JANUAI~Y 10, 1965
~..-P~ohert:l~yd nominated Mr ~-SIanley~Weaver as :Chairman. lOJ~ this board
for the ens, uing ye.ar, sec:o~ded by. Mr', Wohtteb .and unanirnonsly carried,
. M~. ,llrohtleb nominated Mr. P~yd, Vice.-Chairman for the ensaing year,
seconded by Mr. Mirisola and unanimously carried.
.On the reqaest of C~harles Clapper, ]~oynton Trailer Paris, to extend his
trailer park 26.6-feet~leS~t o£_an ~e~ende~d ~st iia~e-of ~: 4th-St ,~, and chuge
the zo~ingfro~ ~ -tto C -1, Mr. ~Clapper~appe. ared ~fore the board.
The Chairman stated he ~'t feel the hoa~d co~d gr~t_/he requ.est~ and
~eferred to page ,18 of't~ ordinance.
Mr..~yd. ad~:ed.Mr. Clapper t~t. t~e B~oard had go:ne on re,rd as being
opposed to ~y.'ad~tiov~l trailer parks in the city.
_Mr..Joseph ~ll, ~oyal ~alm. Village presented a petition signed by a
large namber':o~RoYal ~alm' Villag. e residers. There 'were approximately
60, - 75 peo, ple preaent t~atopposed the request,
..On tke request-of_D, J, Tabano, owner 'of Tropical ~kcresl{estaurant
to. rezone the area in the rear of his restaurant fr-o.n~ .i%.IAA ~o, C:l to use this
for ad~tion~ parki~ ..space, the~e were na object.ions in writing or in pers.o~,
Mr. ~Wohlle3o ~oved the request be granted to change the 'zoning fro~
~t~ to C-1, motion.seconded~ b~. ~r, Mirisola and una~.o~sly carried,
~r~,1 ~ Y a~te!sr : P~e~.l: m~t~te Agent fo r . Clau.cle in re~gard ia
c~anging the zo~ng from ~-2 ~ C-! fo~ ~s e as: Shop, the tot on Seacrest
Bird., across the street f~o.~ the First. Baptist. Church.
~d n~ni~o~sly carried.
~ On :the re:quest from. Lions lmresident',s: Club, Inc., to- rezone from P~- 1
to !~-Z an ar~ea_on~ %~fest Boron ~oad to be ~used for a CtUb~l~Sa,
fro~ s urro~nding p~pe~y~ o~ners was sab~itied~. It contained ~es of Z8
property~ owners objecting to ch-~ge.
.JOse~ Tom, erg, a~gion ~member,. and speaking/a.s their-'~rne~.urged
the req~es~ be gra~ed, ~ob~e~t~Hu~eston, past president, spoke i~ rega.rdto the
need fora club~use to c~n~e~ the~r~ork ~d stated thoy~hoped ta
cl~s 'to. use this~-baH~g.for.tkeir meetings.
.Mr,.R, .~K,. D'~ee, Treas.~e Island, o.bj ecied to the request ~d referr
to.' the r.eside~s :~it~n.g heari~ ~s.tance
P~OpmertY- spot zoning ina ~eside~ia!
-~ker.'o~bje~c~ors ~ere Qeorge Askl~of, !014 W.
~au!, 1Q~6 ~e sl~BoY~on ~oad~, ~u.Cook ~ 106 0 ~est Bo~ton ~oad an.d~
~i~;s , IQ5Z '~e~st Boynton .~oad, ~1 obj:eciing because of the noise in
it-was to be re~d ~to other g~rou.ps.
tIecess- for 're.embers of Lions. Club to. dis.~-uss this request.
A~r. ~l%rohlleb stated he was a member :of the .Lions ;Club and if theme
this nauck.objection he fettth:e request should be withdz~a~n.
Mr. ~Mirisola mo~ed the ~equesI: be denied, seconded by ~r.~ Olds,
and mo~io~ carried ~ - 0 with -Mr.~ ~o~leb and ~r'. ~ulsto-n absIaining.
The Bo~d ag~ed to notify ~r, To,berg. in_writings.of this r~ling.
~On..the request from Charles Baos to re-zone 17 £eet-of LotZZ, ~.~lock 1Z,
Central.Park ~knnex at S~.~f, iSth Avenue. an~d Seacrest Blv~, from ~-1 t0 C-1
to ~ used for-a 7.- 11 s~o~e, ~r. Boos appeared before the Board stating that
.when Seac:rest~Blvd., is wicle, ned_and t~e bridge is. erected at !Sth ~ve~a, he
felt it~ ~Ould be best to ~t ~ba.ck the s~ore and therefore they shoed ~have an
additio~l 17 feet.
Le~ers ;OflObjectio~ ~ere read fro~ ~ne~be~ship of So.uthside Baptist
~Ch:arch-~d ~ev. ~Sliger.'~ ~resident~of the ~inis%eriaL~ssociatio~, obj~cti~
to the sale of beer_'and ~ine seven days a ~eek .and att~e ti~.e the church services
are being k'eld. Rev. Jar~s objected, to tke type of store and t~e t~e of product
~to be sold. He did ~ot feel this sto~e wo~d be built ~less the 17 feet~was c~nged,
t~e. re,fore he arged t~ req~es_t be denied.
l~lr. Mike 'Shrarnko stated he obje.cted £o<r reaso~ns previoasty
a~d h.e fe~tif the r~eq~est.was de~ed mt~ store ~o~d notbe b~ilt.
~r, ~ohl!eb ~oved to ~abl~ the. req~es~ for fur,:er d[SmC~S s ion, seconded
~otio~_di~ ~ot carry.
D'r, ~lSmtO~ ~oved the r.eq~est be gran%~d, Sec~mded by ~r. ~iris;ala
~d ~uotio.n. c~rried~ 5 -. ,0.. ~ ~r. ,. ~o~Ieb abstained
Mr. George Berglin~, Oasis Trailer Sa/es.'appeared be£olre the. B. oard
reques£ing ~a..S.l~e~cia!. Zo~ng Board '~eting J~rY 'Z5t.h. ~ter ~disc~ssion,
That s~y. 'aft~er ~e f~= st ~nday, e-~c~ '.~on~h, ?: 3 0 P, ~. in_ Gonnc~. ~ambe r s.,