Minutes 05-28-62HELD:AT CITY PLiLL, BOYNTON PKESENT: DIt~CK G1{OOT~BO~, DI1{- KA~EN NIl{TON, SECl{ETAP~Y 1{obert Kelley appeared before ,the hoard vfith a request to use the property on railroad a~enue at 1.0th Avenn:e .for use as a repairshop for_~hre~glas boats:, He was advised t~t this request co~d be handled administma.~vely ~d no action ~as necessary. In reference .to the Min=tes of March 2~9, Mr, ~l{yd moved that the .Minmtes be corrected to read: "Mr,H~phreys moved that in Zone ~-Z tha~ family a~d multiPle'~mily dw~ings not ~aeed gS~in height (Z i/g stories) beIWeen princip~, u~ts." Motion seconde~d by Mr, Woh~eb.. and ~nimously carried,~ ..Mr, ~roh!!eb moved that all antennas be limited to a height:of.40~ maximarm from. the fou~zdation ~of the ~oase in all residential areas, Mo~ion In r'efe~enae tO the request of Mr. Simons, .Master-Planner, for a joint zmeeting-with Cotmcil, the Board agreed that Gounc.il set the date and the .Pla~fng Board ~outd ~y to be 'present, .In reference ,to the request of William Smith, awner of Lake .City Trailer.Park, who reqt%este:cl zoning cikange from 1{-3 to C-l, it,was agreed to s encl this request throtzgh regular -chan~els. In reference :to petition of Latceside Gardens in regard to commercial section east.of highway NO.o !, recitteSmtiI~g Z00*'instead of 300~, Mr.. Tirsbier moved that it remain 300~, second~l by A/Ir, ~VFohlleb and una~mously carried, acre:el upon at. the ~TOaze 7th .rneeting~ Mr, ~e~ver ~ur~ed in a petition £rom p=ope~z~y ov~e.~$ eb~ect~ t.o the i~p~o, ve~e~t C ~sino:~' - Bea~ Mr ~ Gro. ote~boe r '~dvised ~hat the Planning Bo~r d ~n~.D~elray was desilto~-of h~wing ~ ~aint meeting at some future-d~te v~th Bo.y~to~, Tker~ were no: definite a~raz~§ements madebuI the rnembe:rs presentwera w~!ling to coop~e~'s~t,e ~