.~.~TY HALL T?E~DA~, ~ 5, 1968 AT
Robert Olde
Foy ~a~d
· erle Doughty
~aYn~.~d ~ertz
Stuart Fuller,
Building Official
Dames ~oAlpine
Olds cailsd the meeting to order at 7:50 P.S.
Sro ~eh~ell moved the $inutee o? February 6th, 1968 meeting be
accepted as ~ead. er. Weaver seconded. Unanimously carried.
Olde read ~he ?olloming requests:
Parcel l: (a)
Lots 4~ 5 & South 15 feet of Lot 5,
Central Park Subdivision, aa ~eco~ded
in Plat Book 12, Page 12, Palm Beach
County records.
C-i to C,-.2
i317 So. Fed. Hey
3.F. King
East 50 feet of Lots ii & 12, Central
Park Subdivision, ~s recorded in
Plat Book 12~ Page 12~ P3im Beach
County records,
R-2 to C-2
iSi? So, Fed, H~y
3. F, King
Parcel 2: (a)
Lot 6, Central Park Subdivision, as
recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 12,
Palm Beach County records.
C-i ~o C-2
1325 So. Fed, Hmy
Colin mcKenna
Page 1
£~st 50 fee~ of Lot 13, Central Park,
as re~rded in Plat Book 12, Page 12,
PaZm B~aoh County records,
R-2 to C-2
1323 So, Fed, Hmy
Cotin McKenne
~, $ax Ha?fner, i510 S, E, 3rd Street came fo~ard to voice his
objections to this request, and more epeci?ically to the construction
o? the Bi?? Burger Drive Inn.
Mrs. Kate Spar1, 13~4 3rd Street, expressed her objections.
Mrs. K~tetzmann voiced her ob~eCtion to thio change in zort[ng.
B:. Olds read a letter he received from M=e. ~lice $. Manning oho
strongly objected to the change in zoning and particularly to the
spot zoning ehich has occurred in this area.
Mr. Roger Kopp omner of lot l? & 18~ did not fee! the City eould
benefit from this change in zoning from a tax standpoint.
Bra, Clifford L~ttleJohn stated she objected to the change in zoning
and very definitely is against the const=uction o~ the Bir~ Burger
Drive Inn.
Mr. Olds asked for a motion on this parcel of land,
~ol, ~ehrell made a motion that this request be denied for the
following reasons=
1. In his opinion the possibility o~ a Drive In
in that area is undesi~able, You have the
inevttible noise of cars coming in and out.
2. The City has a sad situation on North Federal
Higheay due to the fact that there are businesses
of this type, but to a 9rear extent, south Federal
has avoided this type of business so far, and hoped
that something could be saved of this City $i[hout
continuing to change the zoning, and alloein9 the
less desirable businesses to ~o~e into the City.
Mr, Seaver seconded this motion,
Motion to deny sas opposed 4-2,
Mr. Sertz made the motion that this request for change o~ zoning
be granted, ~=o ~ard seconded.
Motion was granted 4-2~ Mr. ~eaver and Co1, Wehrel! opposed,
Page 2
Br. Olde e×pi~n~d that at the ioet meeting the Board took action to
~emove from [he table th~ zoning request of 8~ Robe=t Ross at
/bth Avenue~ ei~d it was den~ed~ ~&~h ~hs ~15.00 ~e~urned to Bt. Roes.
fir. Roes has ~efused to accept thm ~e~und o? ~[5®00 and has caked
that this z~ning ~equest remain on the table.
had been r~tu~ned to him~ and wondered i¢ Br. ~ooib=£ght~a
c~[~.d eiso ~emain on the table. Bm. ~eover furthe~ etatod ~hat
inasmuch as the City nave= passed the D=dinance regarding motels
8nd gas elations et the I-9S inte=eection~ he could see no harm in
putting both ~equeets back on the tabled
~. Doughty suggested me request the City Attorney to
action on p=epa~ing such an O=dinance°
Col. ~shreil wondered if it would be in o=de= to ~equeat t~ City
Council to take action on this O=dinanoe.
Bm. ~eave~ said he mould talk to the City Attorney about this
O=dinanee and find out about the P=Oeedu=e to follom.
~. Sa=no ~eminded membe=e o¢ the Boamd that at ~he time the =equeet
fo= change of zoning on i5th Avenue mae submitted by B~. Roee~
mae thef~ ooneide~ed opinion that mhen I-g5 ment ~h~ough ou~ Ci~y~
a fou~ co,ne= ideation on ib[h Avenue mould be a very P~ime
fom gee stations and motels, a~ mhen thi8 iemue mae tabled the
¢ou~ pamttee mhd me~e tnte=eatmd In this change me~e to be noti¢ted~
mhich mae net done in t~8 case.
B~. Beave= suggested me go ahead and inat=uct the City
accept the ~15.00 and advise the ~ty Cie~ [ha~ this item mae
me,in on the table. He fu=the= stated that inasmuch am the City
ia nom conaide=ing P~Ofeee&ona[ amaiatance ¢o= a mastm~ plan. that
the City and the Boamd could possibly have assistance
the zoning of thim
Bm. ~eave~ then mode a motien me inat=uet thm City Cim=k
aecep~ the ~15.00 tm be held in eee~om until much time aa action
ie takent =eve=me the de~iefon o~ the Boa=d and PUt it back on the
~abie. Bm. Deughty seconded. Unanimously
Bm. Robe=t Loom&e~ =tth FiD=ida Sttes~ Ino.~ =eP=eeen~ative
Bm. Robe=t Rose came ~o==a=d~ to exp~in ~hat Bm. Rose ~de hie ap-
plication to the City et the time =e app[t~ ~o= ~he I~5
and tt =aa the~= unde=s~ndtng action =as to be ~aken at the time the
1-95 Inte=chenge could go th=ough the City. ~ fu=the= etat~
Bm. ~oolb~ight~a aPPlication =as ~de at the same time =i~h
same unde=stand~ng.
Page 3
IllA RCH 5
mr. Olds suggezted e Oo~k~hop meeting mith the City Councll bm
called to determine whether or not "something,, could be ~o~ked out.
If the Cit~ obtains a master Planne~ to help re-a~enge our zoning~
me might be able to solve some o~ these probiema.
B=. ~eave= suggested the Scard mlgh% be able to a~ange to Jo&n ~h~.
City Council a% one of the1= ~o~kshop Sesszone, ~hen the City
Attorney mss also present~ ~nd ~o=k ou~ ~heae problems together.
He further suggested that ~=. Olds a,~ ~=. Fuller try to at,enos
such a mesting~ _
~r. Loomis came ?o=mard to state that his company le mo=king on 1-95
no~ in Dads County, and the Board's approach in trying to plan ?o~
th~s no~ is =eally ~he p~og=essive may of ~hinkin9, and ean~ed [o
congratulate ~he Board on ~hei~
Ci~yFU=~hermightdis°ussi°nbe ooneide~ing.f°ll°~ed ~ega~ding the possible planners tha~ ~he
Sr. Olds s~ated ~hat ~ee~me~a~ions should continue ~o be made to
~he City. There being no fur[he= business, ~ Seave~ mede a
motion [o adjourn. ~. Doughty seconded. Unanimously carried.
· ob~ Old~ Chairman
Page 4