Minutes 02-07-63~NUTES OF P~iNG/ZONIN G B~OA1LD BOYNTON BEACH, FLOi%ID~ iqEgl~, AT CITY ~L~ BOYNTON BF_JkCH, FLOP. ID_&, .,FEBRUA/IY 7, 1963 P1LES~T: S T~LEY WEAVER, CiPIAIR 'DViAN ROBERT llYD~ VICE C. PLA. IRIVLA_N WILLIA~ V~OHLLEB DR ~.. JACK R_~U I~TON ROBERT ..OLDS. LOUIS, ~IRISOLA PIEllBERT t[E~TTS Dill CK Gi~LOOTENItOEt{. ,.~ .Dill ~- PLA/~NINQ & INSPECTION KATH~EN KIRTON, SECY.~ .(ILL) This rn.eeiing wvas. called to ~rder at 2:30 p.r~. lViinutes of ~Ianuary 10, I963 meeting wer~e read, and approved as corrected ~ Eric ZOO feet of Federal La~vser~, stated he was. foreed go. rno~ve, his trailer .sal~s lot because ~f the imminent-c~sltrtl'ct~en ~f t~ pro. posed shopping center at S.E..I5tk Federal HighWay. ~tter fre~nis, J~L., g~ N~ B. ~erk~ objecting to remoning w~ re~d. ~r. Ed B~er s~ke against ~Z zening h~t stated th~ ~.~t the Tra~.r S~s h~t ra~r against r~-z~ing l~r. Stelljes~choed ~r. Baker% ~r~. ~ohtleb asked if it ~ould be leg~ to re-zene to C-2 but restrict the gr~a ~r ~tr~er sales ~e~y. It~as d~cided that this co~d be ~one. ~e e.~er objectors appear~g, ~r. ~ds~e. ve~, seconded by ~r~ ~ydthat a recommendation be sent to co~ncil that zening re.gin-C-1 b~ ~e trailer sales be granted conditie~% ~se for trailer sal~s. ~o~ion paSSm~d una~e~sly. NichOlas ~es srs. ~, Dually, Zornpa and P~adzow .Letter fr~m l~r. ,~3klfred _Cazp~ze favor~g c.hang~ was read. NO abj~ec~t~rs appearing~ ~r. ~ir.isola reeved, seconded hy ~. ~yd that reques~t be granted, l~eti~n carried ~~usly. -2- ,I-~er from C~lomel and t~rs~H,zll, ebj~ctimg, to. change. ~ ~as re~d. T~ose ~ favor c~led attention to the fact ihal ~e area. t~o. be rezoned ~djoined the~ railroad a~d ~s th:erefo,r u~desi~e~le for ~esiden~ce.s '~d dmplexes. ~o~ed by ~r. ~iris:~a, s.ec~ed by: ~yR !~ request he gz.~te:d, Passer ~nani~,~s!y. pose. d b~sineas would be- ~ihecary~p, filling .pre~scriptions and ~n~ing hospi!a! and sick ~o~ ~e~t, ~sce~~s items s~ch ~ ~a~zines, c ' ' not.be h~dl-ed. ~a~e-s, newspaper's etc., w~uld .~tt~rs approving. . the~ project, from Dr. ~s'tl:ar , Dr3..Nicker .a~d ~r.. ~rkin - o.f the propo/sed beulevard N~,rsing Ho~e ~re read. ~r~ ~& ~rs. L. ~ ~ehrBach q~esti~ed ~r. Pl~ and when it ~w~s ~lain~d what t~e, of store was to be built., they ~ade no objection. Mr.~ Pla~ displayed a~ architects skit,ch ~of the proposed hailding indicating Mr. ~leb ~oved, seconded by Mr. ~yd that co~cil be advised t~t the ~h~e :area bu~. felt ~at sp~ci~ consideration ~o the na~th.o ~p~/h~cary Sh~p, The Bath~.sda ~e.spitaI across that ' :'was. the Mr,. McB h:e Let~.e Lester :Calabro Motion rez(~tle to I{-Z zoning. as to whether r~q explained that it story apartm.enis facing, Seac re si Blvd, 'spoke in favor of the. request, but stated lesimable. fro~ Jo.~ E. ~: Cavitt and Je~ ~erkel were T. Kimm.ick, ~r~.E. ~alker and ~eter y ~Mr. Mirisota, Go table the request to. La~wl~r advised that .he would b ' ' · .e sari'slued 'w.~th was ~o be. co. ntac~ed to rencter .a decisiQn grant an_tl-Z zoning~hen ~-3 had been ary to re-adve~i se. a perspective of the proposed apartment of the board. ~otion pas sed ~nime~sly. 3. Mr. Weaver stated tha~t he had been cantac%ed by the City lkianager to schedule a joint rneetingof the Planning and Zoning. Board and the City Coun.cil. -3- Iti~was clecid.ed, to hold a. special joint meetin§ on. Thumsday, Febr:uary Z1, 1963 if:this date meets .with: tt~e :al~pr-o~za! of the .Cit~)r 'C~'U~t~Cl~. 4. Meeting..adj'a~rned at 9:ZG P'~-M~..