Minutes 11-17-69 T3 MI2,~lri~S OF SPECIAL PL~LYING g ZON~,?G BO^RD I~IG 5TI~.D MOk~7~.Y, NOVE~'~3.E,R 17~ 1969, AT 7:00 P.N., C!2"~ ~gLL, BO~,tTON CEAC~-4 F/-DPd~DA. PP, ESEI'~ Stanley %Tearer, Chairman Na}~ard We~tz James Sarno Leon Cloutier Clyde Worrell Ray Allen James Nac~lpine Stuart Fuller, Building Official Chairman called meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. Board Continued discussion of Zoning Ordinance, taking pages item by item end listing questions for clarification, changes, etc.' At 7:25 P.M., ~. Rossi and I~. Echa~te, for Caldos, came in and re- quested To explain thei~ revised plans fo~ the ne~t ~egula~ meeT/ng. ~._ ~.!~ea~ver e~xplaine.d that he had gone over this ~th ~.~. Dake and that uney na~ mac~ oer~aln requests to Caldos in order To improve the layout. These requests have been met in the new.21ayout and a~e shown on the ne%,~ d~,~,ings. Boaz~ discussed these plans and made several suggestions which ~re OK ~-~th Caldos. Board then discussed items scheduled for the ~egula~ meeting next ~i~nday. Con Dev request, nea~ Sky Ran~, ~as discussed and Proposed layout shown to the 5oar~. Ne~z Zoning ~'~D Projects this as high ~esidenTial and shows no Proposed high density. Boar~ held discussion on this both pro and con To familiarize themselves with the Proposal. Board then read Mrs. Maloney,s request and, as there was no plot oP ~ing attached, decided To request M~s. Maloney furnish the Poa~d with a supvey of this properS, sho~ng building location and use before any further consideration is given. The Board then continued with the revie~ of the Proposed Ordinance. Also, brought up the question of gaz13~e a~ts. ~here, hca4 etc.? M~. Weaver called for a meeting This %Tednesday night at 7 P.M. ~eaver, Cloutier, Sarno, Wer~z could coma. ~. Wor~ell couldn't. ~v~. Allen was questionable. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.