Minutes 11-07-63PLANNING/ZONING BOARD MEETING H~LD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 7, 1963 , PllESENT: STANLEY WEAVEI{, CHll. llOBEllT llYD, VICE CHAIllMAN WILLI~ WOHLLEB HERBERT NEAT TS ROBERT OLDS DPt. JACK llAULS TON KATHLEEN KIllTON, SECY. ABSENT: LOUIS MIRISOLA DIllCK GROOTENBOEll, Dill. PLANNING & INSPECTION Mr. llyd moved that the minutes be approved as read of the September 5th meeting. (No meeting in Oct. ) 1 Mr. Olds seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The Chairman reported that a workshop meeting.was held the first week in October to discuss the l{-2A and ll-3A zoning but no decision was made because further study is necessary. The Board feels that definitions should be in the ordinance whether there are any zones set up for them or not and prefer this not go to public hearing. On October 25th the Board granted non-conforming use of property to Mr. B. F. Jones, 403 S. E. 4th- Street, for the purpose of building another duplex. This was handled by telephone and the vote was unanimous. At the June 1963 meeting the request of J. Willard Pipes to rezone Lots 1 through 10, Block 2, Lake Addition was tabled until the November meeting. Those objecting to the request were as follows: John Bowker, 707 N..E. 9th Avenue - letter expressed objection of all the residents and property owners within the immediate vicinity of the proposed zoning change from ll-lAto 1{-3 or even 1{-2. Victor l~ekow, 702 N. E. 10th Avenue - objected to zoning and stated they would not have built their home here had they known Boynton zoning laws to be unreliable. Mr. & Mrs. O. H. Adcock, 626 N.-'E. 10th Avenue - do not want multiple family dwellings in this area and they are desirous of pro- tecting their own neighborhood and financial interests. They feel he knew the zoning when he purchased the lots and felt this was a speculative motive. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kozlowski, 4 Hunters Lane, Norwalk, Corm. -Object to request because it would spoil property as single family piece of land on Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 3, and Lots 1 & 2 in Block 4. Do not favor spot zoning. Mr. & Mrs. George Piekut~ 106 Lake Avenue, St. James, L.I., N.Y. Object to rezoning and request that clas sification remain R-lA. Mr. & Mrs. John Yarish, 632 N. E. 10th Avenue. Stated they wou/d never have bought property had they known this would be changed. That they felt it was one of the better sections of town when they purchased property. Estate of Harry Bayko, 4 Belfor Road, Norwalk, Conn. 1{equest zoning remain as is and .do not want any change. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Finnegan, 43 1{iverside-&venue, Norwalk, Conn. Object to zoning from 1{-1 to 1{-3, Lake Addition. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Finnegan, 16 1{oosevelt Street, Norwalk, Conn. Owners of Lot 39, lqock 3 ,of Lake Addiiion object to zoning request. They.plan to build home in not too distant future. Mr. & Mrs. Southway, Babylon, L. I. , N. Y. 1{equest that this zoning remain family residential. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jackson, 728 N. E. 9th-&venue Oppose any change Lu Lake ~kddition that decreases zoning. Mr. W. ~E. Shook - Wants zoning to remain status quo. Mrs. Jackson stated that Mr. Pipes has property on the canal which has been turned back to acreage for tax purposes and if he would build there they would not object but do not want him to build this type of residence in Lake -&ddition. Mr. Allen appeared before the Board in favor of the reciues as a representative of Mr. l~ipes. He stated the square footage would 11'08 feet ap: and down combined. Board advised public audience that this would be de-ci~ted in the next day or two and they would be advised of the decision. l~eference to Mr. l~appaport's plans for New PIorizon, Inc., eleven apartments buildings - 20 units in each building.- Mr. P~yd moved that all entrance drives and streets should be paved to city standards and dedicated and that the water system-be studied closely so adequate water supply is available for adequate fire protection and that sewerage must pass engineers approval. Seconded by 'Dr. P~aulston and unanimously carried. STANLEY