Minutes 10-08-68K~RfIES OF THE RE~ ~IMG ~ND ZU~ING BOARD MEET~.'~G }~XLD
TRESS, OCIX)BER 8. 1968, ~afr 7:30 P.M., CI~l%f I{ALL, BOYN~. BFACH
~---~'01ds, Chef-mad
Col. Alher~ Wehrell
Stanley Weave~
Jemes ,'-MeAl.pine
Stuar~ Ful]~, Building Official
Foy Ward
Leon Cloutier
¥~. Olds opened the meeting.
~nutes of the Septembe~ ~rd meeting were read and approved at an ea~lie~
~,.~Lnutes of Special ~'~eting of September 17, 1~$8. Col Wehrell moved that
the minutes be approved as submitted. Seconded by ~. Weaver. Unanimously
Parcel No. 1:
LO1: 2, Block 1, Meeks $ Andrews Addition, a subdivision
as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 84, Palm Beach County
Request: R-lA to R-2A.
Location: $35 N. E. llth Avenue
Owne~: Nathaniet Robinson
¥~. Robinson came forward, He advised tha~ he wants to build a duplex
rental unit on the
M~. Olds: That whole area is R-1. That would be spot zoning. !.'.hat is on
eithem side of you?
I,~. Robinson: No house, ~ust vacant lot. On '~e East side there is a house.
West side, a vacant lot,
Col. Wehretl: Is that a single family house on ~e East Side?
}~. Robinson: Yes.
Col. k%hre~: About ~ houses bel~, there are a few houses down there tha~
are very nice looking houses.
M~. Olds: Are there any objectors present? No c~e came fo~ard,
Col. Wehrell: 1%33uld suggest that the people in favor of it come forward
and speak.
-- I --
Pl~ ~ Zonin~ Bosrd P~tin~
Oc~.ob~x· 8~
MP. ~P1 Pollock (Nordman Real Estate ~y) came fo~ard. I am in
favor of it end want to help ~. Robinson to build on these lots.
Herber~ Dean came forward. I am in favo~ of ~-~. Robinson building on that
place there. I would like to say here~ that for the last 56 yea~s, I have
lived in Boynton Beach and from the time the place was zoned a building was
never put c~ the~e. %~o can build there? I would like you TO conside~ re-
zc~iug so that people can have a place to live. On 12th, I had bought a
lot because I know that all the lots on 12th ~ ~5' and after I bought
this lot, it was ~nly ~0', so I don't kn~. I have a lot and I can't put
a building on it.
M~. Olds: You lost 5' somewhere.
Col. W~hrell: The Plat shows some are 41', ~2', ~0', and 45' on l~th.
M~. Olds: M~. Fullen is there auything they can do on this to help this man?
~. Fulle~: He would have to go before the Board of Adjus~nenTs and re-
quest a va~ianee.
Wannei~a Meeks cam~ fozward. She advised she was opposed TO ~ezoning.
She would like to say there are vacant lots next to me and by rezomiug this,
it would open up the way for everyone to build a duplex on their lo~s. I
am definitely against it, unless the people are going to live in it them-
selves. With duplexes, you ne~ know who is going to be you~ next
neighbor. MP. Harris assured me th~-t if he did get a permit to build duplexes
he would certainly let me know and assured me that he %~uld get good people.
I~. Weave~: I move we deny thei~ r~quest simply because it is spot zoning.
Seconded by Col. W~rell. UnanimDusly carried.
Col. Wehrell: I feel that this whole a~ea ~ll be looked at by ou~ City
Planner, as to whether or not we should keep it as au R~l, or change it.
And in the meantime, I feel %~ should deny any changes.
M~. Olds: We only have foum members at this meeting and it is a quor~n
and we are a legal Board in this number.
Col. ~,,~ehr~ll moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by MP. MacAlpine.
Unanimously carried. P~eting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.
~ Otds~ Chai~. --