Minutes 02-03-70tv~'NIFfES OF ~F2 PLAN!'.~G BOARD MEEI'ING }~LD ~, FEB]RUARY 3, 1970, 7:30 P.M., CITY ][{ALL, BO~ BF.A~, FLORIDA. PRESENT Cylde Worretl Jay Sarno Rudolph Stanley Robert Olds John Howell William Pku~maduke Jack ABSENT Ray- Allen Meeting was called to ordeP at 7:30 P.M. by the ~.cting Chairman, Clyde WoI%~ll. Acting Cha{r~an introdueed the Board to the audience and explained that since the Acting Temponar~ Chairman, }~. Sarno, was in- volved in one of the parcels, }%P. %,br~ell would be Hcting as Chairman for ~le evening. }~. Sarno made motion to pass ~inutes to the meetings of December 8, 1969, December 15, 1969, and Januar~ 13, 1970. Motion seconded by }~. Olds. Motion unanimously carried. OLD Bb~INE$S VANGUARD DEVELDP~r, This was a parnel ~ich had been tabled sometime ago. }7~. Sarno made ~tion to take this pamcel off the table; seconded by }~. Olds. }btion carried. Chairman called fora a ~epresentative of Vanguard Develotmmnt. None present at that time. Mr. W~ll stated that he did not feel it would be fai~ to considem ~he paro~l without a representative for Vanguard Development being present. He suggested that ~he meeiing move on to '~New Business:~ until s°meC~e representing Vanguard ax~ived. 5~4 BUS/}~SS Parcel 1: The East half of Lot 12, Subdivision of Sec. 3~ To~-~ship ~5 South, Range ~3 East, Less the South 175 feet thereof, Palm Beach County. Address: Comer S.W. ~d St. g ~olf Road Request: R-1AA to R-3A Use. Fou~ unit - one-story condominiums Applicant High' Point Builders, Inc. F~. Stanley Tare, President of High Point Builders, Inc., car~ forward and stated to the interest of the Board tha~ the piece of proper~y under ccmsideration was to be continuous To The southerly line of the Sections of High Point alrea~ cons t~cted. He further stated Tha~ ~here would be -I- ~Z~nutes Planning Board February 3, 1970 no entrances or exits onto Golf Road from ~he pr~per~y, and ~hat all buildings would face to ~he North (~his to take ~he ~affic off of Golf Road. ) }~ also explained that the %Tpe of buildings and setbacks would be the same as those of the presently constructed ~!igh Point. The density of the proper~y was stated as the same as the other sections of High Point alr~ady developed (7 ap~ts p~ acre). MP. Howell and Mr. Stanley ~equested the present zc~ng of the pieces of property to the East and to the %%st of the parcel. M~. Bar~ett stated that it was zoned R-1AA. Questic~s f~o_~ the audience wer~ called fo~. None brought forward. ~. Ca~ltc~, Engineer for ~i~% Point, came forward to explain that The proposed development would be constructed inside a number of buffe~ areas, in order to avoid a traffic hazard. Chm{r~an called for opposition to the applicatien. 5;one was stated that no letters of opposition had been sub~.~itted. ~. Stanley made ~otion that the request be allc~d. Seceded by Olds. Cbm{~man oalled for any furthe~ discussion of the request, D~. }.)~they came forward to state his opposition to the request~ he stated that he felt this area is primarily ~esidential propez~y and that it should be rez~ned for apartments. 1..~otion carTied: U in favor, opposed by MP. William Narmaduke. OLD BUS~'~SS: VANGUARD ~PM~C, INC. ~. %~ite came forward ,- representing V~~ ~lo~t. He stated ~o ~e ~ ~d ~o ~e au~ ~a~ ~ had ~t ~d ~e ~ ~si~ of ~e s~~g ~ ~ op~ition ~o ~e z~g. }~ e~la~ned ~d des~d fora ~e a~~ ~d ~e ~ ~ ~sted ~n~g of ~e P~el, ~ %~11 ~ ~e ~n~ of ~e p~~ ~ ~e ~ ~d ~e p~ed ~l~t. ' ~. b~d~e ~ked l~. ~e' ~ ~e ~is of ~ of ~e ~velo~t ~d~ ~ ~need omon f~ ~, f~t se~d. ~. ~i~e ~p~ed ~at ~ ~d ~ ~l~d. ~. S~ ~ked if V~~ w~ ~ ~o s~ ~~cti~ of ~e p~~, ~ ~ ~ey ~ pl~g to ~1~ ~e p~~ ~ lay f~ s~ ~. %'~ite s~d ~s~i~ %~d ~ st~ed ~ s~ ~ poss~le. ~. Wo~ll ~q~sted ~t I,~. !,~ite sh~ a ~u~ plm to ~e ~. ~. ~ite s~ed ~e pl~ ~ ~ ~, ~d ~l~ned l~on of p~g, ~~s, l~eep~g, si~, ~,~ ~l~gs (offi~, ~~, etc. ). "" -2- riinutes Feb~,~?y 3, 1970 ~. Olds asked if there were any through streets in the project. ~-~. White stated no. Mr. Wor~ell asked about reverter clauses. ~. ~%ite stated that he had checked on this matter ~,~t2~ the City and l~here were no reverter clauses and no utilities running through the properS. Tie further stated that he had ocmsulted with the City and has based evez~ strictly on City requirements. Mr. Worrell called for questions from the Board. None were stated this time. Chairman called for opposition to the Parcel. Cecil Jc~es, '608 N. E. 2nd Street came forwar~ and stated that he was against the zoning change because the increase of the density in the area and the problem which would arise regarding the streets (6th Ave. ). He came forward and shc~ed to ~e Board traffic problems regarding the streets. l~. White replied that the entmanee onto 6th and onto 9rd were flexible and co%uld be re-ar~d, with both entrenoes c~lto ~d ST., etc. At ~his time, the Board was reminded of a petition (72 signatures) which had been submitted at an earlie~ meeting in opposition to this parcel. ~r objections were heard from the audienoe. Mr. 9~zite stated that planned for the p.rpject (1-S.bedrooms, which ~ould be cut down, depending upc~ City and building requirements. ) Density of the 'proper~y area was discussed. ~. Wor~ell read minutes of the meeting of December 1, 1969 and Decembe~ 15, 1969- regamling the petition against the zc~. He then called for fur*~p quesiions or discussicm. ~estion from the audience was asked regarding the heighth of the build- ings. Mr. White stated that they would hot.be over~25' Ft..' in heigh~ a City requirement. Mr. Prye, mamber of the new proposed Zoning Board, asked the numbe~ of signatures on the petition and hc~ many were of residents of the immediate area of the proposed project. It was stated that there ~re 7~ sig- natures (oor~ection of 7~ previously stated) smd all were residents in the area to the proposed project. Questicm was raised from the audience as TO whether Vanguard could be made to build what they had submitted on the site plan. Mr. Worrell explained that at the present time, the Board did n°t have the autho~-ity to say ~hat was TO be put on l~e proper%y, afte~ the re- zoning was granted. ' -S- Minutes Fabruary 3, 1970 Chairman then called?or motion ~ranting or denying the request. Mr. Marmadoke asked if the Board was to be concerned ~rith only the zc~ing of ~]~e parcel. ~M. Worrell stated the Board's only alternatives ~re. to accept the request, reject it, or table it for fu~e~ information. M~. h~maduke asked if the public would still have the same privileges after the Board voted to accept or reject the request; would they be allowed ~o voice their objections when it went to the City Council for consideration. Mr. Worrell stated yes. M~. Sarno inter~eeted that in association with the workshop meeting wi~f~ M~. Dake, they, (the Planning g Zoning Board) ~e not ~o be concerned with what was put cn the property, and that as the present City Plan reads nc~4 applicants ~re not even required to submit a site plan to obtain rezoning. He stated further, however, that the proposed new Ymster Plan for the City had incorporated an ordinance to protect the citizens of Boynt~n regarding site planning. 1,~5p. Sarno offered that during a previous meeting~ a similar case had arose~ and under }~. ~Moore's interpretation, it was prefectly legal that the site plan be signed and approved in the minutes to protect the citizens of Boynton Beach. M~. Howell asked if }~. %~ite ~ould be satisfied if the Board passed the zoning conditional upon the development of the site plan and meeting the requiremauts of F.~...A. with a time limit set. M~. %hire replied that a time element would probably be objectionable to Vanguard. Mr. Wo~rell called for motion. Mr. Sarno made motion that the parcel rezoning be g~auted, subject to Vanguard Corporation initialing the p~int, plus or minus changes and confir~ that they are going to use F.~.A. 238 Type Development that does have in escrow, a fund for management and that they meet with all requirements of the City of Boynton Beach and the F.H.A. and have the preliminary plans initialed by ~. White for l~g units. Motion seoonded by Mr. Olds-. }~. Olds stated he felt it w~s a crime fora something to lay on the table fop as long. as this parcel had. Mr. Mmrmaduke asked what the next decision was, if this was approved. Mr. Worrell stated that it was up to the City Council to approve, deny or modify the rezoning. He fu~em stated That the City Council could modify the density. Mr. }~wnaduke asked if the public could still go to the Council and make a plea agm~ust the rezoning. It was stated that they could Board was reminded of the motion on the floom. Motion carried. ~ in favom, Mr. Stanley abste_~ned, Mr, Marmaduke opposed. Request fora rezoning grented. - ~ - Minutes F~ruary ~ 1970 2: A part of the North 205 feet of the South 370 feet of Govemmnt Lot 3, Section 22, Township 45 South, Range ~3 East, more particularly described as follows: Conmmneing at the Northwest Comer of the North 205 Ft.. of the South 370 feet of said Government Lot 3; thence run easterly along the North line of said portion of Govt. Lot 3, a distance of 425.57 feet; thence in a Southerly direc~cion at right angles to the preceding course a distance of 128.0 feet' to the point of be- ginning of the following described property; thence continue in a southerly direction along the preceding course a distance of 77.0 feet more or less to a point in the North line of Lake Addition, as recorded in Plat Book ll, Page 71, 2Palm Beach County, Florida public records½ thence in a westerly direction along said North line of Lake Addition a distance of 208.6 ft. more or less to a point in the east right of way line of U.S. Highway No. l, said point being iu a curve concave to the Northwest; thence in a northerly direction along said curve, said curve having a centrel angle of 1006'-45'' and a radius of 291~.93 feet, a distance of 56.60 feet to a point of taugent; thence continue in a northerly ection along said tangent a distance of 20.7~ feet; thence in an easterly direction and parallel to said North line of South 370. feet a distance of 201.30 feet more or less to the point of beginning; less West 108.41 ft. Request: R- 3 to C-1 Use: To build on to an existing cc~ne~al building Address: lll4 North Federal Highway Applicant: Gwendolyn Maloney Representation in favor of the parcel called for by the Chairman. Mrs. Maloney came forward and explained the location of the property aud her plans. Mr. Same asked, due to the fact that this had been turned down previously by the Beard and the Council, if this was a reapplication. Mrs. Maloney stated this was a reapplieation. Mm. Sarno stated on behalf of Mrs. Maloney that she had not known before that she was required to appea~ both before the Planning g Zoning Board meeting and the Council hea~ing. Chairman called for opposition to the rezoning reque~to None was stated. Mrs. Maloney sta~ed that she owned ~e Motel next to ~he area ~d for rezoning, ~ is Zoned R-~. -5- l-k,. Bar,~l-~c explained to the Board that The fire rating was:involved in buildings in eer~cain dist~noes from each oth_e~ and that he would h~ve . '~ rese~ on 'this ma'~e~,. Chairman requested that this be tabled due to the fact that a split zoning was involved and ~uld' involve a spot zoning. ~,~. Sarno made moti°n that M~s. ~'kloney's application be tabled ~iith reconmendation to the Council that it be referred back to the Board of Adjustment. Reason being that when she purchased the proper~y, she had - no knowledge ,that it was not to be used as a eom~z~ial endeavor. seconded by ~. }bammduke. Chainm3n called fora discussion on questions on this.: matter. None stated. ~.~tion unanimously carried. P~i $: A paz~el of land in Seeticm 29~-T~.~ship gSSouth, Range ._ ~gEast, beginning at the intersection formed by the F~st ~i,~ht-of~ay line of Ccngress Avenue and the South might of-way ]Jne of State Road S80~, run thence (1) North 87o ~ 5~'06" East, 200.~9 Ft. along the South might of way line of State Road S80~ to a po~t in said might of way line ~' ~ ~. ~:..... run thence (2) South 0o57'06. East 200 ft, to a point; run .......... ,. thence (3) South 87o5q'06,~ West 200,~9 ft, to a point.in the East ~ight of way line of Con&~ess Avenue~ zun thenoe~ (~) Noz~th 0°57, '29" West 200 ft, alon~ said East z~ight of-way line of Congress Avenue to.the point and place of beginning~ '"' )7 ~':.' less the external area formed by a 25 ft, z~dius eu~ve-!yin~ between tangents~ at the Nozthwest Come~ of the above 'des- c~bed premises ~ Pa/m Beach County~ Florida. Address: S,E,Corne~ of ConE~ess Ave, 8 State Road 80~;- Request: To allc~ Conditional Use fo~ Sez~ce Station-c_l Zone Applicant: Sun Oil Co, any Floyd Wor~hin ca~ fOrward representing sun Oil ~y, ~: ~bmll asked if z~, Woz~hm.was aware of .the City setbacks, etc,~ of the City ordinances, M~; Wo~thin stated that they (Sun Oil Company) had already e°nfo'rmed to the City's req, t~_~ments, : .... Chairman asked if the new ~ber~ of the Board were familia~ wi~_~h the' n~ zoning ordinances fo~ service stations, .- :. F~. Bar~etr b~iefly went ove~ the ordinances fo~ the Boaz~, and explained that the paz~al mat with all the city req~s. ~. Stanley asked if this had been issued a ~t at an ea~lie~ date,' It was stated that it had not been. P~. ~ submitted a picture of a proposed filling station, showing landscape, location of pumps, etc, Feb:ruar~ 3, 1970 Oppositic~ was called for. None was stated. Fr, Bar~e~ requested tha~ voting be post/poned for a f~ ~es ~il ~. i~~e s~ated ~at he s~ ~-1/3 ~s ~e f~e ~q~d~ ~ ~ f~ ~s ~d ~ ~e of o~ ~ s~a~io~. ~~ ~led fora ~i~, ~. F~~e ~e ~i~ fo~ ~v~; ~~d by ~, s~o. ~~ly ~ed. ~. ~ts 55~56~57,58~59~60 g 61~ ~ive~ ~ide a~~g ~o ~e plat ~of ~ed ~ Plat ~k 8~ : ~' : P~ 57~ ~ ~e Offi~ of ~ ~e~ of ~ C~ ~ ~ ~d fora P~ Bea~ CD~: ~o~ ~ss ~e West 6~. ~9 feet of~ ~en ~as~d ~ ~e Sou~ l~e of ~s 58 ~ 61~ ~- ~~d ~ Plat ~k 8~ at P~e 57: p~lic ~~ of P~ ' i ~o 61, ~ ~, whi~ lie ~ 50 fee~ Westerly of ~d ~ ~ ;~, ~ ~ feet E~terly of ~e ~e~e of S~ey acco~ ~o ~e ~t of way ~ of ~ction 9~010-2501, S~ate R~d S, ~?~ ~ filed ~ ~e Offi~ of ~e Cle~ of ~e C~t C~, ~,,~" ~. P~ ~a~ ~~ Fl~da; ~d less ~at ~ of ~d ~ ~8 ~ of ~eside ~s ~i~ is ~cluded ~ ~%e e~e~ ~a s~d ~ ~8 ~d ~g~ to a ~e ~3el ~o ~d 6~.~9 f~ E~terly of~ wh~ ~~d ~ong ~e So~ l~e of Ad, ss: 262~ N. Fe~ ~ay Reques~ To ~1~; C~~ ~e. for ~ler ~es C-1 ~. Appear: ~Ds Hu~ ~. Hu~ ~ f~;~ ~o s~a~e ~s p~e ~d plus f~ ~ offi~ w~ ~ ~ Ci~ ~. ~~ sta~ed ~a~'it w~ ~ ~l~d ~ a C-1 Z~e. He ~ ~ Ci~ ~~ 6~-1~; .. It w~ s~d ~ it had ~ ~ ~ a n~ ~d ~e ~~ ~ w~ W~te' s Bi~ F~. Mm. H~e~ ~ed ~ ~er ~ wa~em fa~~s ~ ~fe~ ~ a ~~ offi~ ~ ~e p~f. t~inutes Planning Board Feb~_~m~y 3, 1970 ~. Bs~ett stated No s~.~r was availsble to t~e M~, ~Y water. He ~d ~ ?'~. Hu~ ~d ~ to ~e appli~ for a septic t~ ~m ~e P~ ~~nt. Fro. ~on ~s~d ~at no ide~ ~ ~ ~t~ed f~ ~Y ~- s~ion of offi~s ~ b~l~s. P~. St~ey ~ked if ~e ~ we~ ~ted ~d Mr. Hu~ ~d ~ply for a septic t~, ~ ~e~ ~ ~Y ~~ ~at ~e ~ He~ ~~t ~o~d ~it a septic t~. It w~ sta~d ~at ~ ~ ~ O~i~ w~ c~led fora. ~!one w~ s~a~ed. ~. H~elI ~e ~ ~o ~t ~q~st of ~ti~ Use, su~ ~n- ~ti~ ~e w~ not ~fe~le ~d wo~d o~y ~ply to ~. Hudson's o~~. ~ded by ~. S~o. ~~~ly ~ied. P~l S: ~e No~t Co, em of U.S. Hi~way ~l ~d S.E.15th A~. ha~g 175' of f~nt~ ~ U.S. ~l ~es~d ~ ~e ~te~ section of ~e e~tePly right of way l~e of U.S.~/1 ~d ~e No~erly~ e~st~ r~t of w~ l~e of ~ 1S~ Ave., ~o~ the E~t~ly ri~t of way l~e of U.S.~'Jl ~ a M~erly ~~ to a ~t ~ ~e e~t~ly ri~t' of way ~e of U.S. ~l, ~ E~terly ~o~ a l~e a ~st~ of l?S' to a ~t, ~ Sou~erly ~ong a 1Lue a ~st~ of to a ~t ~ ~e N~emly e~st~g ~t of way ~e of ~ 1S~ Ave., ~ce Westemly ~ong ~e No~ly e~s~ug ~ht of way ~e of ~ 1S~ AVe. a dist~ of l?S feet ba~ to ~e ~ of ~~g~ Address: Request Applicant 1520 So. Federal }MU To all~,z conditional use for service station C-1Zone Shell Oil Co. M~. Robert Lumus, representing Shell Oil Company came fo~,Tard to state that the plot plan was submitted' ~th th~ o~iginal'applieation. He stated, as a matter of interest to the Board, ~hmt %here is approximately 8.8% under landscape, including a large Banyan tree which was to be left. Mr. Barrett stated that he had looked at the plans and some minor structural changes were to be made, but that they were very minoPo Opposition to t~e parcel called fora. I'~. F~ye stated that she felt the location of the station in reference tO the bridge could be dangerous.. Mr. ~brrell stated that ~e Board could only base thei~ decision on %~at they believed the State would allc~v. -8- ~7 1970 Chairman called for n~)tion. Fir. Sarno made m~tion, Pk. Olds seconded. Motion unanimously c~_~ied Paroel. 6: A certain pa~l of land lying in Tract A and B., Block 1 and 2, Palm Beach Farms Company, Plat 8, less right of way for Congress Avenue ~nd Boynton Road and less right of way of L.W.D.D. ~Canal number 24, Section 30, being mo~e particularly described as follows; Star~ at the point of inter~ection of the West right of way of Congress Avenue and North right of. way of Boynton Road (S.R. 804) r~ 2f~ feet West along said North right of way to a point; thence turn North and r~g 164 feet to a point on the South right of way of L.W.D.D. Canal 243 thence turn and run 200 feet East alc~g ss~d canal right of way To a point, on the West right of way of Congress Avenue; thence lnJrn and r~n South 164 feet along said West right of way to the Point of beginning. Address: Request: Applicant; 301 North Congress Avenue M-1 Industrial to allow conditional use for gasoline service station Standard Oil Cor~any M~. Lumus cams forward once again representing Stendard Oil and stated he had submitted a lay-out and a revised lay-out, reason being the old .lay,out had been submitted prior to the City ordinance chenge for service stations. He then explained the structur~ to the Board and the audience, ~. Barrett stated that the proposed proper%7 meets with all requirements, set~aCks, etc. Mm. Sarno asked if ~he specifications were met by this ~. Mm. ~l-t confirmed that they were. Mm. $arno then asked how long after Council's decision would construction be started. Mr. Lumus stated within 6 months. Mr. Barrett offered that the application was al~e~ in and the permits had already been applied for, and that construction would have. to start within 90 days. Chairman called for motion. Motion was made by Mr. Howell; seconded by Fr. Stanley. Unanimously carried. Parcel 7: Ordinance 70-1 attached. Intent of Annexation - A peroal of land to~uted in Secticn 5, Township 46 South, P~nnge 43 E~t, P~lm Beach County, Florida. (Part description) (Dynamics Corp. ) Mm. Wormell offered infc~mmtion regeaxling this matter, not concern the Plar~ing Boamd. -- 9 ~-qinutes Planning B~rd February 3, 1970 F~. Olds n~de motion ~hat the Board formally approve this ordin~noe, speei~.~e~31y stated by the. Planning. Bc~d. l'~. H~ell seconded. Motion unanimously carried. Parcel 8: Ordinance 70-2 (fc~ Tempcr%~y Ch~J!man's Use} Establishing Independent Zoning Ccm~ssion This effective February 19, 1970. It was suggested this be pc~tpcmed until ~. Allen was present. Motion made by I'~. Sazrio to adjourn nmeting. Seconded by I~. Olds. ~. Wo~rell ree(~sr~ed ~hat a ~ of the Board be elected at the nex~ meeting. adjourned at 9:55 P.M. lyde ~xm'eli, Acting Ch~~ -1O-