Minutes 08-09-62t~EGULAt~ MEETING. OF' PLANNING/ZONING B. OARD H]~LI1 AT CITY HALL, THURSDAY , .AUGUST 9,. 196Z .Pt{ESEN T: ,WAt~D;, CU M~C~ IN~ECTIOt~ , SECi~ETAI{.Y ABSENT: WILLIAM WOHLLEB On ~he reqnes.t oft{aml Shore to re-zone Lot Z, F. obin.son Addition, North side of 8E Z3rdAvenae .from. R-Z t0~ C-:!, there w~ ~e 1.e~.er -of objeciion from ~r. ~ ~rs.~ Thompson. ~r. Cum~ngs moved the~ r'equest be gr~ed, seconded by ~r'~ Tirmbier .~d u~mously carried, -On the request,of H. A. Hoerman., to re-zone: from l{-1 ~d t~-Z all of B1 o 1 anc~ Lots I, Z, 5, & 6, BI, Z Seacrest Estates SE Z7th Ave., SE ZTth Court fmorn tst to. Znd St.re.et~ Mr. l{yd moved the reque/st be .gr~anted, seconded by Mr. Cummings and unanimously carried, The BOa:rd info=meal ~. Hoerm.an they vzere al~vays l~appy to reC.olmmer~d upgrading an area. Onth'e request o,f Mar~in'l{auzin to re-zone lots 93, 94~ 95, 96 lesa NW 65' x i65' lot 96 and ~as.t'~ of&00 -400. BI af S..Fed. ,Highvcay #1 from R1AA to C-l, Boa.r:d~ members quesiio~ed 1Vir'. t~aasin as to the possibility of-a re-sale if the request, was granted. lvlr~ -Cummings moved the request be granted.arkd m.crtion died for lack of second. Itwas the general feeling, of board members, that~vhatever is mdone .will cast the dye- that ithe ~whole area will follow. Mr. t{aaztn stated would be willing to leave t65~ residential .and then request 435~ conumercia! in~ tl~at he felt it wvould require this much s~c.e for parking space at the pz-oposed shopping cente r, Mrs. Curnzn~gs mo~ced that. proper~y lying vcest:of an extension of the west. boundary lithe of lot ~Z9 in Lawns S. ubdiyis~on be c,h~nged to O-~1 and the proper~ lying east-of a~_~ext.e.~Sion of'll~e east. boundary line of lot ~Z9 Lawns S~bdlvision remain 1~-1~, ]k/iotion seconded by Dr', l~aulston and. motion carried 4-1 HUmphreys abs~ined · tvi=, l~auzin state.d he %vould be willing to. purchase Lot city as. ~k right-of-way for future, access, -Z- the r eciuesi o~ Shell 0~1 C ,mpany,. Mr. -~l~ftorz Ga~tes appe.~r,ed, be£~r'e CO~cil this li~ is ~1~o~ ~n~:. ~oti~n s.~c:-onded by ~r. G.um,mings -~d