD. the L~e Addition Plat, as recorded, in Plat Book 11, Page 71, Palm Beach County records. Address: 702~712 N. _~. 7th Street Requested by: ;=mold Stroshein }.ir. Stroshein came forward to state his name for the record. He presented to the Board a plot plan for the entire plat of land he has in Boynton, showing why he is interested in the abandonment. ~'e then explained the location of the properi~y in relation to the zoning of its various areas. Pie stated his intent was to continue constructing rental mud cc~dominium type apartment units. He explained that the road he was requesting be abandoned was a problem, due to the exten~ sire muck condition of this ares. and the soil beneath the road. He stated that due to t~his soil condition~ the road could never be continued any farther South~ or constructed properly. _~Ie also offered ~at it was actually of very little value to the City of Boynton either. He stated that he already had plenty of ingress and egress for his proposed development area (3 in s2l) all of which were being put in at his cost. ~inutes Planning Board April 153 1970 P~. Ho~ell asked hc~ far d~,.m N. E. 7th Street comes now. ~. Stro shein stated that it ends at 8th Avenue. Chairman called for fur~er questions. Ufo Howell asked what the ultimate density` at the water front ,,Duld be for this area. ~;,,~. Stroshein stated the problems of the soil condition in this area and added that he would put one 4-story building v~th 48 total %mits here. I~:k'. Olds asked if it was in Mr. Stroshein~s opinion ~hat the Church (St. ~arks) would ever desire a road in ~at direction, f~e stated that it was made kn~ to him last week~ 'mAd apparently was a very firm opip~on~ that the safety of the children would be hampered if a or actual street was put in this area, Brief discussion follow, ed reg~ soil conditions hindering the road's progress any farther South than .~. Stroshein's property. C/aairman ~en read a letter to the Board from ~.Tr. Stroshein in relation to this request. P~. Stroshein then offered that according to the C~ity Clerk: he had be~ paying taxes on this property for the last several years. Chairm~n called for objections. None were stated_ or brought fore, amd, Chairman read correspondence iD, objection to the abando~t~ signed by Mr. Harold Hopkins. P~. Marmaduke stated his disagreement ~th the reasoning for the objection. L~r. Sa~ao agreed. FurC_her opinions were heard from the Board reminders regarding this matter. (]~airman called for motion. I'~. Marmad~ke made motion tha~ request be granted, i'~, Olds seconded~ stating that he did not usually agree on street abandonment~ but J_n this case he eou!d see no value of the street at all. ~btion was unanimously carmied. Request granted. I~. Samno offered ~at the request ~;~uld now go to the City. Council at ~%e next meeting (Pbnday evening~ April 20)~ either by request or automatic~33_y. ~r. Sarno told Mr. Stroshein that they ~uld notify h~ in either ease. Parcel 2: A Parcel of land in Sec. 29~--45=43, East, City` of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County~ F!orida~ more pamtieularly de- scribed as foll~s: From the North~eest corner of Section 29~ ~5~43~ Palm Beach Co~nty~ Florida~ r%m Nort>_ 87°- 43'-48" East along the North line of said Sec. 29 (for convenience~ the centerline of State Road S-804 as same appears on the, Plat thereof in Road Plat Pmok 2, Page 217 through 220: Public Recomds~ Palm Beach County Florida~ bears North 87°-54"-06~: East and all bearings recited here.~ ~ are relative thereto) a dist. of 50.01' to the East line of t00' r/w of Congress Ave. ~ thence South 00-58'-29': East ~-~inutes Planning Board April 153 1970 alo~g said. East line~ a distance of 4t~19~ to the Northwesterly corner and POI~rf OF BEG~ILNG of the herein described p~rce! of land~ thence North 87°-43'-48~ East, a dist of 200.00' to the ~ cot5 th South 0o-~8~-2@~ East, a dist of 175.$1~ to the SE corner~ th So 87°-54'-08~ West, a dist of 174.49' to the beg of curve concave to the ~ having a radius of 25.00' and a central an ~gle of 91°-07~-25~; th Westerly, ~>5~ and Northerly alg arc of said cur~e~ a dist of 39.76' to end of said cumve and a point Easterly line of the 100.00' wide m/w of Congress Ave. th along said Easterly line, North 0°-~58~-29~ West~ a dist of 149.51~ to POB3 being subject to a drainage Easement over the North 18.82' thereof and further subject to any and all easements and/or r/%~ of reco~d. Address: 1~ cornem of Con~ss Ave ~ SR80~ (Boynton Rd West) Request: to allow Conditional Use for Service Station C-1 Zone. Applicant: W. G. Lassiter~ Jr. Chairm~ read Parcel's description to the Board and audience. Chai~~ man then read letter to the Board of }~.~arch 163 from i~. Lassiter (Lass- iter Enterprises) regarding the request. ~ '~,~-~ ,-~ ~ ..... =~ ~n state hi~ na~e for the records. He · - ~'~---~ +~+ he was one of the c~mers cz T_ne o~ne~ property and 1-~. Lassiter had asked hmm. to represen~ nmm ~u meeting, since he had to leave t~. _~.. Elliott offered that the Parcel met with all the minimum require~ ments~ but informed the Board and ~. Kents that the State had sent a letter to the City of Boynton informing them that a requirement of 125 feet for r/w on Congress~ due to the fact that the road is goin~ to be four-laned somet~ in the future. ~. Eltiott then stated that they needed a more detailed set of dr~ ings and other details which were not shc~m. Iqr. Olds stated that the distance be~een filling stations .m~.st be 13000 Ft. according to the Ordinance adopted by the City Council. He also stated that this Ordinance had already been up for its first reading and was to be up for its second rea~ before the City Council ver~ soon. [~. Olds stated that there ~ere already ~o other fillins stations proposed for the Northwest and Southeast corner~ of Con~ress Ave. and that the one proposed for the l~[o~thwest corner wsm approved by the Discussion followed regarding the new ordinance in relation to the request. Chairman stated that he had no letters of objection in the records. No objections were offered from the audience. ~inutes Planning Board April !5, 19 70 Chairman called fop motion. ~. ~i~duke rf~ade motion that the re- quest be granted. ~. Howell Seconded. Motion unanimously earTied. Request grauted. Mr. Olds nmde n~tion that meeting be adjourned. Seconded by [~r. Howell. Unauimously carried. ~etinE was ad~d at 8: SO P.~.