Minutes 01-06-66Minutes of Regular Meeting of Planning & Zoning Board hel~ in City
Hall Bo~wnton Beach~ Florida J~nuary 6.~ 1966 at 7:30 P.M.
William Wohlleb~ Ch~irm~n
Maynard Wertz. Vice Chairman
Herb Keats
Robert Olds
Julian Patrick
Rev, E. Stauffer
C. Stanley Weaver
Harold Blanchette Bldg. Inspector
The Board had their organizational meeting before the regular meeting
and William Wohlleb was named Chairman and Maynar5 Wertz. Vice Chairman,
for the comiug year. Chairman Wohlleb called the meeting to order at
7:25 P.M. Mr. Wohlleb read the minutes of December 30 1965 an~4
Olds moved that they be accepted. Mr. Weaver seconded and it was unani-
mously carried. Mr, Weaver moved that the minutes of the December 9th
meeting be read at the next regular meetin~o Mr, Olds seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
To consider rezoning of the following described property:
South 125' of Lot 8 lying N of Bo]retort Road
less E 3 acres Sec. 20/~5/.4~. Palra Beach County,
Request: R-1 to C-1
Location: 681 N,W. 2nd Ave,
Owner: Wilfred Couture
Mr. Couture spoke in favor of this rezonLng stating he wanted 125' zoned
C-1 to park trucks.
Mr. Ray Dumond sooke in opposition of the rezoning of 125' to C-1.
~s. Goodwin~ ~17 N.W. 7th Ct.~ Boynton Beach, opposed the rezoning
because of the noise the bif~ trucks will create. She stated that
there are several invalids and semi-invalids on the block and they
would like to keep it quiet.
Mrs. Irma McGathen~ ~0~ N,W. 7th Ct.~ Boynton Beach stated she opposed
this rezoning because it would downgrade the value of adjacent and
surrounding property.
Mary Lacowsky spoke in opposition stating she did not want any trucking
business in the neighborhood and she had saved money to buy a nice
home and would like to keep it a quiet place t~ live.
Planning & Zoning Board
January 6, 1966
Mr. John W. Adams 317 N.W. 7th Ct., Boynton Beach~ opposed the re-
zoning because he plans to build a $10 ~000 home in back of the above
described property and would not like tc see trucks there.
Mrs Dorc~thy Hay~]en,~ AO~ N.kT. 7th Ct.~ Bolraton Beach,, opposed the re-
zoning and stated that she knows the type of oruck that will go in
there an~. that they are three big trucks to be parked in 125' She
feels that these trucks do not belong there.
There was further e~scuss~ n by the Board and it was oointed out that
on both sides of this property there is C-1 zoning. It was noted that
Mr. Dumond ha¢~ C-1 zoning on his property. Mr. Keats stated that the
depth of the C-1 zoning on the side of this property is 90' Mr.
Wertz noted that when ~. Couture was before the Board last month,
he was told that the Board would consider this rezcning and felt that
it would not be acting wisely to deny him rezonir&§ along N.Wo 2nd
Ave. All that would be done would be giving him the same privilege
that is along 2nd Ave.,~ and that C-1 zoning might be considered for
90 ' depth.
Mr. Wertz made a motion that the request for rezoning to C-1 for
125' depth be denied. Mr. ?Jeaver seconded.
There was further discussion by the Board and it was suggested that
Mr. Couture should be allowed the C-1 zonLng for a 90' depth which
is the same as adjacent property. Mr. Wertz asked to withdraw his
motion and restated his motion that Mr. Couture be granted C-1 zonirkq
for that portion of his property fronting on Ol~ Boynton Road as it
follows curve of road, with the north line starting in line with the
rear property line of the lot adjacent to it on the east. Mr. Olds
seconded and it was unanimously carried.
To consider rezoning of the following described property:
Lot l~ Dewey Heights S/D, as recorded in Plat
Book 24~ page 193, Public Records of Palm Beach
County, Florida
Request: R-1AA to R-2~ with permissive use for
a doctor's office
Location: 2862 So. Seacrest Blvd.
Owner: J.H. Dewey
Mr. Harry Newt: attorney. Delray Beach, Florida.~ spoke in favor of
this rezoning. Mr. Newt stated that this property is adjacent and
immediately south of property that is zoned R-2 and_ is now having a
doctor's office constructed on it~ and that the property 8~cross the
street is zoned R-2. He stated that this zoning would really be a
slight extension of the existing zoning and would protect property
values now existing.
Planning & Zoning Board
January 6 1966
~. Frank McCoy~ 112 S.E. 28th Ave., Boynton Beach, stated that he is
a homeo~er in the area under consideration ~nd did not want to see this
rezoning in a residential area. and. that you have to draw ~bhe line
somewhere or the rezoning could go on and. on. He stated that this
rezonLug wo~ld depreciate the value of surro~ulding property.
Mrs, Irene Phillips~ 103 S.E. 28th Ave~, Bo2uton Beach, presented a
petition from the neighborhood and a letter opposing this rezoning,
She stated that everyone in the neighborhood feels that they have
had to come repeatedly before the Board to uphold their rights to
keep this area residential. The reason they oppose this rezoning
is to keep the area residential and they do not want the rezoning to
go on and on.
Mrs. Frances McCcy~ 112 S.E. 28th Ave., Boynton Beach, stated that
there are other places already zoo. ed for this type of construction
and would like to s~e the area stay residential.
Mr. Wohlleb read the petition opposing rezoning signed by: Angelo J.
PhiliP.ps, Irene C. Phillips~ Frank McCoy~ Jro.~ Frances W. McCoy~
Lillian 0'Bryan~ LeRoy 0'Bryan~ Webster D. George~ ~uth A. George,
Jean C. Martin~ Harry A. Martin~ Gary E. Brandt~ Savilla Brandt, Ruth
E. Rusk, Donal S. Rusk, Margaret Minehart~ Stephen M~nehart~ Pat Katz~
Peggy Hanshumaker~ W. R. Hanshumaker, Velma J. Ostrom and C. A. Ostrum.
Also, Mr. Wohlleb read a letter protesting the rezoning signed by
Ruth A. George~ Webster D. George~ Jean C. ~,~rtin and Harry A. Martin.
~. Newt pointed out that applications for rezoning along Seacrest
will undoubtedly come before the Board again and stated that this
application is for conditional use and should be of benefit to these
people. He noted that there has been no objection to what is pro-
posed and feels that the property would not be suitable for any other
Mr. Wohlleb read a letter in opposition from the Ascension Lutheran
Church signed by Judson H. Westgate, Pastor and President.
Mr. Roger Sk~tlman stated that there are many people in favor of this
rezoning in this area. and that most of the people who have written
opposing this rezoning live one to two blocks away.
Mrs. Patricia Katz spoke in opposition stating that she felt a change
of zoning would hurt the property value.
Planning & Zoning Board
Js~uuary 6~ 1966
Mr. Julian Patrick made a motion that the request be denied and Mr.
Keats seconded. It was unanimously carried.
To consider request for abandonment of the following described unim-
proved dedicated road rights-of-way lying ~-~ithin the subdivision of
SeCtions 29 and 20, To~mship ~5 South~ Re~nge ~3 East~ according to
the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in and for Palm BeaCh County~ Florida, recorded in Plat Book 7,
page 20:
(a) Thirsty (30) foot road right-of-way lying along the
north side of Lot 93 and thirty (30) foot road right-of-way
lying along the north side of Lot 86 of said subdivision;
(b) Thirty (30) foot road right-of-way lying adjacent
to ~.nd between Lot 79 and Lots 82 through 93 inclusive
on the ~ost~ and Parcel ~C~' s~nd Lots 68 through 78 inclusive
on the Es, st~ r¢~z~ing north;,~'ard from the north right-of-way
line of Old Boynton Road West~ to the South right-of-way
line of the Boynton Canal;
~,c) Thirty (30) foot road right-of-¢'~Y lying Nortt~ of the
North right-of-way of the Boynton C~al and South of Lot
9~ of said Subdivision.
Mr. Blanchette explained that this had. been done before but that
there was something done incorrectly in advertising, and that it
has to be advertised again.
Mr. Weaver ~de a motion that the request for abandonment on the
above described property be approved. Mr. Wertz seconded and it
was unanimously carried.
To consider rezoning of the followinE described property:
Lot 135~ Block A, Boynton Hills Subdivision as
recorded in Plat Book ~, page 51, Palm Beach County
Records ·
Request: R-1 to R-2A
Address: ilO N.W. Third Ave.
Ovmer: Eugene T. and Jean E o ~Jilt
Mr. Wohlleb read a letter of protest against this rezoning signed by
Mrs. Jessie Kurzo
Planning & Zoning Beard
January 6, 1966
Mr. Wilt spoke in favor of this rezoning stating tb~t there will be
no change to the outside structure, merely the addition of one kit-
chen. There will be a kitchen~ living room and bedroom on each side.
Mr. Patrick noted that this zon~ could jeopardize the entire area
by not protecting it from rentals. Mr. Olds stated that this again
is spot zoning which the Board tries to stay away from.
Rev. Stauffer moved that the request be granted. There was further
discussion. Mr. Wertz said that Mr. Wilt planned to move from the
area and would have two rental units instead of one. This is spot
zoning and not protecting the property owners in the area from ren-
tal properties. Mr. Weaver seconded the motion. The vote was i YES
and 5 NO.
Mr. Wertz moved that the roquest be denied and Mr. Keats seconded.
It was unanLmously carried.
Mr. Kain read from a rough draft o£ the City Council minutes o£
Jan~ry 3, 1-356, stating that Mr. Boos requested the Planning &
Zoning Board to wake a study of access roads to D-9~. ~'~ir. Wohlleb
stated at this Council meeting that the Board was waiting to get ~
map of the proposed I-9§. Since that meeting, Er. Wohlleb and Mr.
Kain have contacted persons in the State Road Department and have
been told that no such maps exist, kfter a lengthy discussion on
the number and location of possible access roads, Er. Wohlleb re-
quested Er. Blanchette to make an overlay sketch of the proposed
I-9~ throuch Boynton Beach. The Board v~ill make a further study,
and at a date to be set~ meet with N~r. Frost and Mr. Warren. Then
they will project what Boynton Beach ~outd like to do and submit
it to the State Road Department.
Mr. Patrick told the Beard that the State of Florida has set up an
outdoor recreational program to take advantage of the National pro-
gram. Funds are allocated to the State for the purpose of getting
additional recreational areas. The State is formulating a master
plan which they have to submit to the Federal Government. Various
communities are making requests for these funds. He thinks Boynton
should have its program and submit what it wants. Funds at present
are very limited but will be enlarged.
Meeting adjourned at 9:~O P.M.
~-il~iam Wohlleb, Chairma