B01~ON BEACH, FLORIDA, SEPT~.~ER 8, 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
$~illiam~ohlleb, Chairman
Eugene Cooper
Robert Olds
Harold Bl~uchette, Bldg.
Mr. %~ohlleb called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. }~. Olds made a
motion to dispense ~th the reading of the minutes of July 7, July 21,
and August 4, 1966 and accept them as presented. ~. ~eaver seconded
and it was unanimously carried.
Mr. Wohlleb noted that there has been a request for rezoning on the follow-
ing two pa~els:
Parcel I. - Lots 1, 16 thru 22, inclusive, Westchester Heights
Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 210,
Palm Beach County records.
Request: R-L~ to R-2A
-Location: 2401 to 23+31 S. Seacrest Blvd. and 102 &
103 S.~. 25th Avenue
Owner: Westchester Heights, Inc.
Parcel 2. - Lots 44 & 45, ~estchester Heights Subdivision, as
recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 210, Palm Beach
County Records
Request: R-lA to R-2A
Location: 2399 S.W. 1st Street & 2393 S. Seacrest Blvd.
Owner: ~.~estchester Heights, Inc.
Mr. Harold Lawler, Boca Raton, came for~rd to speak in favor of this
request. He stated tS~t he and Alva Shook owned this property and had
requested this property be rezoned hack in 1963, but at that time it was
denied prdmarily because, in addition to garden-type apartments, it was
requested to permit clinics, pharmacies, etc. Since that time the city
now permits garden-type apartments under R-2A and this zoning only permits
structures to the height of 25' and also provides that you cannot have
more than eight units in a building. Mr. Lawler read a letter they had
writte~ to the Board in February, 1963 which set forth why they wanted to
build garden-type apartments and stated the points in that letter are now
even more so to the point.1 The letter stated they were requesting the
rezoning because the volume of traffic on Seacrest make lots facing on
Seacrest unsuitable for single family residences. Also they felt that if
attractive apartments were Built, they would enhance the surrounding
property and act as a buffer zone. He stated apartments would be more
attractive than the barren land that is there now. They contemplate
PTE~ 8, 1966
building luxury typ_e apartments all beautiful
points bro ht t-im ~,~ ~,, ..... . ly landscaped. Thes
11~ 011 ...... ~---~,~" z~lr. . e w~re
~ ~ ~a~eG ~e
Law±er refe~ed uo ~d ~ -~ .....
s~ letter e~resses the reasons for request~g t~ ~d to ~ re
now so they can bund attractive Gard~ A0artm~t~ ~, ...... zoned
~d be $i25 and up. - ~. ne s~ea ~he rent,s
}~. ~ne Merkel, ~ S.W. 1st Street, c~ forward to spe~ ~ opposition
to this r~uest. He stated his property is ~ back of these lots ~ch
face on Seacrest. He presented a petition to the Board ~th 31 n~es of
prope~y o~ers ~ ~estchester He~hts who protest the rez~ of t~s
property. He stated these people P~chased l~d ~ Westc~ster He~hts
because it was zoned R-~ ~d tho~ht it ~d ~ kept so. They feel
tb~t property values ~d be decreased if apartments ~re b~lt there.
~. Merkel said he felt there was plenty of property ~ Boston a~e~y
zoned for this t~e of ap~tments ~d t~t Seacrest Blvd. is a s~table
forl°Cati°nresident~f°r a s~leh~es, f~Y resid~ce ~d t~t these lots co~d be used
~. John Frisbie, 2~0 S.W. 1st St., c~e for~rd to speak ~ opposition.
He stated he purchased his property t~ years ~o from Mr. Shook ~th the
understand~ t~t the ~ea ~s for resident~l houses, and noth~ ~s
said about .galen apa~ments at that ti~. He was protest~ ~y c~e
~ this zon~ ~d felt it shoed r~ the s~e zon~g.
~. Woody Potier, ~08 S.W. 1st St., c~e fo~d to speak ~ oppositi~
~d stated he had lived there for e~ht years ~d it was ~s ~derst~d~
that it wo~d be a resident~l ~ea. He tho~ht apar~ents ~d ~
t~t ar~.:a. He did not th~ the tr~fic vol~ ~d affect h~es be~
bu~t on those ~rticui~ lots.
Mr. Weaver stated that Co~ss Ave. ~l shortly be completed t~o~h to
Delray ~d t~t ~ 'bake some traffic off Seac~st; also when 1-95 is
~t, more traffic ~ll go off Seacrest. He stated there ~e nice h~es
~ the Delray area and some in ~ton on this Blvd. He ~d no% ~e
t~t the o~y use this l~d can ~ put to is for g~den-t~e ap~ments.
He also stated t~t he did not feel these ap~t~nts would be h~
either if they ~re ~ta~ed properly, ~d he felt they ~uld be m~_
ta~ed ~ess o~ership m~ht ch~e at some time.
~. Olds stated he remem~red objections t~t c~ up ~ 1~3 and they ~re
pr~cip~y opposed to the R,2 zone. They ~re not object~ to R-~
w~ch ho~s t~ o~er to a garden-t~e apa~ent ~d t~t is ~l. ~. Olds
tho~ht these a~ments ~uld be ~tter t~n ~v~g a weed ~tch such as
is there n~.
~sid~t~.~' Cooper stated t~t he lived on Seacrest ~ felt this area shoed stay
SEFfEMBER 8, 1966
Mr. ~eaver moved that the request be denied. ~. Cooper seconded. The
vote was 2 FOR - 2 AGAINST. Since this was a tie vote, it was decided
to table this request until the next regular meeting, OctOber 6~ 1966.
PG. Weaver so moved and ~. Cooper seconded. It was unanimously carried.
The parties concerned asked to be notified again.
Parcel 3. - Request for rezoning of the following described property:
All that part of the North 150.00 feet of Lot
according to the Plat of Harbor Estates, a subdivision,
as recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 98, Palm Beach County
Request: C-1 to C-2
Location: 1406 N. Federal Highway
Owner: Third Sabac, Inc.
No one spoke in favor of this request.
Mr. Wohlleb read correspondence from the City Clerk stating that the owner,
~. Peter Sachse~ had not shown proof of declaration of citizenship and,
therefore, could not operate a business within the City of Boynton. ~.
Wohlleb also read affidavits signed by ~.~. Carr~ahan, ~. Fretz, Mr.
Blanchette, p~. Allan and Officer Bradfield, each stating from their own
observation that there has been violation of the licensing ordinance.
Also, Mr. I~Iohlleb noted a petition signed by property owners in the
immediate vicinity protesting this rezoning because this Shell Station
is located at the entrance to Harbor Estates and Coquina Cove and they
feel this would downgrade their property.
Mr'unanimouslyWeaver mo~edcarried.that the request be denied. ~, Olds seconded and it was
Parcel ~. - Request for rezoning of the following described property:
A parcel of land located in Sec. 33, Twp. &SS, Range
43E~ and fronting on the South right of way line of
15th Avenues begiuning at that certain point in said
South Right of way line of 15th Avenue where the limited
access to 1-95 ends, and run thence Eastward along said
South right of way line 175' to a point~ thence South-
erly parallel to the center line of 1-95 a distance of
175'~ thence Westerly, on a line parallel to the said
South right of way line of 15th Avenue, to the ~Easterly
right of way 1Lue of said 1-95 as finally established;
thence Northerly, along said Easterly right of way line
of 1-95 to the point of beginning.
Request: R-3A to C-2
Location: S.E. Corner of S.W. 15th Ave. & 1-95
Owner: Great Neck Communities, Inc.
~. Robert Loomis, representing ~. Rose, the owner of the property, came
forward to speak in favor of this request. He stated this rezoning is
requested so that ~. Rose may submit to Standard Oil of Ky. some sort of
evidence that when the 1-95 and the interchange are put in that they will
be alloyed to put in a service station at this location. If 1-95 and an
Ynterchange do not materialize, then no change is requested. ~. Loomis
stated that this is the highest and best use for this land mud it is a
withl°gicalpag~splacel6 andf°r 17serviCeof theStati°nSstate i at these points. He presented the~.~Board
is and budget showing that this
70~ cars a ~day at the tim~ of opening, will be in e~ess of
Mr. Joe Humphrey, representing Mr. George Kelly, who owns property across
~t~he street from subject property, came forward to speak in opposition to
this request. He stated that t~is application is conditioned on if and
when ~-95 goes in and feels that what has been asked starts a policy that
could be dangerous to Boynton and homeowners, because this is asking for
something in the indefinit~ future and for indefinite property. Mr.
Hunphrey stated that when and if ~-95 does go in, it will change the whole
makeup of S.W. 15th Ave., and then there will have to be serious consider-
ation given to all property owners in this area. At present there are
three residences in this area.
Mr. ~ohlleb read a letter signed by ~. Robert Griffith, who represents
Mr. ~Yoolbright. The letter requested that Mr. ~$oolbright be granted the
same treatment as this application for his property, which is in the same
Mr. Wohlleb stated that the Board recognizes the need for using all four
corners at these Interc~hanges on 1-95. Mr. Weaver stated he felt the city
should ask the city attorney to draw up the proper ordinance supplementing
the one we have allowing the use of this land for the highest and best use
at the Interchanges by eliminating the 600' distance requirement at those
points adjacent to an Interstate Highway.
Mr. ~eaver made a motion that this request be tabled and the city attorney
be requested to draw up the proper ordinance which would allow service
stations and motels to be built at the Interchanges by eliminating the 600'
distance requirement ~t those points adjacent to an Interstate Highway.
Mr. Cooper seconded and it was unanimously carried.
It was further requested by Mr~ ~eaver that a rough draft of the ordinance
be returned to this Board at the next regular meeting to be reviewed be-
fore the first reading.
SEPTE~ 8, 1966
Mr. ~Yohlleb announced that the clinic for members of the Planning and
Zoning Board members to attend will be held October 7, 1966 from 7 P.M.
to ll P.M. and October 8, 1966 from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
'~eetzug adjourned.
~illiam Wohlleb, Chairman