Minutes 12-04-62~S OF THE PLANNING/ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, THUP~DAY, IECEN~R.R ~, 1962 at 7:30~ p.m. ~ · sTANIEy WEAVER, wA~D C~~ JACK ~ RAULSTON DIRCK GROOTENBOER, DIE. PLANNING & INSPECTION JOSEPH HUMPHEEYS WIIAIAM. WiLLL~M TLRSBIEE At the begir~uing of the meeting Dr. Eaulston was not present aud it was necessary to contact joseph hkmmphre~ on the phone' for permission for Mrs. Kirton to vote in his stead by~ proxy in order to have a quor~ present. _ On the request for re-zoning N.W. corner Ocean Avenue amd proposed ~ 9,more specifical/y known as Lots ~ to 8 and 15 to 22 inclusive, ~ck ?~ im Beverly Hills, Addition #3, tb be re-zoned from C-! to 0-2, Mr. B~unetti appeared before the Board, together with the ~enan~ desiring to hava the change in zoning - - John Kerestly. There were no objections to the reGmest. Nr. R~d moved the reqmest be granted, seconded by ~Ir. Gmmmimgs and motion carried, 4-0. Mrs. Kirton voted by proxy for Mr. Humph~.reys who was ~uable to be present. Mr. Ryd moVed the Mimutes of November 8th be approved as corrected. Motion seconded by Mr. ~s and unanimously carried. It was agreed that a letter of resignation will be sent to the City Co~ncil~for all Board members inas~ach as this is the last meeting of the year. Dr. Raulston expressed a willingness to serve next year, Mr. Ryd and Nr. ~r~ WOuld like to serve provided Nr. Weaver serves as Chairman. Nr. Neaver requested that he net be reappointed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.