Minutes 04-28-69MINUTES OF REGLW~,AR PLANNING g ZONING BO;~D MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, BO'~qf0N BEACH, FLORIDA. Stanley WeaveP, Cha~ Le~n Cloutiep James Mae~pine James Sarmo Ma)~ard Wertz Clyde Wor~ell Ray Allen (late) Stuart Fulle~, Building Official _PRESSMT FOR C~i~OS PROPERTIES Jorge Echaz~e Thomas Domando Riebardo Rossi Bill Leonard, Attorney The ~eting was called ~o orde~ by ~he Cha~ at 7:32 P.M. Mo~ion was called fora to approve ~he minutes of The last meeting. M~. We~tz made the motion, M~. Safco Seconded. Unan~ly carried. OLD BUSI~ZSS , -~,,p ,a aourn, Fange g3 East, lying West of westemty ~ight-of-way line Equalizing Canal E-~, less Parcels A, B, C, D, g E, R-IAA with Special Exceptions as provided in Ordinance 68-19, of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, fora the cc~struetion of single-family d~ellings, planned unit developmmnt unde~ the condominium concept. M~. Weavem read additional letters opposing the application made by Caldos ~e new proposed plat submitted by Caldos was put on the Board and described. M~. Weaver sunmm~ized the events of the meeting of April 1~. The flooP was opened for questions from the audience. F~. Bill Leonard, Attorney for Caldos PropePties came forward and advised in reference to the question raised eaPlie~ about Caldos' ownership of the properdry, tha~ sale of the prope~ was closed and tr~D~ferx~d to Caldos Properties, Inc. He submitted the deed, da~ed Febr~ 2~, 1969, for ex- amination by the Board, along with a copy of the deed to be put on record. M~. Leonard discussed the area proposed fo~ Special Exception and advised that it would not lower the properdry value in Golf View Ha~bou~. He then said tha~ Caldos Propez~es would be glad to tr~ to answer any questions from the Board o~ the audience.' M~. Sarno then stated that the double lots along Southeast 28~d Avenue will remm{n R-I~ zoned, and they will have To comply with the zoning z~g,_,~_tions. -1- ~Jnutes Planning $ Zoning Board April 28, 1969 The questic~ was raised from the audiene~ as to ~hat exactly R-i~A zoning I'~. %,~aver expl~ed that R-1AA. ii single-family residence of 1500 square feet per house. He also advised ~hat ~e only zoning changes were i~ the a~as. of _c°mmercial~ develop~nt. _ and the condomJnziums ~ evemything else ......... ,~ry ~s ailowe~ lot planned lmit developn~nt un'er a condominium concept, such as Leisumevil!e. Setbacks are also different. ~-~. David Phi<ay, Attorney representing the residents of Golf View PIRRBOUR came forward. He stated that his clients still feel that ~eir requests, as stated at the previous meeting (April 1~) were not out of the question. -~. Leona~O c~ forward to give statistics of density, fora Leisureville, including the recreation and lake areas, which summed up to be a fraction less than that of Golf View Harboum, A lengthy discussion was held. Objeetiop~ and opinions ;~re heard from the audience. ?~. Leonard1 camm fo~,;ard to state that zoning change was not sought, -.but rather that Special Exception be granted to %his area. Ful~ther discussion follow, ed. ~ne Board adjo~ed at 9:01 P.M. for 5 minute reCO. S S o ~eting was !called to order at 9:I1 P.M. Mm. Weaver then read anothem letter submitted to the Board for the records, in opposition to the g~anting of the Special Exception. ~r. I~,brrell asked ~,5~. Eeharte if a ~col!eetor street¥, could ~ put in front of the double lots parallel to 29rd Avenue. ~. E~harte stated that it would be possible. Mb. Wemtz asked if Caldos planned to comply ~th the single-family zoning regulations cf 1500 square feet per house on the large lots. ~'~. Echarte confirm, ed that t~s ~s correct. P~. P[cKay c~ forward and suggested that Caldos hold the land fora a year or so before developing it. T~Js would give the Board time to see what was produced in_ the part already under construction. Brief discussion follow,ed. ~. Weaver then called for a motion gnmn~ or denying Special Exception to Caldos ?roperties ~ Inc. ~'~. Worme!l advised that he did not think it economically possible for Caldos to hold the land a year before developing it~ as suggested by ~. khKay. He also advised h~ beneficial the building was to the area of }~/nutes Planning g 2~ng Board ~pri! 283 ]969 Boynton Beach, along ~,~.t.h the business %he influx of people themselves would bring to the ~ty. ~r~ Worrell them_ made mOtion that Special Exception be gr~nted Caldos Propemties, /nc.: under the condition that the t~ rows of lots parallel to Southwest 28rd Avenue be restmicted to 1500 "csquare~ feet~ over-all building area per house~ and that the service or ~' · o±iectom' street be reoor~ed J_nto the plat. -~.~. Cloutier seconded ~]e motion. LhanLmous!y carried. Motion for Special Exception gr~nted, Parcels A, B, C, D~ g E~ as desemibed belcrw. PARCEL A: A parcel of l~nd in the ~,~7 1/4 of Section 9~ To~skip 45 S~ P~nge 4~ E~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ Palm Beaah County~ more Particularly described as foll~s: PARCEL B: PARCEL C: PARCEL D: The South 605 feet of the North 951 feet of the East 700 feet of the West 750 feet less the North 200 feet of the ~st 200 feet of the herein desemibed parcel of land~ containing 8.80~ acres of land, more or less, and being subject ~o any and all easements and/or Rights-of~zay of record. Request: R-1AA to C-! - for Neighborhood Shopping Center A parcel of land in the k%7 1/4 of Section 82, T~nship 45 S Range 48 E, City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, more Particularly described as folt~zs: The South 200 feet of the Nomth 5~6 feet of the East 200 feet of ~he West 250 Feet, containing 0.918 acres more or less~ and being subject to any an all eas~rents end/or Rights-of-way of record. Request: R-L AA to C~! - to be used for service static~. A parcel of l~nd in the ~ 1/4 of Section 32, T~,~hip 45 S Range 43E, City of Bosauton Beach, Pe3~_ Beach Co~nty~ Florida~ more particularly described as foll~s: ~ne South 200 feet of the North 240 Feet of the East 700 Feet of the West ?50 Feet, containing ~.214 acres of !~nd, more om !ess~ and being subject to any and all eas~ts end/or rights-of-way of record. Request: R~IBA to R-8 = to p=~r~gt the construction of a ~ -~otel. A parcel of land in the North half (N 1/2) of Section 32, To%,mship 45 S, Range 43 E, City of Boynton Bead~, Palm. Beach County, Flomida, more particularly descmibed as follows: The South 200 feet of the North 240 feet of the East 1860 feet of %he West 2820 feet~ containing 8,540 acres of land, more om less, and being subject to ~n.V and all easements and/or Rights-of-way of record. Finutes Planning g Zoning Board April 28, 1969 PARCEL E: Request: R-1AA to R-3A - for construction of two--story ~ultiple family residential dwelling consisting of aP~tments with 8 to 16 units per apartment building. A parcel of land in Section 32, Towns.hip 45S, Range 43 E, City of Boston Beach, County of PaLm Beach, Flomida, more par~ieulamly described as follows: %ne East 460 feet of the West 510 feet of the North 380 feet of the South 421 feet of the .~ 1/4 of Section 32, To~sbip 45 S~ Range 43 E, City of Boynton Beach, Palm. Beach County, Florida, ¢onta/ning ~.013 acres, more or less, and be/ng subject to any and all easements and/or P, ights- of~wa~v of record. Request: Conditional use to allow constmuction of Church. Applicant: Parcel A, B, C, D~ E: Caldos Propemties. ~. Weaver called for discussion of the granting of these parcels. No discussion or questions were brought forward. · Mr. Weaver called for motion to grant or deny request for gran ~ting of the Parcels. Fir.imouslySarmOcarmied.made motion to accept the parcels. ~.m. Wemtz seconded. Unan- .~,~.W BUS]2~SS Parcel 1: Lots 12 and 15, High PoLnt, a subdivision in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in the Office of ~ue Clerk of the Circuit Court, in Plat'- Book 23, Page 225, P ~a!m_, Beach County records. Request: Lo%' 12 from R-1 to R-3 and Lot !5 from R-2 to Address: 246 S. E. 23rd Avenue add 243 S. E. 24th Avenue Applicant: B4~nes Stoner ~. Lee, Attorney for l'~s. Stoner presented plans for the proposed con~ stmuction to the Board fora examination, p~. Lee then explained the location of the ~1~o~ 6!s R?ell ~s sumrounding propePties. ~. Sarno asked if the lots were sufficiently sized for the construction proposed in relation to parking. t~. Fulle~ stated that they we_~e. FRnutes Planning $ ZonJ_ng Board April 28, 1989 Mr. Weaver asked for further questions from the Board. I'-~. Weaver then called for any objectiop~ against ~he proposed building. Complaints were expressed from the audience and discussion was held. ~, Lee advised that the property was free and clean of any mortgages. Furhter discussion follc~ed. Mm. Weaver called for motion to grant or deny rezoning. ~. Sarno made m~ion that the rezoning be denied. Seconded by ~.~. Allen, Unanimously carried. Request denied. Request for approval of the proposed layout of the apartments, submitted by Caldos Properties, Inc. ~t~.e Board decided to let I,~. Fuller tske the plot plan and bring figures on it to the Board at a lateP date. Mr. Allen made motion that the Plot Plan be turned o~r to the City Building Departn~nt for stu~,, l'~. Sarno seconded. ~tion was tabled for the Building Department to study and to be discussed at special meeting to be called at a later t~. Re~ision of Ordinance 62~9 (R-2 Zoning) was briefly distressed. 'eetmng was adjourned by the Chair~n at 10.10 P.M. -5-