ON THURSDAY, APRZL 27, 2000 AT 5:00 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
Ronald Weiland, Vice Mayor
William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem
Bruce Black, Commissioner
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Jim Cherof, City Attorney
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
City Manager Bressner opened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
ZI.A. ADMINISTRATZVE - Appointments to be made
Mr. Bressner referred to a number of board appointments being listed. Mrs. Kruse added that
this would be the third tabling for most of the appointments and they would be rotated for the
following meeting. Discussion ensued about the talent bank not containing many applications.
Tt was agreed efforts would be made to get more information out to the media and on line to
attract applicants.
City Manager Bressner showed the brochures printed for the CIP District Meetings. Mr. Cherof
advised that a secretary would be present from the Clerk's office to take minutes at each of
these meetings. Mayor Broening referred to it being noted as a "district" meeting and Mr.
Sugerman suggested focusing the Mayor's meeting on the CRA. Tt was agreed to retitle this
one announcement to focus on the CIP/CRA. Mr. Bressner advised that staff would be present
at these meetings for support and a sign-in sheet would be provided for attendees.
Suggestions made by the public will be responded to. Mr. Quintus Greene added that staff
would note the recommendations and prepare a report. Mr. Bressner suggested these to be
kept in a notebook as well as in the public viewing file in the Clerk's office. Commissioner Black
questioned access to the .locations where the CIP meetings are scheduled and Mr. Bressner
assured him this would be taken care of.
API~L 27, 2000
Continuing with the CIP meetings, there were comments made about Commissioners planning
to attend several meetings. Mr. Cherof requested regular Commission meeting notices to be
prepared for signatures to comply with state statutes. Commissioner Fisher then questioned the
issue of serving refreshments at these meetings. There was discussion about the brochure
distribution and it was decided to advertise these meetings with as much publicity as possible
and an advertisement in The Boynton Times.
It was also agreed to list the CIP meeting announcements with the recreational activities
preceding them instead of in chronological order.
III. B. Presentations
Mr. Bressner added the presentation to members of the Church of ]esus Christ of Latter Day
Saints for their participation in the Great American Cleanup.
Consent Agenda
While reviewing the bids, Mr. Bressner requested that not only the dollar amount be included
on the agenda, but also the amount remaining in the account.
During review of the resolutions, the probability was mentioned of the proposed resolution on
the stormwater utility fee being pulled for further discussion. Mr. Sugerman explained how this
would just adjust the rate, but there are two other issues of the in lieu of capital charge and the
annual adjustment calculation. Commissioner Fisher requested statistics on a $4 or $5 charge
and Mr. Sugerman agreed to submit a report using the amounts of $3, $4 and $5. Discussion
ensued about the possible number of people wanting to speak on this subject and whether it
should be located in another agenda area or time modified. It was agreed to leave it under
Consent, unless public response cards submitted at the meeting are an excessive amount.
There was reference to the lease agreement for the Boynton Beach Mall being approved
previously and Mr. Cherof clarified that the lease was approved, but this resolution finalizes it.
Mr. Sugerman clarified that Item E was for the Round III program and an application for
Round IV will be submitted for the next agenda. Mr. Bressner also reported that HUD made
an annual review of our block grant program today and a presentation will be made at an
upcoming meeting. The Development Department has done a nice job and HUD was very
Mayor Broening amended the square footage of the church after this being' noted at the
Planning Ii Development Board meeting.
APR]L 27, 2000
Mr. Bressner pointed out that Item VIII on the agenda has now become: Future Agenda Items,
which he indicated last week is to provide early indication. He distributed a preview copy of the
pay plan for Item A and requested that the Commissioners contact him if they have any
In response to Item B, consultant for the stormwater improvement project, the staff will
prepare a recommendation. Mr. Sugerman added that it has been narrowed down to three
finalists and oral interviews will be conducted next week. A full report should be ready for the
.lune 6 meeting. He suggested rewording the item to Resolution ranking and approving of
consultant(s) for Industrial Avenue Corridor and Costa Bella Stormwater Improvement Projects.
Mr. Cherof clarified that state statute requires the consultants to be ranked, then commence
negotiations with the #1 ranked consultant over cost. If a suitable agreement with #1 is not
reached, then go onto #2. Mr. Sugerman questioned who would negotiate and Mr. Cherof
informed him that would be an administrative function.
It was also agreed to note the date as tentative of future agenda items.
Mr. Bressner advised an additional item, which came up at the Forum Meeting last Tuesday
night, pertains to the Cemetery Board's review of the fee policy. He distributed a memo noting
the chronological review of this subject prepared by the City Clerk. He pointed out the last
entry was the Cemetery Board meeting on April 11 when the subject was tabled for a policy to
be prepared for enforcement. Commissioner Fisher referred to this being acted upon by the
Commission and asked if a fine was currently in effect and Mrs. Kruse replied that it is not being
enforced right now and Mayor Broening added that there have not been any violations. Vice
Mayor Weiland told about additional steps being taken by the employees to avoid having to
assess the fine. Commissioner Fisher asked if this should be tabled by the Commission and Mr.
Cherof explained that the Commission should not be in the position of directing the
administration not to enforce a law which they have passed. Mayor Broening added that the
Cemetery Board is following the City Commission's directive with revisiting the issue and
drafting a process. It will come back to the City Commission with a recommendation. Mr.
Bressner advised the material would be forwarded to the citizens for their review as soon as it is
available, even before it comes to the City Commission, so there may be a gap with a brief
waiting period for it to be circulated before it comes back to the City Commission. The
appropriate decision then can be made after all have had an opportunity to review the
Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Mr. Cherof suggested an amendment on the procedure on the form
prescribed by the city which is a letter of resignation with a date certain, which is just a
housekeeping item.
Resolutions - Mr. Cherof explained this is the conveyance of in-fill housing lots which the city
owns to an organization to do community-based in-fill housing, rather than the city doing it.
APRZL 27, 2000
Vice Mayor Weiland referred to Habitat for Humanity and rvlr. Cherof agreed this was an option.
Mayor Broening told about HUD endorsing this concept today. Vice Mayor Weiland stressed
that lots should not be given away to for-profit corporations. Mr. Cherof explained the special
warranty deed with parameters to be met. Mr. Bressner suggested that a staff report could be
done giving a historical report noting accomplishments during the past few years and what
other organizations can do to compete.
Other - IVlr. Cherof stated he had an additional item to add relating to the billboard issue. He
told about an existing, billboard on the site being developed for a 7-11 at Hypoluxo & Lawrence
Roads. The parties have prepared a forbearance agreement where they have agreed the
billboard will be removed and the property owner will pay Republic lost revenue for leasing off
the sign face, for a period of 90 days while the city considers whether or not to amend the sign
code ordinance to permit billboards somewhere else. This forbearance agreement only requires
the city during this 90 day period not to enforce the sign code. He explained the full industry
perspective to accommodate sign companies. Further explanations were given by Mr. Cherof
covering all specifics in the agreement. Further discussion ensued in regards to the entire
billboard situation.
Discussion on Ocean Ridge Property - iVlr. Cherof referred to the minutes being submitted
outlining the position of Ocean Ridge. He clarified that they seek to acquire two parcels of
property, one on either side of their town hall complex. They assert they will acquire that
property either by specific performance of a purchase and sale agreement that was negotiated,
but not signed by the City of Boynton Beach, or by eminent domain. He explained their
reasonings for these two claims. Under the dispute resolution process, what needs to be done
is to decide whether it is an acceptable resolution or if an alternative resolution is needed. Tf a
resolution cannot be reached, the next step is a joint meeting of the two commissions.
Commissioner Black referred to the CRA meeting scheduled on Monday night and stated he
thought a decision was going to be acted on at the May 2 meeting regarding the lO-acre parcel.
Tt was agreed to list the CRA recommendation under New Business. Opinions were expressed
about possible uses for this property.
There being no further business to come
adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
before the
Commission, the
meeting properly
APRIL 27f 2000
~' City~lerk
(Two Tapes)
Mayor Pro Tem