Minutes 01-07-69~S OF A EEGIK~R ;~ OP~.]IZATIOhIA]~ ~.,T~T~G OF %~P~ PIAN~rIHG ~ND ZONING BOARD HELD TUESDAY~ J;~'~3ARY 7, 1969, A~ 7:30 P.M. PRES~ENT l~.b. ynard James ~.~cAlpine C. St~n!ey Eay Allen Clyde P~rrell Jam~s J, Sarro ABSENT ~lou%ier Grady W. Courtney, City Manage~ Vioe Ch~ ~,~ard Wertz stated, this being the first meeting of the year: it would be ~.e organizational meeting of the Board and although he was presently the Vice Chairman, he was not available for the Chairmanstzip. He tilden stated that the meeting was open for nomination of the ~uirman. P~. ~cAlp~ne made a motion that ~. Stanley Weaver be elected as Chairman. M~. Sarno seconded the motion ~nd ~upon roll call, the ~tion was carried unanimously ~th f~. Weaver abstaiuing from voting, Yin. Weaver then took over the presiding ahair and called for a n~rion fo~ Vice Chairman. Clyde Worretl made the moron ~hat F~. !~a~Afkpine be nominated as Vice Chairman. i~r. Sar~o seconded. On roll call, ~. ~{acA!pine was unan- imously elected Vice Cha~, M~. ~cAIpJ_ne abstaining from voting. liinutes of P~gu!ar and Special ~etings held Septe~r 30th, October 8th, November t~th, Novembe~ 18th and December 2nd, were accepted as presented. Letter was read f~ P~. l'~chael dated December 2, 1968 and corres- pondence was noted from ~.~ayo~ Gallo concerning the size home allowed to be built in our ~rlBA Zone. This was refer_~ed to ~. Gerald Dake, the City Plar~ner. Minutes of previous meetings held within the last three (3) mon~ in the year 1968 were requested by the n~.~ m=~vbers of the Planning and Zon- ing Board. The City ~nager agreed to make T_hese ava~]able, -!- M/nutes Regular Planuing $ Zoning Board January 7~ 1969 There being no fur~er business to ccme before ~e Board, ~e Chairman declared the n~eting adjourmed for the purpose of con- vening a WorKshop Session with the City Council for discussion of %he Leisureville Deve!o~t.