Minutes 09-03-68I'.'~]2,RAf~_S OF ~, P, EG!,.~.P,. PL;2.~.*ING .~D ZONING ,,,nOAR, D ~,~T~,IG ........ ~: .... ~, 1968~ AT 7:~0 P.k% AT CITY !D~LL~ B'FM~C~~, l~ORIn~. P~SD~ Robert O!ds~ Q)aimm~. ?:a)mard l,?ertz~ Vice C~';,s_irman Stanley ~feaver Col. ~lbert Uehrell Foy ~'fard James ~ %cA!pine Leon Cloutier Stuart Fuller, B~R!ding Official I-'rinutos of Special ~-'~eting Held July 18, 1968: Col ~,'1ehrell moved flint fine minutes of the Special l'%eting of July 18, 1968 be accepted as ~mitten. ~C~cond, d by Stanley l(~eaver. ~ha~_imo~.!y carried. Finutes of Regular }~;!eetLng of ~i:gu~t 6, 1968: Stanley Tqeaver -~ ' ~wsee a correction on Page 7, ~,~id. dle of the pale, regarding motion maxte by him and seconded by ~'"'r. i"~acAlpine; s?.ould read '~..in favor of t}m planned unit development ordinance as presented to us tonifl,~t~*. Stanley Weaver moved that tS.e minutes of f,e Regalar ?leering of A~,gust 6, 1968 be accepted with above correction. Seconded by Leon Cloutier. ~han- Lmously carried. Parcel !'b. !: , ~'* 100' of~ 356.54' of Ac. Sec. 33-45-a-5, ..... N. 125' of S 1910' of E 1/2 of u~ :..,~.. 1/4 !!'est of U. S. L~o. 1. Reqt~st: C-! to q-3 Location 525 So E. 18~ Avenue gFR3!icmnt: C-uy de la ~'¥, Guy de la ~pelle came fom,~ard advised : * t,':,ac ~ ,~uld like to add on a bedroom for his 14 year old grandson. Olds: ~at would have to be chmaged, to P-S to have that done? ~fr. de la ~ni~l!e: Yes. Leon Cloutier: };re would have to get a variance on tT~is. Stua~c Fuller: /he City Attorney advised that he wotnld have to £o before tl~e Pl~muing ~ Zonkng Board, flint is why he is here tonight. Col. Rrehrell: ~ read from ~'~e Ordinmnce. All this Board can do is ~hange the zoning. /~'iere sho%~ld, be some .6utlet for a case like this. i~inutes Pla~ing ~ Zoning P, oard Septe~,~ber 3, 1968 S~uart Puller: According to ~e Ordinance, it is a nonconformLug tree and he carmot put on an addition. Col ~'?ehrell: ~Te read #4 of Non-conforming Use. ~-Te should be allowed under the Board of Adjus~nts rather ~s,~m~ us trying to spot zone, ,~ich this ~ould defLuitely be, and the Board of Adjust~.ent s~ould handle ~is. Discussion Feld. P. oy Patterson, a neighbor, came lombard. We advised ~.-.~ t_~ey have no objection to his building anyfl~ing he wants. If he needs a bedroom, 5e is free to build it. It is his home, mud he lives fl~ere and we ~ould like to see him ano~-~er bedroo~ on his house. get ~ }~(r. Olds: Ck~r attorney says he c~u't do it before the Board of Adjustments, t2~at it is for u~ to decide. If we turn this d~,m, then this gentleman could a~peal fl~is decision to fire Council? },',~. !~ard: }bved tJ~at the request be turned do~,nu since it is spot zonin£, but we strongly recommend to the Cmu~ci! t2},at a varia~uce be grouted in fl~is case, allm¢in~- the applicant to build fine bedroom on his ho~e. Seconded by Stanley ~eaver. !hanimously carried. Parcel lots S ~ 4 of P.!ock 21, Bowers Par~c, a sub- division as recorded in Plmut ~ook 11, Page Palm Bead~ County records. R~quest: :, 1 to P.-2A Location 114 S. ~,. o~=. Avenue Ap~licm~t: ~ {ary F. ~ ,C~ul~ffe ~,~rs. ArtLur~ Kilby came fon,~ard mud advise~ that adjacent to this property ~d are opposec to ~.~rs. ochwara~ came fon~rd and advised she o~ed Lot 7 mud haz a one fmuily r~ntal and she has prospective buyer and it might be dterimental to ~e sale. P~bert I~>atter advised he ~,med ~he property adjacent to 3 ~d 4 and he is also against it. ~. ~-.undley, 138 ...... . 8~. ~venue. !:~':.en I ~ot this letter, I tried to f~d out ~a.t she w~ted to buil~ ~e~ ~ltip!e ~,,~ellinfs, ~d they could built!. ~!~.zhere from ~o to eifht apar~nts i~. t. ke rear. I w~t to go ag~nst it. ~r. Olds. He read four letters against t~e duanfe in zonLnf from the following: ?~r. ~ ?'~rs. A~.~r ~filby~ Fr. g ~s. ~ ?T. ~mdley~ ~lwo~ S. Fesller, - 2 ~finutes Planning & Zonin~ Board ~ September 3, 19f~8 l~r. !~eaver: I had a ~phone call from l'~r. , who'lives a]~out three or four lots ~ay from 8th Avenue~ and he was against it. l~ard Cummings; lOO S. i~!. 2nd Avenue: She would like to build apartments on those lOtSo I have an interest in this property. I feel that most of this property has laid vacant and should have been zoned R-2 some time ac-o, The highest and best use along Seacrest is R-2o i~o one wants it for or it would have been built on years ago. I believe the best use of that property is for apartments. I th~nk the Naster Plan has not been brought up-to-date. Since the MaSter Plan was adopted, the City of Boynton Beach has been built up considerably, Eventually~ if it is not zoned for apart- ments: it will probably go commercial. We already have a lot of commercial on Seacrest. I would like to see a lot more property zoned R-2 instead of laying idleo I~r. Olds: We are in the process of doing considerable rezoning with a professional planner, and it is very possible that som~ of the things you said may be true° Mro Cummings: This property has been vacant for years and will probably be zoned commercial. Mr. Mutter: I am opposed to this change. There was a home built on the corner of !lth in the $20~000~00 class and one in the back of mine~ about $16~000.00 class. There is a home right up the street from me about $15~000o00 class~ I cannot see any reason to put up apartments when people are building those type homes along there° Mr° Hundley: Mrs. EcAuliffe is applying to build them on 8th Avenue, not Seacrest. Col. l~ehrell moved that it be denied as it is spot zoning. Seconded by Leon Cloutier, Unanimously carried. Col Wehrel!: I appreciate I~ro Cummings~ remarks and in as much as we presently have }fro Dake making up a new !laster Plan~ which will probably ch&nge a number of areas fromwhat they are, to something else~ but I don't believe that we should spot zone at this moment. In view of the fact that she is not building an~ay~ I think a few months more may change the zoDing or it may not, but it is up to the City Planner and City Council, .PP~SE!qTATION OF LA¢]~ EDEN PLAT: ~[ro Olds advised that all they want us to do is look at it and see if the preliminary layout is set out properly. Discussion held. Mr. Wertz moved that we indicate that we are in agreement with the direction that they are taking on the subdivision andwill look fo~,~ard to seeing the completed drawings of the plat before final approval. Seconded by Stanley Weaver. Unanimously carried. - 3- I~nutes Planning & Zoning Board September 3, 196S L%r. Olds brought up a letter from the June ~feeting addressed to the !v~ayor. I{e were aware of the fact there is no trailer zoning in here and we tabled it until something was done along that line. He read the letter having to do with the re-zoning request from Attorney Joe Tomberg for his client, Charles Clapper, requestin~ the City to make a new ordinance, for the purpose of expanding his present trailer par~o Me don~t have any zoning on this. Col Wehrell moved that the request pertaining to the matter of providing an ordinance for Trailer Parks be referred to our consultant. Seconded by Stanley ?Yeaver. Unmnim~usty carried. I~. Wertz: I would suggest that we not word this to show that we are in favor of setting up zoning for Trailer Parks and I think this is something that will take more study. In the past, when our :'~ster Plan was put into effect~ I believe that the community did not wish to become a community in whi~ more trailers were allowed. !{r. I~eaver: I am sure Mr. ~ertz is correct, andzoning for trailers was purposely left out, as we felt we had all the Trailer Parks we wanted in T~n%. This particular one has been the only one that has wanted to expand over the years. %%e present owner has done a very good job of upgrading the park, since he took over. I think it is up to t~ Planning Board, with the assistance of the consultants and the Council, to say if we want any more spaces for Trailer Parks in the City. LAY-OUT_ OF Tt~ WOLFE P.wDPERTY }fr. Cummings has this with him and wants the Board to look it over. Hr. C,rmmffngs advised that 4th and 5th Avenues be extended and that 1st Street be run from 5th to 6th only. To extend it thru , would cause a traffic jog. It will slice ~e property up and some would be practically useless. First Street~ as such, exists from 2nd ~:. I~. to 15th S. W. So~ 1st. Street doesn't go any place. By extending it through here, we would only create a bunch of stop streets and it would be Seacrest, for thru traffic going South. Our p~oposal is that 1st. St. be extended to 6th~ to all~? garbage truc!~ and other vehicles out of this area. In the R.-2 zoning, which we have secured on this property, which will be rental apartments and condominiums, we will have to provide off street parking and off street coverage of cars. They would like to have them covered from the weather~ There is land left over that could be used for covered areas. This is just a tentative plan that we have designed and presented to you for your approval or disapproval and we just want your thinking on it before we go ahead ~th our plans any further. The Code all~.~s 1-1/2 spaces for parking per unit. I think it is wrong. This takes up all spaces and leaves no parking for guests. Stanley !~eaver: I think that would cause considerable confusion on !st Street. Mr. Olds: When this was first presented to us, we were told at that time~ that S. W. 1st Street would be carried through° It was assured° I am a little disappointed that it is not going through~ M~nutes Planning & Zoning Board September 3~ 1968 Mro Cummings: Just to 5th to get the people out of there° We would like toput in some off-street parking with carpots or covering for their cars. Mr° Olds: It would take us some time to consider this° Col. Wehrell: The maim fact is not running First Street through. Stanley Weaver: ~,~at size easements would be granted? Cummings: I don~t know° Discussion held. Stanley Weaver: How many apartments maximum~ can you put on there? ~r. Cummings: A maximum of 130 without First Street. 110 or so, if you used it all. I want some feeling from the Board as to their feelings on this, 4~000 square feet required for both first and 2nd floor apartments° It does give you quite a bit of land around buildings of this size and you are limited to 8 units to a building° Stanley Weaver: Didn't you say you did intend to extend 4th Avenue? Mr. Cummings: 5thwould have to be a cul-de-sac and that is the reason from 5th to 6th with !sro Stanley Weaver: I am not too anxious to see that let Street go throuDh either. We have a problem caused by this 10 acres or so of the groves, and we are liable to get a land-locked situation. We should be very careful shout that area° The map sh~.~s S. Wo 1st Street as a dedicated right-of- way, Maybe that goes up to the Church -and stops. Stanley Weaver moved that the Wolfe plans be tabled until the special meeting Seconded by Mr~ P~cAlpineo Unanimously carried° LEISUREVILLE SUBDIVISION Mro King advised he had their engineering plans for changes in first section. We %~nted you to look at it with your engineer's idea and pass on it° Each section is brought in for approval° The Board went to the table to check the section submitted for approval° Mr° King advised that the plans on the table included 226 homms and recrea- tion area° We have all the plans showing a lift station and allo City Engineer: We have been all over these plans and have checked it. Or, the things that are not all right~ we have required them to make changes ~nd when these changes are made, it will comptywith City regulations. Lots to be 90' deep on S.R. 804~ Stanley Weaver: I Think~ considering the fact that this is the beginning, we don't want to hold them up and since the people in the City here have approved this so far~ ~d ~4ro Dake has no objections~ to it. -- 5 ~ ~4inut es Planning & Zoning Board September 3, 1968 Stanley WeaVer norad that we give our approval on Plat #1, of this sub- division° Seconded by Mr~ MacAlpine, Unanimously carried. (In as much as Mro Dake should look at tha rest of it~ I hope that the layout will be left here, so we can discuss this with ~r. Dake.) Mr. King: We are rushed since the season is coming up on uso Mr. Dake will be notified in advance, of amy future plats coming in. !{to Ward moved that the business section of the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mro Weaver. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 Special discussion with Board held after meetiD~ by Mr. Dake. Meeting closed at 10:40 P.Mo Robert O!ds~ Chairman