Minutes 01-07-65Nin~te~ of Neetlng of Planning and Zoning Boar~l, held in City Hall, Bo2nton Beach, Fio~ida~ January 7~ 1965, at 7:00 p.m. Present: ~illiam ~ohl leb ~aynard Wertz Herbert Keatts Robert 01ds Jack~.~Raml ston Edward Stauffer St anle y .~eaver Ohas. N. Boos, Co~ueilman . T. Kaln, City Nana er H~rold Bl~nohette, Bu~ding Dept. Nr. Nearer in the capacity of acting chairman called t~he meeting to order. He stated that he felt tha~ someone else besides himself should take the chairma~uship for the coming year, however, that he would be happy to serve on the Board. He calle~ for nominations for Ohairm~n. Rev. Stauffer nominated Nilli~m ~ohlleb. N~. Keatts moved the nominations be closed and that N~. ~hlleb be elected unanlmously~ The mo~ion was seconded by Er. 01ds. Notien car~ie~ unanimously. Nr. Weaver nominated Er~ 01ds for Vice-Chai~m~u. Er. 01ds de- clined the~ nomination as he had had no experience in running meetings~ ~r. 01ds then nominated Nr. ~ertm as Vice-Chairman. Rev. Stauffer moved that nominations be closed ~ud that Nr. Wertz be unanimously elected Vice-Chairman. N~. ~$eaver seconded. Notion carried. General discussion followed, regarding upgrading the zoning in the Northwest section. Nr. Neaver gave his map of the area to Er.Kain. The map had been colored in the various zoning classifications ~s a result of the studies made in several Field trips of the Board and general discussion. Nr. Kain was requested to set up a meeting with the Co~n¢il to plan the initiation of action on this pls~uo Nr. Boos said that the Eayor had been unable to come to the meeting and had asked him to represent him. He expressed a · - Pprecma tion to the members for their work in the pas~ and said that in his opinion the work of the Board was the most important function of She c omm~ui t y~ Er. ~eaver explained the background of the st~y in the west section to Nr. Bo~s. Nr. Blanchette was asked to make several maps of the area for the new Board members and for Council. The meeting was adjourned at $:~8 p.m.