Minutes 06-06-63MINUTES OF PLANNING/ZONING BOA/RI) OF REGULAR MEETING AT CITY HALL, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963. Pi{ESENT: STANLEY WEAVER, CPLAIR. MAN ROBEi~T RYD, ~ CE CH~RM~ LOUIS ~RISOLA D~.~ JACK RAU~TON ~RBE~T KEATTS ABSENT: WILLIAM V~OHLLEB ROBERT OLDS DIi{CK GP~OOTENBOEI~, DIi%. PLANNING & INSI~ECTiON KATPILEEN KII{TON, SECI{ETAP, y Minutes of the May 9th meeting were read and approved, jpon motion by Mr. Mirisola, seconded by Mr. l%yd and unanimously carried On the request for conditional use as a "Marina" for-'Lot 6, Sam Brown S/D, Don Cherry _ Gulfstream Marina, Inc. was represented by Harvey Oyer who appeared on his behalf. . A letter from lOaul l{obinson, Las Palrnas .Park was read objecting to this request and a letter from Dorothy Shepard, owner of adjoining property on the south, who favored the request~ Donald Jackson, representing the residents of Las Palmas Park ob- jected on the basis that the majority of the homes are in the $30,000. bracket and zoned i%-iAA. The residents felt this would downgrade their property. Mr. George Vivian was present and objected. Mr. l{obinson reviewed the zoning in this area and stated he objected because he had tried to have his property re-zoned and has accepted the courtXs decision that his land carry the. highest zoning in town and therefore did not want this to be granted which he felt would downgrade his property. Mr. l{yd moved the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Keatts and motion carried. Dr. l{aulston and Mr. Mirisola abstained. Motion carried 3-0. On the request of Jay Willard Pipes to change zoning from l%-lA to 1{-3, B1.2 Lots 1 throt%gh 10, Lake Addition, letters on file were read from Mr. ,Pekow, Mr. and Mrs. Bowker and Lake Addition residents objecting. Mr. Pipes was represented by. William Allen who defined the proposed structure as Town Houses which Mr. Pipes wished to erect. Mr. John Yarish, 633 N~') 10th, a new resident objected and stated he felt he should have been advised of this before he purchased his property. W. E. ~Shook, 641 NE 9th Ave. appeared and stated this area was zoned for residences and he felt it should stay that way. Also objecting were ¸-2- Mr. and Mrs. O. PI. Adcock and others. Mr. Mirisola moved this request be placed in the hands of City Council. No second. ~ -Dr. P~a[alston moved the zoning be permitted. No second. Mr. l{yd moved the request be denied. No second. An argument followed and the chair ruled there was a motion by Dr; P~aulston to table this request until fall when the residents are back and that this be sent to City, Council without recommendation due to the fact the board is split on this request. Motion was then amended that the request of Mr.,~ t~ipes be tabled until the November meeting when the reside~n_ts in the area return' and that this be considered at that time without further fees being paid by the petitioner Seconded by Mr.~ l~yd and unanimously carried. ' There was a general discussion in regard to adding l{-ZA and I{-3A classi- ficktions in l~-Z and 1~-3 zones. Donald McKenny representing carter_Jebb appeared in regard to a Marina on SE 1.5th Ave. and it was revealed they would have the franchise for Chris-Craft boats: He stated the M~yor had said itwould not be necessary to advertise and they hoped to get their request approved at this meeting. Dr. l~aulston moved that this request be approved providing that a written interpretation be obtained from the City, Attorney saying it is legal to proceed without advertising and if not, it will have to be advertised~. Motion seconded by Mr. Ryd and unanimously carried. ~, There was discussion in regard to next meetin.g.~,- The Chairman will be on vacation in July and Vice Chairman will be in the hospital,. Mr. Mirisola moved that the Board adjourn until September unless an emergency exists and that the City, Clerk be so advised. Motion seconded by Mr-. t{yd and unanimously carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Stanley ]~treave~-, Chair