Minutes 11-05-64Minutes of Neet'tng of Plam~ing and Zoning Board held in Gity Hall,
Botnton Beach, Florida November $, !964, at V:$0 P.~
Btanley Weaver, Chairman
Robert OLds
Herbert Keatts
Maymard Wer~z
Jackson P~ulsten
Harold BlanChette,
BUilding Inspector
Dorothy Jones,
Re cording Se
Mr. Weaver called the meeting te order at ?':$5 p.m. Minutes
of the meetiug ef October 8th were read and approved without correc-
Public Hea~ing
Public Rearing was called on the following application:
Reqmest for conditional use authorizing construction
of medical and dental clinic complex.
~creage parcel in Section $$, TOWnship 48, S, Range
4~ E also known as Lot 15 of unrecorded plat cf
School Road Estates, Palm Beach County, Florida
Address: 2550 S. Seacrest Blvd.
0waer= John A. amd Betty L. Walker
Dr. Nalker'was Present with his attemey, Robert Griffith, who showed
the Board broad layOUts ef the general development plan for the pro-
perty, and offered tc answer any questions from auyone relatiVe to
the clinic that Dr. Walker planned to build.
The~e were no o~Jectors present 'and none had been received in
writi~.g. Mr. Nertz moved that the Board recommend te the Council that
they allow the. Conditional use and authorize the construction efa
medical aud dental clinic complex'on the subject property. Dr.
Raulston seconded. Motion carried §-0.
Public Hearing was called on the following application:
Request for change in zoning from R-1AA to
Address: 112~ - 114~ S, Fed. Hwy.
Owner: Properties ., Regina ~. Spence,
Edmond J. Sttmson.
The chatrman reqUe~te~ that the mecomd show that ~he Boar~
by mail and that those a~ctedknew which piece of property was
involved, Mr, ~ertz questioned the boundaries of the specific pro-
potties the 10 feet easement and the right of
way. He stated had seen several different maps of the areae
There was no one present wishing t° speak in favor of the appli-
cation. Nr. Paul Earrington read a petition bearing eleven signa-
tures of persons owning the surrounding area which was
against the change in zoning, were sixteen persons present who
objected to the rezoning request.
After considerable'discussion, Mr. Wertz moved that the Board
reeommen~ to Oc~cll that the request be denied. Mr. Keatts secondede
Notion carried.
The Chairman read a letter that the Planning and Zoning Board had
received from Mr. Kain, City Nanager, the rezonl~g study
presently ~ader consideration for the northwe section of the city.
Mr~ Weaver ~ ~e ~ inspection ef the ~ea ~d gave ~e Bea~ the
~enefit ef ~s findi~s, by ~dicating a~eas em ~s map that he feI~
could be updated.
Rev. ~e ef N. N~
Oo~tee. ~e~ bo~ ~eate~ st~g approval of upgradimg some
areas im er~er that t~e ~o~e~ers im that seeti~ co~l~ ~ve z~ni~
The Board felt that it was necessary to get the opinion of the
City Attorney on j~st how to go abomt the rezoning. It was decided
that Mr. Kain be reqmested to set mp au appointment for the Board to
meet with Nr.~ Noore at his convenience amd notify the Board members.
There being no further b~siness the meeting was adjourned at
8:45 p.m.