Minutes 10-08-68 (2)MI~RfIES OF W0~OP PIA~IN¢ 8 ZONIb~G BOAPD MESTC~G HELD TtM~,
0CTO~ 8, 1968, AT CITY HALi, BOYNTON t~3~q, FLORIDA, AT 8:00
Robert Olds,
Col. Albert ~hrell
Stanley %~aver
James MacAlpine
Stuart B.
Fuller, Building Official
This meet/rig was held imm~tely follow/rig the Regular Boazd ~%eting of
Octobem 8, 1968.
Mr. Olds: At the earlier meetings on this Leisureville, we ~re hasty and
some of the things we did were in much haste and the planning from hereon
out is going to have to be different and as these plats come befome us,
unless there are some drastic changes made, I am afmaid there are going to
have to be a number of changes in the plao~, before we could approve them.
There has been considemab!e tlm~t given about Ocean Dmive. We have
found by contacting various people, that there is a ver~ favorable chance to
open Ocean Avenue l~lough with 1-98, when it comes through. This cannot
be d~ne, unless ~Te ~an ~tee ~n 80' rig)%t-of-way from Iqighway ]~o. 1~
might on to Congress. One of the first tb/ngs we are going to ask you to do
~nd tha~ is to make Ocean 80' through to Congress. We have been assure~ that
if tha~ is guaranteed, then the City ~nd the Area Planning Boamd will try to
get this for us. Unless we have an 80' ~ight-of-,~y, the S~ate Road Depart-
me.ut will not do anything for us. It is very ~Epoz~ant to you, as %~11 as to
the City of Boynton Beach. At tb~s point, ~. Olds wen~ to the map on the
Mr. Olds: The Lake, rather Than being so ugly, should be made more beau-
tiful. Then this conme~cal area, if this highway ~_re straightened out.
we ~ould be willing to expand the commercial area and it ~Duld take a few
lots, but it would be making the comnereial area largem and more convenient.
He also brought up corssing the canal. It does not seem. practical to have
only ~ne way to cross %he canal. The golf oou~se will be cut off and
can't it he brought dc~n more and some houses put on there to beautify the
area. Recreation area, youm plan showed them on very busy cor~ez~. They
could be turned around the othem way here and it ~,~mlld be much salem fora
people to and frc~. %he areas. 15th should be kept stmaight, no euz~e as
you sh~ it. Would it be possible fo~ sidewalks to be put in there, so
that the people living iD. the oDnmaality could have a place to walk and also
a place fora them to l~ide bicycles. A lot of these suggestions come frc~
the Planning $ Zoning Board dimeetly and %~ have ref~ them to the City
Plarane~ and sc~£e .ha~e been approved and some have been disapproved. We
have gone to the area planning board and c~nsut.~ed~.with them.
Col. Wehrell: I d~n't quite follow; the reasoning of 15th Avenue. B~ynton
Road isn't straight and I ~ State ~-~ghway 80 has been emitieized defini-
tely. Roads alongside canals are not good. Basicly, I don't think its a
bad idea to have homes alGng the highway. ~-
O~'-obez, 8, 1968
.M~.. We.a_ve~: .80 '- right-of-way most pirates at this tin~. W ~ -
told, if ~ '~d ~t hm~ ~ '80' ~,~,~ .... ~ ~ ~f~ly
of 0~. We. ~ su~ested ~t i~ be ~ ~
~d. if~,~ c~g~~~~, we~ ~ ~t ~
Col. ~M~ell: I think it would be a disi-inet advantage ~o have Ocean Avenue
opened hrou .
AttorneYsec0nd? fo~ Leisur~ville: Would it be advisable to have ~ne so Close
Diseussic~ held.
i~. Weave~: You c~ld make up in the density wi%h two %5~pes; oma in
condominium two story, az~und ~%e lake and along the eonvaer~ial az~as.
~. King: Actually you'~e picking this apar~ ~en this isn't any plan at
all. This is just a concept. I asked the '~pc~ere that be'~ with the City
about being advised on any meeiings ~-~'th Pamos. The ~op reerea~on a~eas
is already s~%~ted. ~ ean give ~he 80' fr~m ~he canal
we don't want heavy %-f~ffie through the develotm_~n~.
give ~he 80' in c~de~ ~o get the in,exchange. ~s fa~ as ~he lake goes, sbmpe
doensn't matte~. We don't wan~ ~ts around the lake. We appreciate
you~ thoughts cn it, but we don't want them. ~e a~e laying the g~lf oour~e
ou~ as ~o lSth Avenuel we can't put it on the line. We already ecmmitted
ourselves to paving ~he might-of-way, P.~e want lo~s on bo%h sides.
Col W~i: I can see youm point regarding having homes on bo~h sides of
the road.
~i~. Olds: The main ~hing we wanted this t~ahop meting for ~onight ~as
fo~ ~he 80' right-of-way on Ocean Avenue.
M~. Weave~: We ~have al~ g~anted zoning on the eon~er~_ial.
~. Couz~ney: Planning $ Zoning Bo~ did, but l~e Council did no~.
Col. Wehrell: We need the widening of Ocean Auenue ~o 80' all the way
M~. ~ave~: I don't %hink that you c~n wor~y about ~ road ~ ~ed f~
~v o~ p~ ~m~ ~1~. ~ f~ I ~~~, i~ ~d
~ ~ e~d ~Y~d ~ss. F~ ~ l~y, i~ ~d be ~e ~
S~I ~ p~~. We have ho~d ~ ~.~ ~t get a ~ V~io~
~1. ~ f~t, ~ey ~ ha~ ~ b~ld a n~ J~ Hi~ S~i.
Workshop ~Rnutes
Planning $ Zoning Board
October, 8, 1968
~. Olds: Any members of the Council present care to say shyly.
~. Weave.~: I think it was The feeling oF the
last week, that we should give them a preview ofB°ard'what ~aftemare°Urthir~,meeting
so ~en their engineers get to working o~ the plats, they do not go too far
~thout checking with us snx~ plarmip~ it as they go along. In That way,
it *ould avoid any problems in the future.
Mr. Olds: In my travels in recent years, I have noticed in these type
developments, they have put sidewalks on the rear of the property sad it can
he used for bikes, etc. and I don't know whether this oould he worked out
in you~ plan or not. It is thoughts like this we have had and maybe we eau
work out something on this.
Discussion held.
M~. Olds: Ou~ c~ly thought was to create an access road for you~ subdivis-
ion. It wouldn't be fai~ for that many people to have to go t~ so
mu~] tmaffic to come to t~. It would be a real problem fo~ ~.m Traffic
Col. ~hrell: I ed%ink we should continue to have informal meetings with' the
Leisureville people and ~a/k it over before anythiug is done in haste and I
hope that by the time we get through, you ~n't be losing any at all and it
will be a benefit to the development, as well as Boynton Beach.
Mm. Olds: Some of it has been almost under pressure and we want to ~rk
with you.people and we ~mnt you to work with us, so that it will be a benefit
to the City and also to you.
Mr. Dake: We are very interested iu the access to the Western area of this
City and this developmaut is not the only one that will be in the ~stern
portion of ~he City. To carry this t-n~ffic, we have to have main arteries.
We can ~ traffic volumes on six lane roads, hut wm can't carry them
through interchanges. If we agree to give I-gS the 80' right-Of-way, they
will give us the grade crossing. Now on lSth Avenue, ~m have been ooncerned
about the curving of 15th. There is a problem in design and also a canal, h~
it was our feeling that from a design point of v~4, we ar~ able TO bring
the canal into this and have waterfront property. Yes, you will lose a
cmmmercial corner, but actually you will not he losing any gas station sites
as you will have additional commercial in the other area. It was our feel-
Lng that i~ would be far het~e~ for you and the property ~ers, if we could
let it flow from the inside end get better traffic flc~,. Mmcreation areas
are in ~o major comers. We would have a se~-ious internal traffic problem
at both recreation areas. It is ou~ feeling that it would he far better for
you to get the recreation areas in an area away from the main traffic areas
wher? people could actually get out aud walk to the recreation areas. Proper
, SU~CL~V~$ion as presently l~ye~ ou~
is a real tight ~t thing. The way it is actually layed out is the thing
Octo~e~ 8~ 1968
w~ have been attempting to kee.~.p fr~m in the last 40 yea~s. It is ou~ feel-
ing that you can take this development if you w~-'ll/ng to, as Presently
platted, and design it ~:~ /nclude . . ,are
sc~e cluste~ develo . , -
a few lots, yes~ but at~ t . _ _ ~ment You will lose
emp to g/ye a little ~.~re open space. Drop out
sc~e of these small blocks and Eive a f~,; free form ar~as to maybe provide
fo~ o~ walking areas. The people will have to walk on the
is not P~actieal. You can take the o~ plan and work/n
scm~ culdesacs~ cluste~ areas and green a~s so that we can really have
~ pretty as ~11 as pr~ct/eal.
Fro. Olds: I am not used to speak/ng publically, and I am ~u~e that ~. Dake
has brought out things that I didn't
MP. KinE: Open a~eas do make it look bette~ but it is not us ~o ~nd up
paying form the open areas. In green ameas, the people will have to be the
ones to keep it up.
[~. Da3c~: Maybe this condcm/~ techn/que is the futur~ thinking~ not a
.=ve neme on a plan ms a c~aeke~ box U.S.A. exemp!ifie same time,
~ it iS imPO~t fo~ Boynton Beach, whiah at '~-'- _A_.t .the
to the West. Open ~ should be considered very carefully and should be
considered semiously to make i~ a much more attDa~ve and beautiful amea.
We wOuld lJ3~e ~o see some clusters and euldesacs.
Unan~lyFm' ~?eave~ movedcar~ied.That theiueetin~, meeting, adjourned.be adjourned. Seconded by Col. Wehr~tl.
Olds, ' - --