The following members were present:
Stanley Weaver
Albert Wehrell
Robert Olds
Joseph Brull
Maynard Wertz
Harold Blanchette
Chairman Olds opened the meeting at 7:30 P .M.
Mr. Wehrell moved we accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by
Mr. Wertz. Unanimously carried.
15th A.venue - High .Po.int Apartmentp (nec.r. I~-95) - On the.. tab!~e
It was suggested that it s'~ay on the table.
W. 200' of N. 620.8~ of S. 650.8' of NE~ of NE~
East of U.S.Hwy ~1~ less R/W, Ac.Sec. 33-45-43.
Request: R-3 to C-1 for commercial stores.
Location: 1810 S. Federal Highway
Owners: Fred & Laura Benson
Mr. Wallace Richter came forward and presented a letter from Mr. Benson
to the Chairman of the Board. He also advised that the property is
under contract and the sale of it through the Bensons to a Mr. Hayman
from Commercial owner of the Old Colony (?) Corporation. His business
is development of property throughout the United States, from what he
understands. The property zoned the way it is now is of no use to
them - it would have to be re-zoned commercial for their use. This
property is almost directly across the streetfrom 18th Avenue.
There were no people in favor of or against this zoning change present
at the meeting.
Mr. Weaver moved that this request be approved. Seconded by Mr. Wertz~
Unanimously carried.
The abandonment of that portion of 50' right-of-way
lying between N.E. 22nd Avenue and N.E. 20th Avenue,
bounded on the West by Lots 16 thru 29, Block 33, and
on the East by Lots 1 thru 10~ Block 24 and Lots l and
20, Block 25, Boynton Ridge Subdivision, and also that
portion of 50' right-of-way of N.E. 21st Avenue, bounded
on the North by Lots 18, 19~ & 20, Block 25, and bounded
on the South by Lots 10 & 11~ Block 24, of said sub-
division, as recorded in Plat Book 24~ Page 28, Palm
MAY 4, 1967
B. - continued
Beach County records.
Requested by: Yaros-Marvez Architects
Mr. Marvez and Mr. Gross came forth and presented each member of the
Board with photograph of area and discussed it in detail with the
Board. He also gave a brief rundown on what is to be done with the
property. They also displayed a draft of what the area will look like
with their apartments. Their original plan was to build single family
dwellings, but their plans have been changed now to build apartments
which would be more beneficial to the City of Boynton Beach and to
them. They also would like to change the right-of-way from where it
now stands to where it would be more beneficial to the apartment
buildings that are proposed.
Mr. Olds mentioned that he thought this land still belonged to M~.
Weinstock and it was rezoned for apartments but never was developed.
It is now zoned R-3A.
Mr. Olds advised he had received replies from Florida Public Utilities
and Southern Bell advising they had no objections regarding the utili-
ties in that area. :Still do not have -a reply from Florida Power &
Light Company on this matter. Also received a letter from Russell &
Axon giving tentative approval of the layout. Final approval would
come only after final plans and specifications are presented.
There was considerable discussion pertaining to this matter.
Mr. Weaver moved that this request be approved pending the fulfill-
ment of matters set out in letter from Russell & Axon are followed
and approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Mr. Brull. Unanimous-
ly carried.
C. P~_~blic parking lots in the City.. of Boynton Beach
The matter of public parking lots was brought up by Mr. Olds and one
of the main areas referred to was the new parking lot at the Hospital.
It runs right down to the highway and the first good ~ain we have is
going to cause a flood on Seacrest Boulevard as there will be a very
serious drainage problem there. Also, there is no shrubbery or trees
in fact, it is just plain open and certainly does not look well from
the highway.
Considerable discussion was had pertaining to this matter.
It was suggested that the present Zoning Code should be up-dated as
soon as possible.
Mr. Olds appointed a Committee to get some code books from other areas
MAY 4, 1967
C. - continued
and to rework them to fit the City of Boynton Beach's needs at this
time and for some time to come in the future.
Mr. Wehrell and Mr. Brull were appointed to be the two members~of
this Committee. They accepted the appointment.
D. Gar_ bage can situation
Taking garbage cans back to where they belong away from the curb should
be checked into. There are some areas in the City where they are left
by the curb for days on end. There is something in an Ordinance al-
ready that sets a time when they should be removed from the curb. This
should be followed up on and should be enforced in one way or another
at a very early date. It is not the responsibility of this Board to
enforce this Ordinance.
E. Sidewal.ks
The sidewalk situation throughout the City should be studied very close-
ly to see if there is a way to include a sidewalk with every house that
is built, in that way the streets will all have sidewalks.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
May 9, 1967
RoBert B~ 01ds~ Chairman