Minutes 08-05-65M~nutes off Planning & Zonin~ Boar~ Meeting, held in City Hall, Boynton Beach, Florida, August 5,' 1965, at ?tSO P~M;~ William Wohlleb, Chairman Haynard Wefts, Vice Chairman Herbert KeatS, Robert Olds Jack Raulston Stanley Weaver Harold Blanchette, ~uildingD®partment City Mgr.~ Hr,: Wohlleb called the meeting to order at ?1~5 p.m,~ Minutes of the July 8th meeting were read. Hr.~ Weaver moved the adoption of the minutes~ Hr; 01ds secondedj motion carried unanimously. Parcel 1 Lots 18 and 19, Mock 1, Frank Webber Addn;~ as recorded in Plat Book 9, page ~, Palm Beach County Records Requests R-'I to R-'2 Address, 125 N,~ W, 10th Avenue Owners Sislene Dean Sislene Dean, owner and applicant~ appeared beffore the Board and requested the rezonin~ stating that she wanted to build anice duplex.~ Hr' Wertz suggested that the Boar~ recommend the R-eA zonin~ instead of R-2 as requested.- It was noted that the lots were in a residential section that had just recently been upgraded at ~he request of the ~nteroRacial Cemmitteeo, Ezell Hester, member the audience and upon inquiry stated that as far as he vas con- corned, since there were already apartments there, he didn*t have any objection; There were no objections presentede~ Hr,: Wertz moved that the Board recommend approval o~ the requested chan~e in zonin~ From R~! to R-eA. Hr;~ Keatts seconded*~ . Hotion carried Parcel 2 Lots 13, l~, 15 and l~,'21ock 2, Happy Home Heights, as recorded in Plat Book Il, pa~e ~0, Palm Beach County Records;~ Requests R-1 to R'~ Addresss ~01 - ~l! N. E*~ 12th Avenue 0unerI Cora H* quackenbush Hrs.~ Quackenbuah spoke to the Board relative to herrequest for a change in zoning and stated that she would be satisfied with -l' K.~inute s Planning & ~.ontng Board an R-~A instead of the R~ as previously requesSed, She stated that she had a contract ~for deed Flth Co~ &*~ Ostrum on the piece of property and that Mr;~ Ostrum ho~ plans to build., a two-story apartment-building, in back of the existing duplex ~nd to remodel the duplex 4nrc a combination recreation room and laundry.~ She and Hr*- ostrum had been planning this project for over a year and she did not realize when the zonin~ was chan~ed, otherwise plans and pernuts would have been secured wh41e the old zoning vas in effect. Mr* ,strum spoke to the Board and confirmed Mrs;~ Quackenbushts statements.! ~n addition he stated that he planned to build ten or twelve apartme~ts, two-story, w4th 600 to ?dO square _feet in each, one bathroom and full kitchen with built-in units*~ Sislene Dean stated that she thought the project would be a great improvement and she had no object~ons to it'*~ Speaking in opposition to the application was Ezell Host.r, who represented the St'~~ JOhn, s Baptist Church*' Re stated that there were too many apartmen~sin the area already, that there wouldbe a parking problem and that the church wanted the zoning kept as it was,~ The Chairman read letters from the St.~ Johnes ~aptist Church and Ruby Davis objecting to the request* ~t was pointed out that seventy,three notices were sent out to property owners within two hundred feet. ~he Board d~scussed the application, the objections to it and the fact tha~ there was another application from the same area to be heard later in the public hear~n~ as Parcel ~, that was also in the area recently res.ned, ~n add, ti.n, during the last several months other reques~ of a similar nature had been received from the area,: Hr.~ Weaver pointed out to those ~nterested persons in the~audience that if the Board decided to deny this appl~ca- ti.n, other applications that were forthcoming from that area would also have to be d;enied*~ Clyde Stalworth, l~.N*~ W*~ llth Avenue, applicant in Parcel ~, stated that he had no objection*~ F~d~e ~efferson ~0~ No ~e? loth Avenue, stated that he owned a duplex in the vicinity and was negotiating, for another piece of property in the area and that he was ~n' favor of granting the request.' August 5, 1965 Board Rosa Lee Hincy said that her house tn that section had been condemned and that she would have an application for a change in the zoning as she wanted to build a duplex so that she could rent one side t° help-her'paY~ for the mortgagee. Xt was brought out in general discussion that many of the people who owned property In the area were not aware of the change in zonin~ when it was, changed and since the property was broken up inindividual lots w~th long-'time residents owning many of them of them would have ected to the zoning change what was happening, It had been the opinion of the theCounci! that, since the request had come.from the Committee, that they had represented a majority effected citizens, and had informed them of what had been asked for their property'* Raulston moved that the application of Cora M; Quackenbush be and brought up at the next meeting and that the City Clerk be instructed t~ many of the people in that section as~po ~ at the so that the Board could have the opinion the people as possible.~ ~he motion received no second, Mr*' Wertz stated that in his opinion the Boarde's action-was based Ona request from the people of the area dnd since the deci- sion was made, it should be upheld even ~f the appl~cation before them had to be denied*~ ~he property owners ~nvolved still had the prerogative to carry the matter further.~ He. therefore, moved that the .Board recommend denial .of the request." Mr, Weaver seconded.~ 33aw motion carried ~-0e~ Dr.~ Raulston abstained; Paroel ~ That ..part of the S l~Oe of the N 1~55;~50* of the NW1/~ of See; 1~/~/~ lying East of U. S. ~1 and West of ~ntr- coastal Waterway. Request8 R-~ to C-I Address~ 26½9 N~~ Federal H~hway Ownert Will~amand Jenu~e A*~ Smith Hr. 5m~th spoke to the'Board concerning his request;~ He Stated that he needed the flexibil~ty of an all C-1 zoning; he wanted to get financial backing and, although the westernpart of the property was already C-l, he would have an easier t~me getting loans ~f the whole th~ng were C-l'*~ It was pointed out M :i. n u t e~s Plann4n~' "& Zoning Board August 5, 1965 that the trailer park existing on the property was already non- conforming and would still be non-conforming with the zoning There were no objections to the request. Mr;~ Weaver moved that the Board recommend approval of the request. Mr.~ Olds seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Parcel :~ W ??,Si of Lot ?, LainhartJs Subdivision (unreCorded) Ac Sec Roquest~ R-! to R-'2A Addresst l~N°~ W;'llth Avenue 0wnert Clyde Stalworth Clyde Stalworth spoke to the ~oard concerning his appltcation., He said that he was unaware off the chanse in zoning and that he would like to have it rezoned back the way-it-was. A letter From Ruby Davis was read Objecting to th. applica- tion on the grounds that the owner lived out of the City.- Hr., Weaver moved that the Board recommend den~al of the application based on the dZscussto~eld with regard to Parcel 2 (Quackenbush)*~ Mr.~ Keatts seconded the motion which carried 5-0;~ Dre Jaek Raulston abstained from the voting;~ There be~ngno fur~er bus,ness th. meeting was adjourned at p.m. , Chairman