90-SSSRESOLUTION NO. 90- ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA RET,~ASING THE PERFORMANCE BONDS FOR W~.T.ESLEY AT BOYNTON BEACH, A REPLAT OF TRACT "N" OF THE MEADOWS 300 IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP '45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST Bonds, as a request has been received to release the Performance listed below, for Wellesley at Boynton Beach; Paving Bond Drainage Bond Water Distribution Bond Sewage Collection Bond Earthwork Bond Streetlight Bond Surveying $122,892.00 $ 74,210.00 $ 46,900.00 $ 49,942.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 12,550.00 $ 4,000.00 WHEREAS, all work has been satisfactorily completed and a one year guarantee letter frcmthe Developer and a certification letter from the Design Engineer have been received. NOW, THEREFORE, OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY ~SSION OF THE CITY ci f That the aforementioned Performance Bonds are hereby released. PASSKD AND ADOPTED THIS / day of ~/~_~? ,1990 CITY OF BEACH, FLORIDA Cu~u.~ ssion Member Cu,,r~sion Member Ccnlnission Member