Minutes 06-17-65~inutes of Planning & Zonning Board ~eeting~. held in City gall, Boynton Beach, Florid~, June 17, 1965, at 7:30 p.m. Present Absent: ~%'~ll~am ~ohlleb, Chairman Herbert Hearts ~obert 01ds Edward Stauffer Harold Blanchette, Building Department F. T. Hain, City ~r. Jack Raulston, Stanley ~eaver, and ~aynard ~ertz Ch zrman ~oh!leb called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ~iinutes of the meeting held ~ay 6, 1965, were read. Mr. Hearts re- quested that his name be corrected. }~r. Olds moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. ~r. Hearts seconded ~ously. · ~otion carried unani- Publi% hearin~ was called on the following application: The S 230' of the E 300' of the ?~ ~22.4~, Lot 16, Section 28, ~ 458, Range 43E, Palm Beach C.ounty Request: R-!~ to Address: 405 $. ~. tSth Avenue Owner: ~¢~ T. and Virginia B~ %,¢oolbright Attorney Robert Griffith~ representing the o~¢ners, spoke to the Council regarding the app!icants~ re~.sons for requesting the rezoning. He explained that the piece of property was 300 feet by 230 feet and that it was i~mediately adjacent to the planned State !¢od '~' a ~r~ Inter- change for South ISth AvenueS that when the limited access highway was built the property would not be conducive to residential_type units and that his client had a contract with an oil company that was executed contingent on the zoning change. He read a telegram from ~Qobert Rose approving the requested change in zoning. Attorney Joseph Humphrey~ representing ~r. George Kelly, spoke to the Board regarding his client,s objections to the change in zoning as requested. He stated that l~¢r. Kelly was the owner of the pie-shaped Piece of property which, if and when the highway was built, would be subject to condemnation as needed for the interchange; that ~r. Ee!ly had a three-bedroom, three-bath house which was his residence located on the pieces and that ~r. Kelly felt that due to the fact that the highway had been in the offing since 1952 and had not yet been completed, the zoning request was premature. Further, that if the zoning were changed~ it would adversely effect the value of his residential piece when condemnation proceedings were held. He respectfully requested that the Board r~com~end denial of the application. i'<¢ i n u t e s Planning & Z~ning Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 17, 1965 After discussion i~ev. Stauffer stated that it was his opinion that the application was Premature and also spot ~ , ~ .... onzng at this tim~ and moved that th~ ~Board .recon~aend denial. ~r. Olds seconded. }~otzon carried 3-i. ATES: i~esserso Stauffer, 0!ds, and NATES:zoning changeover' ~ohileb. ~r. ¥~'~fohl!eb stated that he was in favor of the P~b!i% He~?iD.% was called on the following application: Lots 1~ 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ and 6 Dewey Heights, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page !93, Palm Beach County Records Eequest: R-iA~ to Address~ 28~8 _ 2898 S~ Seacrest Blvd. Owner~ J.H. Dewey Edward Duffy~ Jr., realtor representin~ Dr. Dewey~ owner and applicant~ told the Board that Dr. Dewey desired the zoning change in order to allow construction of dental and medical offices on the pro- perty. He called the Board~s attention to the l@cation of the property and the existence of R-2 construction and vacant ~and adjacent to it. Rev. Judson Westgate, Pastor of the Ascension Lutheran Church ~nich was located directly across the street from the subject property, registered objections to the ~oning change after inquiring if the zoning change could be restricted to the purpose as stated, that of dental and medical offices~ ~'iurray Eostono, Vice President of the Ascensionzoning change. Lutheran Church Council, also voiced objections to the The following property o~.~ers spoke against the change in zoning siting as their reasons the proximity to their residential homes and the depreciation of their property values: Angelo Phillips, Lot ?, Dewey Heights$ Mrs. Gary Brandt, ~rs. W~ebster George, $. E. 1st Court~ Harry ~artin, 2935 S. E.!st Court. Individual letters objecting to the zoning change had been received from ~ebster D. and Ruth A. George, V. F Miller, Mrs. Le~oy O~Bryan, ~illiam and Gloria Proctor, ~ ~ona ~. Johnson, Jack and Floberties Baker, Penal and l~uth Rusk, Frank an~ Frances ~oCoy, O, A. Ostrom, Gary ~. Brandt, Stephen ~inehart, ~arry ~artin, W. ~. and Peggy ~nshuma.~er,~ signaturesand Angelo r J' Phillips.. A Petition opposing the zoning and bearing epresentlnc the above listed persons was also presented to the Board. ~r~ 01ds stated that he did not feel that the applicant had esta- blished a real need to have the zoning change, and in View of the strong objection~ he would move the Board recommend denial of the zoning request. ~r. Eeatts seconded. ~otion carried unanimously. ~i n u t e s ~l~n~i~g--&--Z~ning Board Boynton Beach,Florida June 17, 196.5 OTHER l¥~ro Eeatts moved that the Board recommend to the Councii that they proceed with the annexation of Lots 41 and 42, and the west 2~1 feet of-Lots 5~and ~,· amended Plat of Trade '~'~i~n~s' ~Estates. 14r. 0ids second~d, i~otion carried unanimously. F. T. Eain, City i~anager, requested the Board's recommendations as a result of their study on parking space requirements. Rev. Stauffer moved that the Board recommend to Council that Section subsection b, of the Zoning Code be amended to require one and one-half (1 1/2) parking spaces for each unit as regards apartments and here!ss and Section B, subsections ll and I2~ of the zoning code be amended to require one parking space for each three hundred (500) square feet of building as regards office and medical buildings. ~r Olds seconded. I~otion carried unanimously. - A letter from the City ~anager on behalf of the Council tha~cing the Board for their effort regarding the recent study of the i~aster Plan ~as read for the record. i~r. ~ohl!eb read a list of needed improvements which he stated had been given to him by a Counci!~uan f~r the Board to look into and recom~end to Council in the order of their importance. ~ere being no ~ ~urtner business the meeting was adjourned~at CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 120 N,E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 May 4, 1965 ~r. William Wohlleb, Chairman P~&nning & Zoning Board P. O. Box 188 Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Wohlleb: I have been requested Sy the City Council to thank the Planning & Zoning Board for the untiring effort and the many hours it has spec~t for the benefit of the city in the study of the master plan. It is heartening to know there are such civic-minded groups in the city, ready to aid in a study such as this which will influence the future growth of our con- munity. Again, I express the appreciation of the mayor, the city council and mys&~f for the fi~e work the board has done. Sincerely, F. T. Kaln' City Manager