JULY 14, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M., CITY H~L]',, BOYNT~ BEACH~ FLORIDA.
Stanley Weaver, Chai~an
James Sarmo
Ray Allen
James MacAlplne
Clyde Worrell
P~ynard Wertz
Lecm Cloutier
Stuart Fuller, Building OFFI~
Meeting called at 7:30 P.M.: I,.~. Weaver presid/ng.
For memoranda entered into record:
1. Concerning ,w~. Dake as City Pla~mer.
2. Concerning zoning of Lotto property to C-l, rather than R-3
as reconnmnded.
3. Cover letter for transmittal of suggested service station
4. Concerning City's need for more ocean front property for
public beadu.
~. Tomberg came fo~,~ard before Board to argue in favor of request for
zoning to cover high=~rise development in Sout~east section of City. He
urged speed in passage of zoning so c~nstruction could begin.
Board expressed interest in project and Lndicated favorable inclination
toward zoning request, but pointed out that information was needed
concerning the following:
1. City Engineer to advise on water supply and s~er availability.
Is City prepared to provide same?
2. Tr~nffic safety plans. Control of ingress and egress to U. S.
No. 1 for so densely populated an area.
How can parking be provided? How m~ny spaces recommended.? w
will this effect landscaping= recreational and public gathering
area~ etc?
4. Do ~:e need a new "hi~.-rise" ordinance? Can this be done in
the manner of Leisureville "Special Unit Developmemt~'?
Plsnning g Zoning Board
July l~, 1@89
Board needs to study and recommend a maxi~mm density of living
units pep acre to be allowed in Boynton _Reach. (The re~uest of
M~. Tomberg's clients approaches a density of 70 units per acre,
which the Board feels is much too dense. )
6. Question of Fire Protection. We would need smsurance of proper
safety in construction.
In event of zoning as C-2 fop high-rises, we need definite plans
as to hc~ much and ~at type of con~ern3al usage would be made
in ccrmection with the total development.
Disposal of Tomberg request. Remained tabled for fur~uher consideration.
Leisureville Section NO5 presented for preliminary study.
1. Section 5, including golf course, is fine, except, for size of
recreation area. Not considered to have adequate parking.
2. Recreation areas for proposed development to South of area N05 are
needed----at least two~. either parks or club houses.
Honorable Mayor ~ City Council
Stanley Weaver, Chairman Plarm_ing & Zoning ~Board
July tl, 1969
As Chairman of the City Planning & Zori%g Board, I have been instructed to call
to your attention, certain facts conceding the zoning request of Mr. John Adams
of Delray Beach.
You will recall, the land in question is on ~.'~a East side of U. S. No. i and the
North side of S. E. lSth Avenue (commonly cajoled the Lotto tract).
The~ ~equested zoning was for C-1. No specific use or pi=~ was presented.
After considerable discussion, at the Zo~ning hearing, of June 30, '1969, Mr.
MacAlpine presiding, Mr. Adams amended bis client's request from C-1 to R-3,
whereupon, the Board voted by a 3 - 2 ~ote, to grant the same, with reservations.
The reservations, and I quote from the official minutes, were "Motion to grant
conditional upon Board having final review of use and plans, before zoning will
be effective", and further stipulated that"Board review be written into ordinance
if approved by City Council':
It is understood by the writer that Mr. Worretl and Mr. Cloutiar voted against
granting the request because there was no definite plan of deve~..o'~r£ent presented
with the request~
The Board, at a work shop meeting, held on July 9, 1969, expres~sed its desire that
their decision be upheld by the City Council and that the conditions be voted and
zoning be based thereon.
SW: ms
t~nley Weaver, ~airman
Planning $ Zoning Board.
City of Boynton Beach
Honorable Mayor g City Council
Stanley Weaver, Chairman, Planning $ Zoning Board
July 11, 1969
Included with Minutes of Special Planning g ZorJng Boated Meeting of J'~iy 9, 1969,
was a proposal for the alteration of the City regulations governing gasoline service
stations. This study was done at the request of yourselves and the Ci~-y Manager.
You will note that the adoption of these regulations will necessitate fine repeal
of Chapter-11 of the City Code, and the amendment of the Zoning Code to include
the suggested changes.
We<~Z~eel that it would be well for the City Attorney to make any changes he deems
proper in the wor~/ng of this proposal.
Stanley Weave~[/Ch '~nman
Planning $ Zd~iing Board
City of Boynton Beach
July 11, 1969
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Stan.%ey Weaver, Chairman Plarmz[ng g Zoning Board
In the course of discussion of the Master Plan, for the future of Boynton Beach,
it has again come to the attention of the Pl~n~g g Zoning Board that there are
a number of things that the City Commission must attempt to foresee the need for,
and to provide for development of, for the fu~are generations of citizens of the
You are, at the present time, in the process of developing sewer disposal: water
supply, road access, housing, and many other important facilities that are
essential to the growth of the area. This is part of your duties, and should be
done in a way to allow future expansio~ to the West, with as little additional
cost as is necessary.
You also have another duty, which is most important ..... probably the most important
of all. This is the preservation of those resources that we already have and
enjoy. To prevent the destruction, or removal from public control, of these
resoumees, is one of the most important duties any public servant can have. %his
bring~ ~ to the point of this letter.
There ~m~ only a few hundred feet of ocean front left in this area, that is still
available to be purchased for public use. These areas are the most i~portant
attractions ~is co~nunity could possibly obtain and preserve for the future.
The Planning g Zoning Board again, urges the City Council to find ways and means
to purchase as much beach property as is possible, to belong, forever, to the
citizens of this area.
We believe that Palm Beach'County, the State of Florida, and that the United
State~ ~$overnment, through the Department of Interior, could be persuaded to
help .... '% this endeavor- .... if only the City approaches them and a~gues the case
stroh2 fy enough.
SW:ms - · - Stanley Weav2~, Chairmmn -
Planning $ ~oning Board
City of Boynton Beach~
July 11, 1969
Grady W. Courtney, City Manager
S~mnley Weaver, Chairman Planning $ Zoning Board
Concerning our discussion Friday, July 11, 1969, about the need for professional
advice for the Planning g Zoning Board, and the progress of the study now going
on, I have the following eonments:
The fact that we have had the Leisureville problems, and several other time con-
suming projects,this year has set the "time-table" back.
We are now in the final phases of the first year's study,
Dake's contract, and should finish in the next few weeks.
weekly schedule of work.
as outlined in Mr.
We have been on a
We will need advice in the fuix~e, and recommend, at least for the next few
months, that Mr. Dake be retained, as previously planned, to finish ~he job
We also feel that Mr. Dake has the best background in the Boynton srea, and
should be considred as the leading choice for a professional planner, when the
City renegotiates a new contract.
We urge that necessary funds be allocated in the up-coming budget to provide
the Board with professional advice.
As discussed, Mr. Dake will serve on a retainer and travel cost basis.
On another subject, does the City have a representative on the County Technical
Co-ordinating Committee? If not, can we get one? This Board feels we need such
SW:ms Stanl?y Wea~., Chairman-
Planning g ~Joning Board
cc: City Council City of Boynton Beach