Minutes 09-29-69SEFrEPBER 29, 1969, AT 7:30 P.~?., CI~ IiALL, .BO ~TON BEACH, FLORIDA. PRESENT Stanley Weaver, Chairman Leon Cloutier Jay Serno James I~cAlpine Ray Allen Clyde Worrell P~ynard %lertz Stuart Fuller, Building Offieia! Meeting was called to order at 7: 28 P.M. by Chairmen, 1,~. Stanley Weaver. pM. Weaver called for a notion to approve minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Sarmo made the notion to approve the minutes. Seconded by MscAlpine. Unanimously carried. OLD BUS.tESS ~. Wea~r read' several letter~ to the Board and. the audi~; one in reference to the filling station ordinance, a letter from. the Planning and Zoning~ Board of Palm Beach County, concerning ~bile Home Parks and a letter ~ith it announcing a public hearing .regarding mobile ho~es, to be held at City Commission meeting room. in West Pa~ Beach, September ~0, 1989, 7:~0 P.M. A letter from Walter Dutch Realty, offering two tracts of property on the ocean front for sale to the City (Boynton Bead%) giving location of both tracts am~ prices, was also read. P~. !,~aver asked for any discussion of Old Business. None was offered. NEW BUSINESS Parcel 1: Lots 27 g 28, Boyntonborough Subdivision as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in Plat Book 25, Page 174: Palm Request: Address: R-! to R-~ 1606 N. E. 2nd Court Four Seasons Development Corp. Fr. Ralph Weimmer, Engineer and Planner for Four Seasons, came fo~4ard in representation of the property and of Four Seasons. Questic~s were called for from the Board. ~nutes Planning g Zoning Board Septe~0ber 29 ~ 1969 P~. Weimmsr submit-ted plats for the P,~ard~s observation and ~lained the location and position of the proparty ~ed by Four §easons in reference to the nearby prop~. ~e also s~howed location of the proposed construction on the lots requesting rezoning. ~. Weaver asked for any questions from the Board. It was clarified that the structure was to be a single story, g-unit building to be situated on the two lots. It was stated also that the property~ lying to the south side of the propert7 (Rolling Green Ridge) is zoned R~I. M~. Weimmer explained the location of the two lots in corm_ection ~ith the nearby streets. Brief discussion was held regarding M. E. 2nd Court in reference to the neigkboring lots (individually ~ed). Questions or objections were called for fro~_ the audience. Two (unintroduced) members from the audience came fo~ard, and M~. Sarno explained to them the plat, along %~ith the rezoning request and the street locations of the subject proper~y. Once again, l~m. l~aver called for further questions regarding this piece of property. li~. Sarno asked if, in reference to N. E. 2nd Cou~t, a street was abandoned by the City, if a developer should share the bu~en of the expense of this action. .~. t~eave~ stated tb~t the street was not being abandoned as yet. Mm. Weinmem~ at this time, stated ~]at his clients (Fou~ Seasons) had not requested abandonment of the street. Mm. Weaver further stated that the street could be abandoned by the City and put back on the tax rolls, as it is of no forseeable use. Motion was called fora or against gr~ntip~g of the request, ~nd for recommendation concerning the street iD_ question (N. E. 2nd Court). M~. Cloutier made motion that rezoning request be gr~nnted. M~. MacAlpine seconded. Pbtion unanimously carried. PM. Weaver then called for a reconm~ndation for N. E. 2nd Court. M~. C1Outier r~commended that the street be ab~ndoned~ ~-~. Sarno offered that the adjacent properi-y ~ne? should be notified of this matter° ~. Weaver ~en stated that he would ~ite a letter accordingly in reference to the street abandonment. Minutes Planning g Zoning Board September 29~ 1969 Parcel 2: A parcel Township Florida, of land in the northwest 1/4 Section 32, 45South, Range 48East, Palm Beach County being more particularly described as fo]lows: From the Northwest corner of Section 32, Tc~ship 45 South P~nge 43 East, run South !°02'40-East (for convenience, the West line of said Section 32 is assumed to bear North lO02 '40" West and all bearinfs recited herein are relative thereto) along the West line-of said Section 32 and the centerline of the 100 foot wide Risht of Way of Congress Avenue a distance of 1541.21 feet to a point~ thence parallel to the North ]qne of said Section 32, North 88o00~52,~ East a distance of $0.01 feet to a point on the East ]~ne of the 100 foot ~ide right of way of Congress Avenue, said point being the Southe,~est corner and Point~ of Beginning of the herein described'parcel of land~ thence Nomth l°02'40" West alone the West line of said parcel of !and a distance of 235144 feet to the be- ginning of a curve concave to the Southeast having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 89o03'32,'~ thence Northerly, Northeasterly and Easterly along the arc of said curve, a distance of 38.88 feet to the end of said eurve~ thence North 88o00'52'' East a distance of 574.84 feet to a point; thence South lO02'40" East a distance of 177.79 feet to the beg~nnim~y of a curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 265 feet; Thence Southerly ~d South~Southeastemly along the arc of said curve a distmnce of 83.40 feet (which subtends a central angle of 18o01'55") to a point of intersection of said curve with a line parallel to and 1541.00 feet Southerly from, when measured at right angles to, t~he North line of said Section 32; thence along said parallel line South 88o00'52,, West a distance of 612.25 feet to the South~st corner and Point of Beginning: Containing 3.5818 Acres of land, more or less, and being subject to an Easement fora Paving, .Drainage and Utilities over the Easterly 15 feet thereof and further subject to any and all Easen~nts and/or rights of way of record. Request: R-LAA ~th Special Exceptions to R-2 PARCEL TO BE USED FOR: Nursing smd Convalescent Home lOCATION; Lying mi~zay be~veen S.U. !5th Avenue and S. W. 23rd _Avenue joining Cop4ress A~nue. APPLICANT: Caldos Adult Cor,~mity, Inc. (Palm, Beach Leisureville) Present for Caldos: Nr. Dick ~rmison, Attorney, Mr. Ricardo Rossi~ Engiueer, P~. Jorge Eeharte ~. Weaver pointed out the location of the proposed numsing home. Mdnutes Planning g Zoning Board September 29~ 1969 P~. Dick l~brmison, Attorney, came forward representing Caldos in this matter. He stated in favor of the request that the location of the nursing home is sufficiently far enough away from both the proposed filling station and the proposed church. He stated further that the site of the home is in a location requiring its use, as well as being close'to-.~a hospital. .F~'.~ Mo~rison then offered to..answer any questions. Mm. Cloutier questioned the distance of the home in relation to S. W. lSth Avenue and S. W. 23rd Avenue.' Mm. Mormison explained that the center of the property WOuld be midway between S. W. 15th Avenue and S. W. 23rd Avenue. Mm. Cloutier asked the number of rooms to be in the home. Mr. Eeharte stated that there would be close to 100 rooms and also Gnat the home would be controlled by the State Board!of Hea!th. It was stated that the present location for the nursing home was once zoned for single family dwellings. Mr. Mormison offered that the reason the location of the home was changed ~as it had been previously too close to the proposed site of the filling station. ~. Sarno stated that iw would intensify the traffic in this area. Mm. Norrison explained that the relocation of the home r~uld actually segregate the traffic going to and from_, the nursing home from the shopping center traffic. It was also stated, at this time~ that the street on the east side of the nursing home would not be widened. ~{m. Weave~ called for questions from the audience. None were asked. Mr. Weaver then ca/led for a motion for or against request for rezoning. Mr. MacAlpine made motion to approve the rezoning. ~. Ctoutier seconded. Mm. Weaver offered that he thought it ~se to move the location of the nursing home a~ay from the shopping center, ~nd it had be=~n a good idea to do so. Mr. Sarno %hen asked (before vote) if the Board had been notified earlier of a proposed nursing home in Leisureville. t{e stated that he had not heard of it before the present time and that it had not been brought up at any wor~shop sessions, to his ~owledge. I~. Weaver stated that this was not the first time it was stated to the Board, but it was the first tLme it had been subject to discussion by %he Board and it had been deleted from some previous meetings. Meeting Planning g Zcning Boar~ September 29, ¥~. Sarno asked if it was i~e~ative that the recu~st be ~ted for the nupsing ho~ right ~hen, without further stu~ by the Board. Mm. Weaver asked if there was any reason for delay. M~..~'br~ison stated that it was more a matter of plarming than anything else, and if it was not decided on, it would leave the planning "up in the ai~". He r~quested that, if there was no particular reason for delay, the rezonJ~ng be acted upcm at this time. Mm. Weaver called for vote (ruction standing). The request was g~anted. 3 in favor, one abstained. Parcel 3: (a) Lots 18 th~u 22, Block 7, L=tke Addition Sub- division, as ~ecor~ed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Cou~t, in Plat Book L1, Page 71 Palm Beach County records. To allow construction of Rental Ap~nts. Request: R-IA to Address: 71~ to 80S N. E. 7th St. O~ner: A~nold Stroshein (b) lots 23, 2~ g 25, Block 7, Lake Addition Subdivision, as recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Cou~t, in Plat Book 11, Page 71, Palm_ Beach County records. To allow construction of Rental A~ts Request: R-2 to Address: 702-to 712 N. E. 7th St. Owner: Arnold Stroshein Fb~o Stroshein came fo~4ard to state his name, representing the subject property; and that this was a continuous paro~l. He then submitted his explanation of the request for rezoning of this propertT. Mm. Weave~ at this tin~ stated that as an adjacent property he did not feel he should offer his opinion in favor or again~ the zoning. Mm. Stroshein then pointed out to l~he Board his property in reference to surrounding property lines. It was stated that all the lots are the sams zoning. P~. Stroshein stated he was building his own roads for access to the property, and he intended to maints/n them as his o~~ private roads~ M~. MacAlpine asked if any traffic problem was evident. Mr. Stroshein offered that there was none evident. ~!e then explained his parking plans for the apartments. ?~knutes Planning g Zoning Board September 29, 1969 Mm. Weaver pointed out to the Board that N. E. 7th Street runs thro~ V~. Stroshein's property ~ but goes no further. He felt this should be brought to the City's attention. Brief discussion followed. Mr. Weaver asked if the buildings would be the same as the ones already built. Mr. Stroshein stated they %~zld be the same. Mr. Weaver called for questions or objections from the audience. None were submitted. Mr. Weaver then read ~o letters from owners in the area. One stated they were iD. favor of the construction. The other said they woUld go along with the majority ruling. Motion was made by }~. Sarno that request be granted. Seconded by Mr. MacAlpine. Motion unanimously ca~ried. Discussion was then turned to the proposed rezoning of the City. It was agreed that the Planning g Zoning Board needed to set up workshqp sessions weekly to study the proposed changes before they could be submitted to the City Council. ~.~. Weaver requested possible days the Board could meet. Those present indicated Wednesday as a suitable day. Yin. Weaver said he would check ~th the members absent for [,Yednesday meetings. Feeting adjourned 8:50 P.M. STanley Wea~ Chairman -6-