Minutes 03-25-63MINUTES OF PLANNING/ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1963. · PRESENT: STANLEY WEAVEi{~ CHAIRMAN ROBERT RYD, VICE CHAIRMAN ROBERT OLDS HERBERT KEAT TS DR. RAULS TON LOUIS MtRISOLA ABSENT: WILLIAM W OHLLEB DIRCK GROOTENBOER, Dill. .PL. & INSPECTION KATHLEEN KIRTON, SE CRETAR Y This meeting was called as a Special Meeting to review the plat for Lake Eden development in regard to proposed road and water line, south to Delray Beach City Limits from Mission Hill Road and from Mission Hill Road to intersection at BI.. 5 & 6. It was agreed to recommend to council that the City ask Mr. 'Grimes to extend his lot line limit to center of canal and each person will then be responsible for the canals on which the Lake Worth Drainage District has no juri~diction. Mr. Mirisola made a motion that the road and water lines be approved in the Grimes Lake Eden development, to be constructed according to City Engineering standards. Motion seconded by Mr. Keatts. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. / Stanley Wea%~