Minutes 01-19-70Pff[,qJTES OF ~,~OPq<S~iOP .~'-'.~ETI~C OF PL~4,5'[IN¢ BOARD }TLD .wOL;qSaff, J;~[UARY 19~ 1970~ AT 7:00 P.~.~ CI~.~f ~iL, .60Y~ON BEACE~ FLORIDA. PP,.ES.~.,~T James Sarno Clyde Rober~ Olds Rudolph Sta~ley Ray Allen William. ~armaduke ~eting opened at 7:00 P.M. and ~'f~. Sarno was elected Tempo~ Chairman. Vanguard application for rezoning was discussed by me~ber~ present. ~'M. Clyde Wor~ell made the ~otion that ~is be tabled, as there were only fou~ members present and two of them were new and not familia~ ~,~ith This request. ~-~tion seconded by ~{P. Rudolph Stanley and ca_~ied by all. This information was then transmitted to the City Clerk~ fora Council, before 8:00 P.I,f. All other items on the agenda were discussed and ~,zill be discussed further at another meeting. F~etiug adjourned at 9:00 P.M.