Minutes 11-11-65iiinutes of Meetin~~ of Planning & Zoning Board held i~ City Ha!l, Boynton ~eaoh, ~lo~i~m, November 11, 1965, at 7:30 ~,?~. PRESF~T: ABS~< T: M~.ynard %Tertz, A=ting Chairman C. Stanley l.~feaver Robert Olds Reverend E. Stauffer Herbert Keatts William Wohlleb Jack Raulston H~ told Blanchette, Building Irsnector Chairmam ~ertz ca]2ed the meeting to o~er and read the minutes of the previous meeting of November 4, 1965. Mr. %!eaver made a motion to correct paragraph 3, line 3, pa~'e 2, under heading In Opposition to the Recuest, to read north right-of-way line instead of center line and to delete "of 3" in the property description which follows. Motion was seconded by Rev. Stauffer and carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEAP~t!' GS The Federal Development's reouest was brought forth for discussd.on. This was a request that the following described parcel be rezoned from R-1 to C-l: All that part of Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 lying west of the East boundary lines of Sec 16/45/43, Palm Beach County, FlOrida, less E 340' of said lots 20 through 26 inclusive, less the %~5©' of Lot 22, 23, 2~, and less the S60' of Lot 22, Sam Brown~ Jr. The purpose of this recuest is to erect a co~dontiriEu co~plex of AP0 plus units and recreation building. The Droner advertising- has been published and adjacert owners have been notified. Mr. Dick Lowe, of 327 S. ~Jashington, Lansing, ~chi?n, spoke in f~.vor of granting of this reouest. ~. tx~e is president of Federal Development. Mr. Lowe gave an outline of the corporation snd said the name w'.s being changed to "Four Seasons Development Corn.". Mr. Frauser Knight, architect of Miami, presented drav~ngs ~M_th an explan- ation of over-all plans. Mr. Hank Thompson of Seacrest Realty, Boynton Beach, gave clarification of public right-of-way through intended property and sts%ed there is no issue or problem. }ir. John Adair, engineer of %~st Plam Beach, helped with the explanation of the land and its use. Page .2- Mr. Edward Tutt!e, N.E . 2Oth Ave., Bo2~nton Beach, asked ouestions per- taining to the development~ particularly for fire protection. It was stated that it '~vould be cleared with the Building and Fire Insoectors. Mr. Ray Allen,. Boynton Beach, reouested the same type of zoning for adjacent land and there was some discussion on the land-locked condition of the unrecorded areas of land adjacent to the Dro~osed development. It was agreed that the Board could not at this time-make a commitment on this property. A discussion followed about the reo. uirements of C-1 zoning and R-3 zoning. There was a ten minute recess at 8:30 and the meetin~ rmesul,]ed at 8:40. ~____~oosition to the Reoue=_~st: Mr.. Edward Tuttle presented a petition v~th 107 names a~ainst C-1 zoning for the ~aole area, but were not a~ainst R-3A with a oossible C-1 area located in the center of the comrlex. There was a discussiop on this petition and there were no obj~ctions. Motion was made by ~gm. ~Yeaver that the Zonine' Board recomnends that C-1 zoning be granted to area not closer to surrounding orooerty than from the property lin~ and not to exceed two acres ard a. R-3A zoning for the remainder of the property~ ~. Olds seconded the motion. There being no further discussion it passed o_nanimously. OLD BUSINE. ~S The request of Vernise Butler that was tabled at last meeting was discussed and it was noted that the property is substandard size in this area. It was suggested that a group in this area get together for a meeting and come back to discuss with the Planning and Zoning Board what they want and to try to find a solution to satisfy the majority. It was noted that it is recog- nized that the problem is universal in this ares. and that they may have to get a variance from the Board of Adjustment, and it was recommended that this fee be waived. Mr. Weaver made a motion that this business be tabled until there can be a joint meeting ~lth the bi-racial committee and the other people interested. Rev. Stauffer seconded the motion and it oassed unanimously. There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Maynard !~fertz,' Acting Chairman