Minutes 12-08-66MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING~ HELD IN CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, DECEMBER 8, 1966 AT 7:30 P.M. ' PRESENT: William Wohlleb: Chairman Eugene Cooper Robert Olds Herb Keatts Harold Blanchette: Build lng Inspector ABSENT: Julian Patrick Stanley Weaver Maynard Wertz Mr. Wohlleb called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ? Mr. Wohlleb read the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board held November 109 1966. There were no corrections. Mr. Olds moved that the minutes be accepted~ Mr. Coope~ seconded and it was carried 4-0. O_LD BUSINESS: Mr. Wohlleb read a memorandum received from Mr. Kain, City Manager~ regarding the property adjoining City Hall. He stated he would like to table any further discussion regarding this ~ and that Mr. Blanchette has come up with sore ideas regarding the Presently owned property. Mr. Olds moved to table this matter until the next meeting. Mr. Keatts seconded and it was carried 4-0. Discussion~ of..I-95 Interchange. . __ _ at Second or Ocean Avenue Mr. Wohlleb related that certain members o£ the council, including Mr. McCoy could no~ be at the meeting tonight, and recommended the matter be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Cooper moved to table this matter seconded by Mr. Keatts and it was carried 4-0. ~ _Great Nec~l C°mmunities_ Inc. distance re uirements ) Mr. Wohlleb stated that Mr. Moore is in the process of redrafting this ordinance making some necessary additions and corrections. Mr. Olds moved to table this matter until it is properly drawn up. Mr. Keatts seconded and it was carried 4-0. -1- MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING DECE~BER 8~ 1966 NE_~W BUSINESS: 1. Chas D Clapper E.Part Lots 22,23, & 24, Sam Brown Jr. S/D Beg at Pt 90° W of FEC RR R/W on S Bdry li Lot 22 run N at angle approx 345',E208'S90, to P.O.B. Request: Rezone from C-1 to C-2 (See crosshatch No. 1) Mr. Wohlleb asked those who wished to speak in favor of this request to come forward. Mr. John M. Callaway~ 2231 N. Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, attorney for Mr. Clapper, came forward and stated he and histhe land. client believed this was the highest and best use of No one came forward to speak in opposition to the request. Mr. Wohlleb stated they had had somewhat of a similar request by Mr. George Burgelin in the northern extremities of the city, only it was regarding conditional use of the trailer sales and the owner already had use of the land. ~r. Keatts stated he believed they had more than enough C-2 zoning in Boynton Beach. Mr. Olds moved that the request be denied. Mr. Keatts seconded and it was carried 4-0. 2. Chas D. Clapper E340' of lots 20 thru 26 ly W of Sam Brown Jr. S/D E. Bdry line Sec. 16-45-43 Request: Rezone from R-1 to C-1 (see c~osshatch #2) This property is adjacent to a trailer park located at 1801 N. Federal Highway which he would like zoned fop a trailer park. Mr. Wohlleb asked those who wished to speak in favor of this request to come forward. Mm. John M. Callaway~ 2231 N. Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, attorney for Mr. Clapper, came forward and stated he wished to repeat that he and his client believed this was the highest and best use of the land. -2- MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ~TING DECEMBER 8 ~ 1966 Those speaking in opposition to the mequest weme: M~. Dirck H. G~ootenboer~ 2104 N.E. 4th Court~ stated many of his neighboms and fmiends (appmox/mately 50)~ had asked him to deliver a signed petition megaPding this mattem. They requested denial of this change from R-1 to C-1. He stated theme was a vast amount of land in and around Boynton Beach which is already zoned C-l! and C-2 which is not pmesently occupied. There are also many stores which ape vacant, and that for the population of this city the_~e is enough ground zoned commercial. Mr. Olds stated theme was an ordinance in the city that tmailer pamks already here Should stay within rheim own confines. Mr. Cooper related that he felt the~e was sufficien~ C-1 zoning in this city to take care of 100,000 people. He moved the request be denied, seconded by M~. Olds and it was caP,led 4-0. Meeting adjoumned. WILLIAM' WOHLLEB, CHAIRM~N -5-