Minutes 11-07-67~,[INUTES OF REGUIAR ~[~ETING OF THE PLA~NNING A.~ ZONING BOARD, HELD AT CiTY HALL~' TLUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1967 AT 7:30 P.M. Robert 01ds i~yma z~d ]~ertz Stanley Weaver Albert ~ehrell ~'~alter Dutch ABSEt~T: Joseph BrutI (County elections) Foy ~fard ~. 01ds, Chairman of the Board, opened the meeting. i~r. Weaver moved that the minutes of the special meeting held August 29, 1967~ be accepted as submitted. Seconded ~¥ ~,~. )iehrell. Unanimously carried. '~here was no old business. Parcel 1: ~ts 12 ~ 13, Dlock 7, ~ntral Park ~nnex Subdivision~ as recorded in Plat ..~ook 12, Page 51, Palm Beach 0ounty records. P~equest: R-1 to R-2 Location: 1314 South Seacrest oulevard Owner: ~.acinda ~ckinlay ~s. i~ckintay came forward and advised she would like to be able to sell wigs from her home and she would be using one room 5f her home to display the wigs. '.~.'he house -~as built on two lots. ~. ~caver: - received a message at my home 'that .~rs. i-~ckinlay didn't really want to change the zoning, if she could get permission to use her home for the above reason, if there is any other way she could do this, she would be willing to do so. ~. ]~ertz: '~.~ou!d you have a parking problem? ims. l~ckinlay: ~o~ I doubt if i would have more than one ear or maybe two, at the same time. i.]r. ,~eaver: '.fould you have a sign? i.'~rs. Mackin!ay: I would like to, but I am not insisting on it, but if you allow me to put up a sign, that would be fine with me. i~. 01ds: R-1 doesn't allow any sign at all. R2, I have a petition stating people have no objections whatsoever on this change at allo There are ten signat%u~es on the petition. (~. 01ds read all the names and addresses on the petition). I have two protests. One from Tyngsboro, ~ssachusetts - an ~lfred ~hrcus and ~dith ~. ~rcus~ and Anna ~,~. Rohmer and ~harles H. Ro~nuer. 01ds asked if there was anyone in the audience objecting to this change. one came forward to object. ~. )~aver: '/e are reaching the point more and more on Southoeacrest, ¢' that a lot of it should have been zoned ~-2, R-3 or commercial. ~'fo should study -1 - REGULAR MEETING R ~v-~' ' ~i~±NG & ZONING BOARD NOVEMBER 7, 1967 this all the way down to the ospital area and possibly fu. rther than that. ~ihere. is a possibility ti:at the City might grant a temporary license of non-conforming use. I don't think there is any hardship in this case. iX. Wertz: l~ere should be a better way in handling this. ~r. ~eaver: There are probably quite a number of people that carry on their business at their home in zones hi~her than this. Discussion Mr. Ueaver: Suppose ~s. P~.ckinlay came to City Hall and got a license to sell wigs from door to door. There is no way in the world they can stop her o - ~"~o Dutch: ~rs.M~_ackmnlay' would you be ~king wi s there? ~'~So Mackinlay: ~o, I would just be styling them and selling them. ~. ~eaver: I don't see where this would be harmful business in any way. ~'~'£rs. ~ackmnlay: ~ould you soot zone just those two lots? ~. ~eaver: We get lots of requests similar to this. ~ffe don't object to it.- '~ ~ ~-~s. Mackinlay: Could i get a temporary license until you act upon it? Mr. 01ds: We can't pass on licenses. In fact, we can't do anything except pass it on to Council° If we chan~e it to R-2~ that leaves the property wide open for a multitude of thing~ and some neighbor n~ght come along and ask for an R-2 zoning and put something there that would really cause a problem. Mr. ~aver: That is the reason we are not spot zoning. If we grant it to one, we are obligated to grant it to someone else and on down the line like that. ~[ro Dutch: I move that we deny the R-2 application ~ ~ oec~.use, it opens a multitude of avenues to property m. mers in the area and we do not spot zone. I do think that possibly there should be a recommendation from the Board that they ask the City Attorney to review the legislation on this and see if something can be done about it. Seconded by Ph~. ~eaver. .Unanimously carried. ~. Olds: ihere are a good many people operating from their homes now, in higher zoned areas than yours and there are many of them with all kinds of things such as tools, etCo around their homes they are selling. -2- The Planning ~oa:rd feels that the g.to~¢hh and welfare of the City and 2alto }3each Co-omty~ etC o~ and it is of ~'~.=~* ~ .... .:~oynton :~each~ ~ - Section ~:~ '% the GoYernor of the ~' -~ ,~,~ate of Piorid% State Road Depart- memt and other S,a%e and ~'ederai /~zenoies conce~ning fi~emediate action to~ra:.¢ds the ¢omnletion of 1-95~ Uection 2; ?h~% %he Secretary of %he P!am'~in~ ~oa~d be and is hereby dices- sect to spreaa a copy of this Xesoiution and de!~ver a t~ue copy ;~. ,-e:,~r moved for the adoption of the .~-~esolu-~mon. Seconded by '.:later .6rich. ~nanimously carried. ~iscussion held. }~... Dutch brought un.. for discussion '~~~eh 10 acre si,to fo:c 'the Sou%ri' Palm ;each County Couz. t House: 2etween Congress South to C-ernmntown Aoad~ all industrial area, ~he 10 -.cz~es that De!ray offered to Geamty is wrapped up in industrial and .mmmemmatel r ~t o~ i% is the colo-~ed section, i'he B%~ton :~each 20 aox'es is 2~- miles Uorth~ ' ,,, ~ approx~m~ %~ ly ~ mou.t- miletus ~ravel t~e - ab~:.u% I mile off Congress. ~2'~ N~.tch suggested to the Cozmcii that we offer the 20 acres with sewer and wamer and road access. Coueil ~rabbed the ball and ran and Joe k~aphrey has done a tremendous ~ob on %his. The su~mry is~ there is a bond issue and a race t~'ack and state gambling revenue.. The Oour% ~,,mnex will be built South. The Sour% House sure will come out of bond issue :. nd %he public welfare will come from race track revenue. The County oo~ission hsd to file a Resolution %o the S3ate. Discussion held. ~4~ Olds': ~ - ~ · . ~nsomucn as this is our roTe!ar meeting~ i think now is the time to do something on %his, Any reeoMuendation would be to the ad~antage of the City of -oynton }};each in many ways. ~e will have %o :'.'e~ a resolution __. -;-I ~ " drawn up on .... i'~~. Yehreti; ! move we hi~hly Fecommend thc City Council for its pro:~;:tpt ...orion in makin¢ tho offer to tho County Cor~'~issioners for tho 20 acres off Congress Avenue and South of ~'~o!ff Road along with sewer facilities, water and street access for use as a South ~, ~ " ~ ~ount~ ~ourt .aouse Comp!ex and offer all aid a,~d assisvance in expe~tin{~ this matter and urine 'hi, em to exert all effort to accomplish this fact. Seconded by Stanley Wcaver~ Lh~animo'u. siy carried. '~ ' ~{;~r..m,~.tcn: slc. V~n ~essel stated to me today that:,~,.,~xv. Warren's argtm~en% in favor of the Detray site was "the fact th~,% i% was in the ' ~ ~ mndus~.~_ mam az'ua just Soutk of ~,ne ~,~.~zc 2~enue area a,n~ n~x% to the negro ~o~mnunity~ it would be very handy for, the negro welfare patients ~o be }3.andled under weifare~. ',{e further stated %o me twice %hat the decision for the South -3- MI~Y~ TES REGULAR MEETING PIA~i~ING & ZONING BOARD i~OV~MBER 7~ 1967 Gounty Court House Complex would be a five man decision and not a one man decision". Discussion held. Y~. Olds~ We have one area here that is going to those single family con- dominiumso Atlantis has some o£ those homes now. ~,~o Fuile~: AdviSed ho would make a copy of the Broward County form and mail it out tO all members of the Planning and Zoning Board. ~ also advised that the City of Boynton Beach has two (2) N. E. First Streets in two (2) different locations. The City Manage~ would like you members %o study this because~ they are four (4) blocks apart. This is under study. ~ir. Weaver: Y~r. l,',tsavel~ moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Colo Wehrell. ~nanimously carried. Meeting~djourned~ at 8~A5 PoMo