William Wohlleb, Chairman
Maynard Wertz
Stanley Weaver
Julian Patrick
Eugene Cooper
Robert Olds
Herb Keatts
Harold Blanchette, Bldg. Inspector
Mr. Wohlleb called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Wohlleb read the minutes of the regular meeting of the
Planning and Zoning Board held September 8~ 1966. There were
no corrections.. Mr. Weaver moved that the minutes be accepted~
Mr. Cooper seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Westchester HeiEhts~ Inco (tie vQt,e)
Mr. Wohlleb stated that the request for rezoning on this
property will be reviewed again since the vote was tied at
the last meeting.
~. Harold Lawler came forward to speak in favor of this re-
quest. He stated that the reasons for requesting this rezoning
to garden-type apartment zoning was expressed in a letter which
each member of the Board had received yesterday. A copy of
this letter is attached.
Mr. Nicholas Fornaby came forward and stated he lives in
Westchester Heights and knows most of the people there. He
said he had been against any changes taking place on Seacrest~
but since so much change has taken place there~ that something
else should be done. There is a drug store~ professional
building, nursing home, gas station, etc. on Seacrest. Spot
zoning should not be allowed and something should be done to
correct this evil. He stated he knew Mr. Shook and F~. Lawler
to be fine people and they are just asking for high class
residential apartments to be built. He would like to see
something worked out together with these people~
No one came forward to speak in opposition. Mr. Wohlleb noted
that P~. Frisbie, M~.~'Potier and Mr. Merkel were present at
OCTOBER 6, 1968
the last meeting and objected at that time. Also a petition
with 31 names opposing this request was presented last meeting.
Mr. Wertz asked Mr. Shook if any persons were assured that
these lots would stay residential as they had stated. Mr~
Shook said he did not believe any person purchasing lots
through him were ever told that the zoning would not be changed
There was no further discussion on this matter.
Mr. Patrick moved that the request be denied. Mr. Keatts
seconded. The vote was 4 For the motion and 2 - Against.
01ds and Mr. Wertz cast the dissenting votes.
Mr o
Great Neck Comm, unitiesq ,Inc.,(Ordinance Changp)
Mr. Wohlleb stated that the Board had received a proposed
ordinance on this matter drawn up by Mr. Moore for the Board's
Mr. Weaver moved to leave this matter on the table until the
Board can get some approximate distances needed to put in the
ordinance and to give it further consideration. Mr. 01ds
Mr. Wohlleb stated he felt the provision stating that at an
interchange no gas station should be built within 200 yds.
from any existing church~ school or hospital should be en-
compassed in this ordinance. It was suggested that Mr.
Blanchette get some idea of the distances involved and report
back to the Board.
Motion was unanimously carried.
Request for rezoning of the following described property:
Lots 3 thru 11 and 13 thru 17 incl. Gay Mar
Also tract 130' x 460' lying south of lots
12-17 incl. Gay Mar Estates
Request: Rezone from R-iAA to R-2A
OCTOBER 6, 1966
Mr. Leon Cloutier~ 240 S.W. 6th Ave., came forward to speak
in favor of this request. He stated that he and Mr. Mason
planned to build between six and eight apartment buildings
with a pool and shuffleboard court. This is strictly a rental
proposition with rentals from $125 and Upo
Mro Wohlleb read a letter from Dr. Vernon Astler objecting to
this request. Also Mr. Wohlleb stated the Board had received
a list of approximately 30 names in opposition to this request~
Mr. Jo~_u Porter, 191 S.E. 27th Cto, came forward to speak in
opposition to this request. He stated about four years ago
that they went to the trouble and expense of having their
property rezoned from duplex to single family dwelling so
that the whole square would be zoned for single family resi-
dences and they would like to keep it that way.
Mr. Leon Everett~ 197 S.E. 27th Ave.~ came forward to speak in
opposition. He stated that he is raising a family there and
would not like to see apartments put in where people are com-
ing and going. There would be a large turnover of people and
the traffic volume would increase.
Mr. H. A. Arnold, 195 S.E. 27th Ave., came forward to speak in
opposition to this request. He stated he had bought one of
the first homes in that area because it was dedicated to single
family residences. He said he had been before the Board
several times to help defeat any changes in rezoning this
area, and to have this changed now would be very disappointing
to him.
Mro Lawrence Zill, 2926 So. Federal Highway~ came forward to
address the Board and stated that he owned property adjacent
to the medical building. He said these people have lived in
that area quite awhile and did not feel it was fair to change
the zoning now. He felt apartments would not be suitable in
that area and it would be downgrading the surrounding property~
Y~. John Sutter, 190 S.E. 27th Ave., came forward to speak in
opposition to the request. He stated he purchased his home
there because it was zoned for single family residences. He
said rental properties can very easily be turned into a slum.
Mr. Wohlleb noted that this is a large case of spot zoning.
Mr° Patrick moved that the request be denied._ Mr. Olds
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned.
William Wohlleb, Chairman
Westchester Heights, Inc,
c/o Harold J. Lawlor
2335 E. Atlantic Blvd., Pompano Beach, Florida.
Mr. William Wohlleb, Chairman',
Planning & Zoning Board,
City of Boynton Beach,~
Boynton Beach, Fla.
October 5, 1966.
Re: Request by Westchester Heights, Inc. to rezone Lots 1, 16 thru 22,
Westchester Heights from R-1AA to R-2A, and Lots 44 & 45 in the same
Subdivision from R-IA to R-2A
Dear Mr. Wohlleb:
You will recall that at the last meeting of the Planning & Zoning Board there' was a tie
vote with regard to the rezoning of this land.
The reason we are requesting the property be rezoned from R-1AA to R-2A is because the
volume of traffic on Seacrest Blvd. makes the lots unsuitable for single family
residences. We further believe there is a need for garden type apartments in the area.
We also sincerely believe' that if attractive garden apartments are built on the land
concerned, they will greatly enhance the surrounding property and act as a buffer zone
between Seacrest Blvd., which is a heavily-trafficked artery~ and the single family
residences which are already built in Westchester Heights.
When we developed Westchester Heights several years ago, Seacrest Blvd. was a very
desirable street for the building of residences, however this situation has changed
because of the volume and the noise of heavy traffic on the boulevard. In all of the
years we have owned Westchester Heights, we have not had the first bona fide request
to pUrchase a lot' facing on the boulevard. The other lots in Westchester Heights have
been sold, but the lots on. Seacrest Blvd. have no sales potential whatsoever as long
as the zoning regulations permit only Single family residences.
We further believe that beautiful garden apartments on the land concerned would be far
more attractive' than, .as Mr~ Olds Called it "a weed patch", as it is now. In our
planning for these apartments, i'f the rezoning is effected, we contemplate building
luxury-type apartments and in addition to being well-designed by a leading architect,
they would be beautifully landscaPed etc.
One of the items brought out by 'some of those opposed to such rezoning is that we could
not guarantee them that what we proposed would eventually be built. This is true.
Some of the surrounding communities, to solve, this problem, have a type of zoning in
which the developer has to present a plan of his development and if any changes were to
be made subsequent to the time of approval~ such changes would have to come before the
Planning & Zoning Board again. I realize the City of Boyntou Beach does not have such
a type of zoning and it may be that it should have it. Some of the communities having
this new type of zoning, which is a plan of development of a parcel which has to be
adhered to and which follows the parcel of land, whoever'might be the owner, are
Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, .etc,
When we first presented this request to the Planning & Zoning Board back in 1963, the
City at that time did not'even have the R~2A zoning. The zoning we requested at that
time, even though we wanted to build only garden apartments, also permitted the building
of clinics, pharmacies .etc. As a result of our request at 'that time, the R-2A zoning
came into being and th'is R-2A zoning is designed for what we want to build -- garden
type apartments.
page ~2
Mr. William Wohlleb.
It was brought out by those.who opposed the rezoning of this land that they did not
feel the land was unsuitable for single family residences. However, all those who
purchased lots did not elect to PurChase a lot on Seacrest Blvd. ~f they had felt it
was suitable for single family residences-, why out of the some 30 odd lots sold, was
there not even the first instance .of any i~terest by anyone to select a Seacrest Blvd.
lot? As I mentioned when speaking before the Board, in all the years we have owned
Westchester Heights, there has never been the first interest expressed by ,anyone in
purchasing a lot from us foz a single family residence on Seacrest Blvd~
It was also brought out that Congress Avenue will be completed shortly and it was the
opinion of some that this would reduce the traffic on Seacrest Blvdo This may be
true in some respects, however ther~ are other things taking place on that boulevard
which would tend to offset any diminishing of traffic~ such as the hospital being
expanded, a large complex of apartments being built just north of this property etc. etc.
It would seem to me that your Board is charged with the responsibility of seeing to it
that zoning would Provide for the '!h±ghest and best use of the land". At pre'sent with
the land zoned as single family residences~ it has no use° Zoned for garden type
apartments, the land would become usable.
We appreciate your earnest consideration of this rezoning request°
CC: Mr. Maynard Wertz
Mr. Julian Patrick
Mr. Stanley Weaver
Mr. E. E o Cooper
Mro Robert Olds
Mr. Herbert Keatts
Mrs. Beulah Holmberg
Very truly yours,