William Wohlleb, Chairman
Robert Olds, Vice Chairman
Stanley Weaver
~.y~rd Wertz
Harold. Blanchette, Building Inspector
Eugene Cooper
Julian Patrick
Albert Wehrell
Mr. Wohlleb called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Mr. l%~ohlleb read the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning
and Zoning Board held December 8, 1966. There ~re no corrections.
Mr. Weaver moved that the minutes be accepted, Mr. Olds seconded and
it was carried 4-0.
~flr. Wohlleb related that he %ms present at the meeting when the
members of City Council returned Mr. Clapper's second request back
to the Planning and Zoning Board for more intensive study and
recommendations. He further stated Mr. Clapper's first request had
been approved by City Council pertaining to a small isolated area
adjacent to the FEC Railroad presently zoned C-1 which he wished a
change on formerly to C-2. This was merely an upgrading of C-1 zoning
under Section 31 and not a change in zoning to C-2. Mr. Wohlleb stated
that the Planning and Zoning Board had rejected it under C-2.
Mr. ~feaver stated he felt they should require Mr. Clapper to make
N.E. 4th Street a right-of-way and smoothe out all the bumps there.
Mr. Clapper had previously stated he had th~ bumps put in to slow down
traffic. ¥~. Weaver felt it was going to be required that this road
be opened up all the way.
On the second parcel, which was the one returned to the Planning and
Zoning Board, Mr. Weaver stated he felt the board was correct in their
decision last time and should leave it that way. F~. Wohlleb said he
agreed with him on this matter. Mr. Olds related that someone in the
city somewhere 'explained to him about these trailer parks, as they exist,
that they are accepted because they are already there under conditional
use, but they cannot expand. He did not know for certain whether there
was any ordinance :to back this up.
JANUARY 5, 1967
Me. WoB] ]eb stated he felt there was nothing new about it at all,
and it should be rejected again.
Mr. ~eaver stated he felt the board should stand by the decision made.
He further stated he did not feel the board had much to say on the
city's decision on Parcel No. I and did not think it would do a lot
of harm. He said he felt sure that the area w~st of the N.E. ~th Street
line could develop into something better than a trailer park, and that
they did not need any commerce in there.
Mr. ~eaver moved to reject ~. Clapper's request regarding Parcel No. 2.
Mr. Olds seconded and it was carried 4-0.
Great Neck Communities Inc. ~distance re~_~_ix_.eme.~- nt_s~
Mr. ~ohlleb stated he felt it would be proper to again notify all
parties concerned and recommended that the City Clerk notify all
parties concerned in advance so that they can be present.
There has been some communication between ~. Moore and between them
and Mr. k~ohlleb, and they have a suggestion by Mr. Moore of changing
the service station ordinance. He said they wanted it changed
slightly and some recommendation would be made in regard to this.
He further stated they should have a hearing at the next regular meeting
and he would contact the City Clerk and' have her notify all parties
concerned. He said the Planning and Zoning Board should recommend a
change in the ordinance to the council. He felt a copy of the
ordinance should be sent by the City Attorney to each member of the
Planning and Zoning Board.
Fred G. Benson
Lots 20 & 21, Pence Subdivision #1, Block A
Request: Rezone C-1 to C-2, Filling Station with
major repairs. (see sketch colored orange)
Mr. t'fohlleb stated there was one problem which has arisen now
regarding this matter. ~M. ~.~eaver owns some property adjacent to it,
and he would have to abstain from voting and the matter vrill have
to be tabled. Mr. Olds moved to table this request, seconded by
N~. ~'~ertz and it was carried i-O.
JANUARY 5, 1967
Boynton Nurseries, Inc.
N650.8' of NE¼ of ~¼ of E of U.S.#l, Sec.33-~5-~3
Lots i & 2 l~f of FIND canal r/w Sec 3~-~5-&3 East,
Rousseau' s Subdivision
Request: Rezone R-3 to C-2, commercial stores and business
property as permitted under C-2. (see crosshatch)
Mr. Wohlleb noted that all interested parties had been notified of
this request. Mr. Moore, attorney for Me. James D. Sturrock, came
forward to speak in favor of this request. He stated the zoning on
this property had remained the same siuce 1961. He further stated
the construction of the bridge to AIA was nearing completion and
should change the entire complexion of this area. There is C-1
zoned property immediately to the north of the property and the entire
Sunshine Shopping Center has been zoned C-1 since initiation of the
project. The property in question has been used as a nursery for the
growth of plants, etc. There is approximately 660 sq. ft. in the
property and the taxes run approximately $2,.000 a year, including
both county and city. It is unfeasible to continue the present use
of this land due to the development of adjacent areas. He stated a
change in the zoning would add great.ly to the tax roll when it is
developed. ~. Moore further stated Mr. Sturrock had no immediate
plans for development of it himself, but he might sell the property
to someone who would develop it. He said the present R-3 zoning is
restrictive and it could not be developed along many uses.
Mr. Wohl ~ eb inquired as to why they wanted C-2 instead of C-1 zoning,
and Mr. Moore stated it would give them a broader scope and eliminate
the possibility of their coming back to the city at a later date.
Mr. Weaver asked if he had any def5mite plans for development right
now, and Mr. Moore stated he did not, but that he knew he should start
Mr. Westphal, 6 Lake Ida Road, Delray Beach, came forward to speak in
favor of this request. He stated he was the ovmer of some property
north of 15th Avenue and he is the owner of the property just referred
to. He said he had requested a zoning change last year. The zoning
change was rejected by this board, but the request by the owners of
the property adjoining his was granted.
Mr. I~foh]]-eb, at this point, stated if his memory serves him correctly,
they did not turn it dorm but that it was v~thdrawn. He further stated
they recommended that the whole plot be approved but before it came to
council, it was withdrawn.
Mr. %^fes%phal stated there v~re two pieces involved~ and they had
requested to have both parcels rezoned C-1 except for a portion of
his property which was zoned 3-A to protect the people with residential
property adjoining. He said this board did not act on it and that it
was taken to council without any action, and they returned it to the
JANUARY 5, 1967
board to come through with a recommendation and then the request vas
just made on the one parcel in mind. He said if there .is going to
be zoning changes in that area 'because of the bridge, these two
parcels north of the bridge should be considered because he felt the
use of the property would be identical to that south of here.
He further stated he was not objecting but felt he should be given the
same consideration as the others. He said his previous request had
not been turned down but that council kept delaying it. He said the
people would have been ready to develop this year and that property
would have brought approximately $30,000 additional ts~es to the city
alone, for the amo~t they were willing to spend on that property.
Mr. Wohlleb stated they could only act on the one request tonight,
and that they would act on his request again if he would re-submit
it, and that what happens to the other property ~ill have a great
bearing on his case.
No one came forward to speak in opposition to the request.
Mr. Wob_lleb stated he believed that when they acted on this request,
they acted in good faith with the zonL~g~in miud, but that he felt it
vas placing a severe burden on people by asking them to come up with
blue prints, etc., as they can give them all kinds of plans and
promises and once the council authorizes it, they can put ~nything
on it they v~sh, as long as they comply with the zoning code.
He said he thought they were turned do~ because they did not have
plans, etc.., and he felt it ~s non-progressive thinking on the part
of council. He felt they should take honorable people for their word,
and not treat them like children. He felt cases like this should be
brought to the attention of the council, and they should be put on
Mr. Weaver stated on changing this ~ole area to C-2, actually you
are talking about ten acres which is not a tremendous shopping area
unless you combine it with the other plaza across the street, and
possibly consider Mr. Lotto's and Mr. Westphal's area, and then you
end up with close to ~0 acres of shopping center bisected by U.S. #1
and S.E. 15th Avenue, v~aich v~ presume v~ll be at least an artery to
I95 and AIA. This makes a pretty sizeable shopping area except that
it is bisected by one main road or possibly two. He further stated
the idea of the R-5 area and the R-l-AA area as laid out on the
original master plan, was to keep as high a zoning ~ possible in the
city, and to elLminate the amount of commercial property as possible
since we have too much already. He further stated that one cannot
foresee this, and it was 6~' years ago when this was done, at which time
it was not knovm what the developments would be and this brings up the
problem of last year, and the request we made for the city to give us
some professional advice by hiring a city planner on a per diem or
on a contractural basis to help rejuvenate the plan. He said he felt
this should be done at least every five years.~ ~ ~ed ~
felt the trend in that area was established, and that they ne~ed to
JANUARY 5, 1967
expect more of this type of request west of U.S ,#1 and west of the
railroad even in the next 3-4 years. He said the only thing that
worried him is where will the commercial zoning stop, and where will
they get back to the residential zoning. Mr. Weaver stated he was not
opposed to this reque~st and that he felt it was property put to the
highest and best use, but he personally would prefer to see some type
of homes or condiminiums go in there, and maybe they will ~tiI1 go in
M~. Olds stated he was wondering if ~r. Moore would re-consider and
settle for a C-1 zoning. He said C-2 zoning leaves itself open to
so many things they don't want in that area, and maybe the o~aers
don't w~nt in that area either.
Mr. Moore stated at the present time they would agree to that.
Mr. Olds stated they can al?~ys ask for a conditional use or something,
and that he did not like the C-2 zoning.
~. ~?ertz stated he would agree with }~. Olds as far as the C-2 zoniug
is concerned. He said he still would like to go back to the
recommendation made through the board to the city council at the time
of the l,~restphal application, and thought this wh61e area needs to be
studied. He stated he realized it may play a hardship on the o~,mers
of the property to ask them to wait until the entire area is re-studied,
but he felt it ~.as not fair for the people to the north to allow a change
in the zoning on the south side of this road, after refusing to allow
a change on the north section. He said he felt this ~ole area ties
in together and should be studied together, and recommendations made
by the board to the city council on the entire area.
Mr. Wohlleb said he agreed with himinthat respect, but he also felt
the possibility would better itself in getting a change through for
the north section of S.E. 15th Avenue, if they can possibly get the
south section of it approved. It would be less of an argument.
He said they approved it before as they felt this was the highest and
best use of that area and it was strictly turned down, as he understands
it, because the coUncil requested of the people who were making
application a complete rendering of what they ~ould build there,
and these people felt it was an unnecessary thing, and t~t they
should be taken fortheir word. He said he felt this was the complete
basis on which the council turned it down.
Mr. ~ohlleb further stated he felt they had to start someplace, and
since this is going to be the main area for shopping in Boynton Beach,
they should help them develop this area and for once get it in one area
and not have it scattered. He felt sure if they wot~d accept C-1
zoning they could control what is going to be placed there instead of
JANUARY 5, 1967
He said he agreed with Mr.. Wertz that an upgrading of th~ master
plan with new feasibility study should be made as menti~ed to council
a number of times before. He felt if one wanted progress one would
have to spend a little money, and that they could not wait until next
F~. t~Yeaver moved that this request be granted under C-1 rather than C-2o
Mr. Olds seconded, and it was carried &-O.
Meeting adjourned.