Minutes 03-05-64Ninutes of Planning and Zoning Board Meeting, held in City Hall,
Boynton Beach, Florida, Narch 5, 196~, 7:~0 ~.m.
~il!iam Wohlleb, Vic e-Chairman
Herbert Keatts
Robert 01ds
Dr. J. Raulston
~. Z. ~ertz
Robert Effron
Dirck Greotenboer,
Director of Planning
and inspecti OhS.
Dorothy Jones, Recording
Se crc tary.
Stanley Neaver, Chairm~u
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman ~illiam
l$ohlleb. Nin~tes of the meeting held February 8th were read.
Nr. 01ds moved the minutes be approved as read. ~. Effron se-
conded. 2~1otion carried unanimously.
A letter was read that the Board had sent to the Council
with the recomm~endation For a R-2~ and R-~A classification.
Nr. Groo~enboer advised the Board that the Council had accepted
the recommendation and had started proceedings by way of adver-
tising for a Public Hearing on April 8th.
PublicHearzug' was called on the following described Parcel:
That certain East-West twelve foot public utility
easement Presently~ . existing~ between Lots ~ and ~,
Block 10, ~iissmon Hill, as recorded in Plat Book 2~,
page 178, Publi~ Records of Palm Beach County, Fla.
Request For abandonment by Dr. V. B. Astler.
A letter was read From the applicaut, Dr. V. B. Astler. A letter
was also read from the Florida Power & Light requesting the west
thirty feet of both lots be reserved for Anchor Lines. Letters
were read from the Florida Public Utilities Co. and SoUther~ Bell
stating that they had no objections to the abandonment. No one
Dr. Raulston moved that
~equest for abandonment
be subject to the request by Florida Power & Li~t.
~r. 01ds seconded the motion which Passed unauimously.
Public Hearing was called~ for the following described Parcels:
Thatx certain. East-~est twenty foot alleyway presently
e istmng between Lots ~8 thru ~l, incl. and East 100'
of Lot 21, being the East 100 feet of the alleyway as
shown on the plat of Block 8, BoyntonHeights' as in
Plat Beck lC, Page 8~, Public Records of Palm Beach
County, Florida. Request for abandonment by First
i~ethodist Church, Boynton Beach, Fla.
That certain North-So~th three feet PUblic utility
easement presently existing across the west three
by First 2~ethodist Church, Boynton Beach, Fla.
Letters were~'~read from Florida Public Florida Power
gave their approval the the
east~20 feet of the be reserved for author lines and
also stated that woUld be required to Day $~500.00 for
the relocation of the utilities.
Nr. the First Nethedist Church,
told the Boa~l requirements as presented by the Florida
Power & Light and SeuthernBell would be acceptable te the Church
and that the Church wouldalso bear the expense of moving any
water lines necessary. ~. Call further stated that the ChUrch
owns the property te North and South of the alley and ~at in
order te wo~ld have to build to the south snd
wemld, alley.~ He also stated that the
church did net when they would build.
N~. 01ds brought up the question ~ the interest of the mix-
-teen property owners on the back which would be backing on a dead-
end alleyway, if the request were granted. It was brought cut that
the l~ lets were backing on the ChUrch parkLug lot and that the
best i~terests concez~ed would be served by abandoning
tJae alleyway in back o~ these lets also.and leave only a utility
easement. Zn VmieWeF the fact that this would add to the smount
of the area in the lots, no objection from ~he. property owners
comld be foreseen. · ~
Dr. Raulston moved that the Board recommend to ~he Council
that the east 120 feet as requested by the ChUrch be entirely
abandoned and the remainde~ be narrowed to a twelve Foot utility
easement and abaudened as an alleyway, sUtject to the reservations
of the utilit~ . companies. Nr. 01~s s~cond~d the motion which
carried u an~mously.
Neeting adjourned at 8:~8 p.m.
' illiam ~ohlleb, Vi'ce-ohaYrman
O^TE February 26, 1964
At a special meeting of the Plamnuing and Zoning Board,
held February 19, 1964, it was unanimously agreed to
recommend that Sections 6 and 7 of Ordinance 62-9 be
amended to include R-2A and R-3A zor~ing districts, as
noted on accompanying memoranda.
7 oopies.
Within any R-2A N~ltiple family dwelling district
ne building, structure, laud er water may be ~sed exeeDt For eno
e~ me~e eF the following uses:
1. ~y ~se Pe~tted in R-l~, R-lA a~ R-1 st~le
f~ly dwellt~ dist~iet.
ga~e apa~e~ts
~wellings in R-~
ce a m~imum ~ ~ ~mzes per p~lnclPal unit '~ ' ~ '~~)
ef twelve feet between Principal ~its. ~d the~e ~all
Within any R-2 Institutional District, ne building,
structure, land or water may be used except for eno er more of the
following uses:
1, Any uses permitted in an R-2A District.
2. H~me oce~Datlens as defined in Section 2.
~- Private Clubs, Lodges not of a commercial natmre;
s~udios' for music and a~t teachers.
~- Nursing and convalescent homes.
5. Churches and their accessory educational and recrea-
tiomal b~ildings and Playgrounds.
6. City oWned or operated recreation and community
buildings and libraries.
7. Elementary, Junior and Se~ior High Schools. NUrsery
schools and kindergartens.
8. Accessory buildings ~d uses customarily incident to
the above ~ses when l~cated on the same lot and not involving the
conduct efa bmsiness; nonill~mmnated' signs of not more ~han two
square feet, used £or identifying the structUre or the mse without
advertising information, may be attached to the Principal structure.
. ith~in any mmlt~ple f~ily ~d efflce district, (R-~A),
s~et~e, land o~ wate~ may be used except
mo~e of uses:
1. ~ay use permitted in the R-2A and R-2 Districts.
ohiroprac tot,
fe ssions and
the State ofFlorida.'
~. Hospitals, Nedical and Dental Clinics~but no auimal
hospitals or ke~aels.
Prescription pharmany when part of a clinic.
a. uses
~ithin any R-~, Hotel o~d ~otel District
, no building,
structure, land or water may be used except for one or more of the
following uses:
1. Notels and Hotels.
2. Restaurants when part of the principal motel or hotel.
~- plant n~rseries, commercial green houses
and other horticultural and agricultural uses.
· . General business offices.
C0 O m0 AL
Remain the same for both H-~A and R-~ as written in
original 82-~.