MInutes 04-01-70i'~R/fES OF THE REGUL~ ZON]D!G BOARD ~F~ff~.~C~
~.SNESDAY~ APPEL 1, 1970, 7:90 P,~L, CITY HALL
Col. Alber~ Wehrelt, Chairman
Loren Blacketer, Vice Ch~
Char]ms Skeels, Secretary
Vernon Thompson
Hamnond Livingston
I~. Richax~ Manthey
Mary Fry
Chairman called meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ~bticn was made by
Blaekete~ to appomve the minutes of meeting held l~=nrch 17~ Seccmded by
Mm. Skeels. l~btiom unanimously ca~ed.
The Parcel pe~tain/ng to Mrs. Maloney's request fora rezcn/ng of a back pax~
of a building ~s brought up. This parcel had been given to the .Board at
the last meetiug; however, since that w~ t_]~ first regular meeting and
s/nee they %~re not at all femilisr with the ~equest, it was tabled.
Discussion of the Parcel was opened.
~ol. Wehrell stated that he had gone to inspect the pro~ with M~. Fuller
of the Build/rig Department. He explained the basic location of the property
and the present situation. He then called for omments from the Board
Thompson asked hca7 fa~ back the zoning change would 'run on the proper~cy.
F~. Wehrell stated it %,ould go back to the rear of the lot .only. He slsO
added that no objections from surround/rig residents had been offered.
D~. Manthey asked if the present R-3 Zoning could be used. It was stated
that it could not. He then offered that he could see no objections to the
zoning change and made motion that the parcel be rezoned from R-3 to
seconded by llr,. Blacketer. 5 in favor; 1 did not vote ~(due to T~%rdiness)
Motion carried.
1,1~ BUS]2~TESS:
Parcel 1: ~,,Test Half (W 1/2) of the Northwest Qua~tem (l'E~,7 1/~)
of Section $, Township 46 South, Range 43 Fast,
Palm Beach County Florida, less the South llgg.0
Feet thereof and less the West 53.0 feet thereof.
East of Congress Avenue and
South of L. W. Latersl 28
Zm~ing ~
April 1, 1970
R-1AA to M-1 (Light Industrial)
Light Industrial Purposes
T. F. Fleming, Jr. and
Chaizrm3n read the parcel to the Board and To the audience.
Mm. Mills came fo~ard to offer explanation in favo~ of The application, in
representation of the owner's of the proper%y. Me assured the Board that he
and his associates ~re not interested in heavy m~nufa~~ he felt that
a small, light industrial use of the parcel would be the best use of the
}~. Bill Coke also came forward tO speak in favo~ of the 'proposed project.
He stated to the Board that he had ~IS years experience on the County Zoning
Board. He realated that he b~d been contacted by severel large industrial
electrical corporations interested in this area.
Mm. Coke offered that ~he Lateral 28 Canal offered a naturml baz~ier and
he suggested that a 100 foot str~p to the South be left fo~ planting and
M~. ~t[lls stated that he would gladly go along with this and that he and
his associates were very interested in creating good relations with su~round-
ir~ residents.
Dr. }%mnthey asked if }~. ~Llls would object to leaving 50 feet to the North
free of parking or anything else.
}~. Coke offered that this stmip could be deleted from the petition for
rezoning and left at the present zcrdng. Since the area would not meet
meq~H~zRments, nothing could really be constructed om it and the City and
Board could restrict it to 'just landscaping, etc. He stated that he felt
this would be a good idea, s~nce there ~muld undoubtedly be more hcmes
built in this area in the future.
M~. Mills stated that he did not feel this request was at all unreasonable,
P5~. Wehrell asked the nun~er of acres involved. ~
M~. [-~ills stated that 56 acres in total were involved. '
~. Coke submitted to the Boaz~ a small plat shying the subject pareel in
relation to the surrounding areas, including the new industrial project now
unde~ construction (Reeves and P~ddock), also lo~ated .on Congress. ~
Brief discussion followed. ~
Chairman called for objecticms or ccmm~nts from the audience. None were
submitted. Called for motion.
Zoning Board
April 1, 1970
D~. Manthey made motion that the rezoning be gr~nted on the condition that
the North 50 feet of the parcel be restcicted to planting. B~ief discussion
followed. ~. Coke again offered his suggestion that this a~ea be deleted
from the ~ezcning and left a~ its presen% z~%~g. At.its pr?sent ~ .
it would not meet req~ts fc~ anything and the City could then ~ain'
the restrictions on it for landscaping~ e~c.
D~. Manthey rephrased his motion that the Parcel be granted rezoning deleting
the North 50 feet from the rezoning and leaving it R-1AA. Seconded. by
l~. Blaekete~. Unanimously carried.
Discussion followed amom~g the Board _Members regar~ ~dati~ns to
the City Council which would give the Zoning Board guide lines to go by,
Col. ~bd~rell had proposed the follotd, ng:
(1) An 18 month interval between rezoning applications on
one Parcel after turned down.
A new Zone be granted from High Rise Apartnmnts, other
than tbm C-2 Ordinance now used, ~th safeEuards for
density, parking area,heighth, setbacks, traffic entrances,
landscaping, etc.
If zoning change granted, it be conditional to construction
being started 18 months (more o~ less) after rezoning
gr~nted, and if not that the Paz~el reve~t back to i~s
(~) Further to the recent service station ordinance stating
that car wash racks with gasoline pumps be included under
the 1,000 foot distance ordinance.
Brief discussion followed regarding the City's new ~%Ster Plan.
Dr. Manthey made motion that Mr. Wehrell's suggestions be submitted to the
City Council in the form of a letter. Seconded by M~. 'Skeels. 5 in favon~
1 opposed. Motion carried. _
Dr. Manthey made mo~ion meeting be adjourned. Seconded by },~. Skeels.
Unanimously carried. Meeting was adjourned by Chairman 9:00 P.M.
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