Minutes 06-04-68MI~DT~S OF TI~ PLk~ING AND ZONING BOARD ~D TL~SI~Y, ~ 4, 1968, AT 7:50 P.M. AT CI~ ~LL~ BOY~ON B~, ~ORIP~I- P~S~b~: Robe~ Oi~, ~ai~ S~art B. P~ler, Bldg. Official Col ~bert W~rell ~ ~a~ We~z, Vi~ ~ainnm~ Foy Ward J~s M~p~e ~r!e ~u~ ABS~qT: Stanley Weaver Chaiman Olds opened the meeting. Mr. Wehrell moved that the minutes of ~y 7, 1968 meeting be approved' as written. Seconded by k.~. Doughty, bhanimously carried. Parcel 1: Bast 215 ft. of Lots 51, 52, 55 and 54 in Section 20-45-45B, Palm Beach County, Florida as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 20. Request: R-1 to C-1 Location: 800-900 Block N. W. 10th Street Applicant: Vaino Nikki 5~. Olds read l~tter from Owner, in which he stated he planned to build a two story~ 80 to 100 unit ~{otel, on the property with swimm- ing pool, also 2 Finnish Baths, coffee bar, etc. ~,~. Helemus of Lantana and Mr. Nikki, came forward. Mr. Nikki would like to have a permit to build on this property' and he would like an answer as soon as possible for this so that he can go ahead with this },~tel · Mr. Olds stated that this was presently zoned for single family dwell- ings,, and asked ~ho would build the roads. }ir. Helemus agreed to build the roads. I~r. Olds pointed out this to be spot zoning. ~r. Wehreli thought it about 500' to the Old Boynton Road, according to the map. He asked' if the party realized when 1-95 is built, the access ~rill be to the New Boynton Road and not to Old Roynton Road. Mr, Helemus stated that he did. ~. Wehrell wanted to know, if approved, when this project would be started. ~ir. Helemus replied they would start as soon as possible... I~. Wehrell asked if their hope was that this will become an attractive place for Finnish people and Scandanavian people. ~inutes P!annh~g ~ Zoning Board June 4, 1968 Mr. Hele~s repliad "yes". Mr. Wertz noted the sketch shm~s a road ( N. ~,~. 10th Street) and asked if this is existing. Mr. Fuller stated that this road is not existing. Bit. }Vertz asked if the right-of-way was dedicated at th_is time. Mr. Fuller stated he was not sure. N~~. Raymond Zompa came forward and stated: "I owned a parcel on the comer of OLD Boynton Road mud 10t~h and I am in favor of it. That property will never be developed. I tried to have that piece rezoned for apartments about three years ago and it wa~ knocked down and I think that property will stay that way if we don't do something about it." Mrs. Henrietta Green, 902 N. I{. 8th Avenue cm~,e fom~ard. She advised that all ~J~ people with her. are against the rezoning of this prope~y and sh~ presented a Petition, which she gave to ;~r. Olds, it was signed by people ~no are against this rezoning. '~e don't want a motel out there, l~re would like it left as residential area. It is quiet and we don't wm%t business brought in at all." Mr, Olds read the Petition and advised it was signed by 35 or 40 people li%ing in that general area. ~,~. Wehrelt moved this request be denied as the Board is drastically. opposed to spot zoning. Seconded by Mr. Doughty. Unanimously carried. Mr. Wehrell advised it is difficult for him to think of a Motel in this location and even if 1-95 does go through, etc., it would have to have an access road through~ and who %vould build that? It is all single family hom~s and it may be some time before it is fully built up, but primarily it is spot zoning in a single family dwelling area. Mr. Helemus then asked if one family honms could be built in the area. Olds reply was "yes". M_¢. Heleraus then asked if the City would build the road. ~ir. Olds answered "That would have to be taken up with the City. I can' t answer that. This Board only acts as an advisory board to the Council. This will be heard by t~he Council." OTHBR BUSINESS Chairman Olds advised of receiving a letter from the City 5~anager's office regarding approach to computing square footage requirements in -2- Minutes Planning & Zoning Board June 4, 1968 all of the "R" (residential) Zones in the City. It was brought to the attention of the Board that Councilman Gallo didn't think the screen porches, car ports, garages, etc., should be part of the square foot requirements, at the present percentages, as given ~n S~ction 11, Paragraph "A", Zoning OrdinanCe 62-9. Especially in R-1AA districts, where houses almost always exceed their 1S00 Sq. Ft. minimum requirements, and this can apply to all "M' zones. Mr. Wehrell stated Coulcilman's point was well 'taken and stated a house at its minimum requirement, in the highest resideniial zone, can appear quite small. ~,4r. Olds told of a builder that has been legally using the minimum square footage requirements in every way possible and that the Board has to be fair about this. Mr. Doughty asked ~r. ~.rard, a builder, ~tat his thoughts were. Mr. ~ard stated in certain instances it would be fine; in some areas it would be very difficult, and discrimination has to be taken into consideration. Mayor Michael thought the purpose behind the request was, to increase the living area in the houses. Discussion followed. Mr. Doughty felt the decision on this was for Council. Mayor ~iichael stated the Zoning Board was more knowledgeable in this and by working closely with a planner, mm%y problems facing the Council on this may be solved. Mr. Doughty brought up the subject of zoning certain areas for high rise apartments only. Discussion. Mr. Wehrell suggested this be put aside until a meeting with the Planner. Mr. Olds stated that an appointment was made for July 2, 1968, the regular Board meeting, for the planner to be present. Mr. }~Iehrell moved this issue be tabled until an appropriate meeting with Planner. Mr. ~ertz seconded. Unanimously carried. ~,~. Olds read a letter from the new Planner, dated ~y 51, 1968, addressed to City M~mager, in which the sum of $4,800.00 figure was agreeable. Part of Contract was also read. Discussion. Minutes Planning & Zoning Board June 4, 1968 N~r. ~ehrell moved '~ recommend Council enter into contract with B~r. Dake, the Planner~ as stated above. Seconded by ~r. Wertz. than- imous ly carried. ~r. Doughty a/b/ised of his intended resignation from the Board, letter to be subm~itted soon. The reason will be his leaving this area for several months on business and will not be available to attend meet- ings. Mr. Stuart Fuller, Building Official, read a letter from Joseph Tomberg, Attorney, dated ~y 24, 1968, regarding creating a Trailer Park Zone in the City. He was representing F~. Clapper, owner and operator of Boynton Trailer Park, now existing in a nonconforming zone. Mr. Wertz stated that the present zoning was specifically established so that trailer parks could not be expanded, and no new trailer parks allowed. Mr. Wehrell moved this be tabled. Seconded by ~r. ~,~cAlpine. ~.btion carried. Mr. Olds voted no. Mr. ~,Vertz moved meeting be adjourned. imously carried. Meeting adjourned 8:50 P.~L Mr. Ward seconded. Lhan- 'Rdbert Olds, c~hirman ~S -4-