Minutes 04-12-62PUBLIC
~ ~BINT:
1Vir. l~yd mo~ed that the Board dispez~se with reading of Minutes
of last meeting inasrn~ick as~ the agenda is congasied. ~ion seconded, by
~r. Humphreys and y carried.
~Mr. Humphreys remOVed ~hmt each .group'which has a zoning r~aest
on the age~da ha~e one- sp~kesm.an ~or ~d one- sp~esman aga~t. ~d that
arguments he limited to 5'~l~t~s each. ~otio~ seconded, by '~r. ~yd and
un~~sly carried.
~o: ~ rezone fromm' ~,-3: to ~-I~
~ag~whe~ he bought his lots
it' w~s re side:~al aad th:~t~ o~ ,~c ember' zg~ the .map ~as ~ged. ~o ~- 3.
He. sta~ed that 15 re;aide:~:s p:roteste:.d the change and wanI~ed it reinstated to
There w~e.re na obj ecti~s to-~r. Hiltcoat's reque:st.
~r. -Wloh~eb mo~ed that the zoning in .Lake~de Ga.~dens be ch~ged
from ~-3 to ~-~. ~o~ien seconded by Mr. ~ydand unanimously carried.
Mr. Weaver advised me a~a~l~enc.e· that ~his was still not.final as
these _decisions were meraly re.c:ornrne:~dations to~ ~oanciI.and that Council
-~zill have their public hearing .and make the final decision.
~/ .On~ to rezone fro.rn 1~-3 to 1~-!, Mr.
John before the Board and s~ated that
due ~o sickness- the gro~up could noi be present. He req~lested postponement.
Mr. Frucla, representing ]~ir. ~l~obinso~n, stated~ that they weze not
tz~ favor of a change.
~ir. ~Buttner, representing SI.elf and wife, recluest.ed the zoning remain
Motion by Mr. Wohlleb, seconded by l~ir'. Plu~nphreys that the zoning
remain stat0is q~o. Motion carrie:d ana~in~ously.
this la~d. was already zoned bY, the Board u~til someone,objected ~nd ~t~as
~ 1~ ~e sta~d this~ la~ f~ne'd i~.to the: ~ul~ad ~n~ sh?uld
the deed reatri~or~s and coye~ants :whi ch
building. !s~!l be: erected ~nleSs
Pie had.a plan'sho~&ng
to $600
. absta:lne~d.
highes~t degree :of rgst~ictio~s, cra their ba~ld~gs
these ~ve~s a~d w~ts to h~l~ a~ motel be~een
th~s ~tem be ~ed. Therapies ~o se~d~d
z~ rema~ ~-1~, ~ion sec~de~
~r~y. ~r..RumPkre'Ys:- ~' T~ersbier
'~ No ~'~.
area be zoned ~-3 at the E~st end,
~otion seconded
~r. ,~yd.a~ ~r..Wohllab voting'~'N° ~d T{rsbier
~lston entered'the m:eet~ a~ the ~matter
~. ~aulst0n. ~ter c~siderable ~s~$~ by both
Weaye. r ~led for the vo~ agai~ and the moIto~ made' hy
~nt, Mr ~ H~t.'~pe~r~& b~fo=e ~e Board ~d told the
Boynton Be.~ a r~' estate agent had.co:n-
lot in L~ Pal~, Pmrkfor $6~ 0O0. and he discovered
at~ that. time..He aai~ ke ~as: t~d bY
going to haye a park ~[ik ':a poot for the residers
this zoning was underway. Pie stated e~eryhody-had
~was residential az~d he requested I{-1~ and
e no objections.
A~ir~ l~yd m.oved the request be granted,
and u~animao~sIy carried.
~ir..Alfred Boy, an, 62~7 N E, 8th Ave. pre. s:ented a petition'with 5i
si gnatares reqa~s~.j, zo~ng be
s~e the bes~ interests o~:ihe~ people. ~o~,~
a~ir~ for ibis
an~d It.a~l sion
There was n~: speaker in fa~o~ of ~e req~e st and no spe ~a~k~er ,igainst
Dr. t[aulsto~.rn~w, ed the req~e~s.t~ be granted, seconded by ]~[r. G~.rn~nings
ancl motion c'~r'rie~d4/l · ~r. Wohlleb abSIain~d-and Mr. Hanlpk=ey voted -[~ No '~.
Mr. ~Cmmings moved the req~esI be granted, .s.ecor~dec[ by Mr-,
HumphreYs and anani~sly ca, tied..
Mr, carports. He
req~astecl sqtla~r:e foota~e be lowe-~edfrOrn
~iil~m ~H, ~PlatA, 17~ Venice Drive, Venetian Isl~ s~/ed
o~y he~d' of~ ~is p~li,c hearing at 6:38 p,m. and itwas t~o !ate to get
group together ~ voice,opposition. ~e s~,~e ~'a~d $(6.,O00~ 'far his lot~
his house is pro,obiT Z~,00:0 s~q.
There ~ere ~o additional ohje:~s present.
Dr. ~a~lsto~ moved ~at the z~i~g
s eco~ed hy ~r. · W~eb~ ~d n~O~sly carried.
..Mr..Ilyd moved that'Treasure Island be changed fionn lt-l~.to t[-1A.
Motion ~seco~ded by Mr. lirohlleb and unanim~o:asly carried,
On the request at $. Seac=e:st ~ S,~ 15fdQ"Ave. t-o cha~[g/e from ~-1
~o G - 1 -
Ther~ Bond, &Z0 ~ ?Ih S~ree~ representingSo~thside B~p~ist .Oh~rch
spo~ for the~ and sl~ed he ~d heard co.m~e~ l~t there mi~t~b~ c~m~erciml
e~e~r~:e that'would be: ~objec~ionable to the church people. .He re:quested the
request be denied, or post,ned u~il !h. eyl can gei m~e information.
Mr. Boos stated t~ere ~s tO he a ?-1.11 store- hailt ag ~is site.
Mr.. %¥ohile:b m~oved th:at, the ,r eq~eat, he g=an~ec[, saco~decl by
line' had appeared and it. is listed as
Tl%~r/e'were no obi ecti~s.
l~ir, I-tu!npkreys .mo~ed that the ~eq~es~ he gra~ed ~s to the lot
. t~e b'~ilding -~ .oa and ~e~ed ~ to ~he .fa:~. i~mpro~ed'~ lot. ~o~i.~
.~s~ .~uhi th~ sta~d h-er 'agree,ment when she sold t~e two lot:s
~s ~t it be sold :as-on:e parcel .~d it is ~aw owned by ~o<th~r p~y ~d
~d been sOt~ ~-~der._~ ~3- zo~-~g ..
Motio~ .c~'rfed ~a~moasly.
:~ ~o one in :£m~a:r 'or against this realnesS.
~r. Kyd m:ov~d tke request he gr.~t'ed. Mo[~ s.eco~d~ by
Mr. T~sbier_~d u~im~sly c~ried.
many. of th,e lo~s nra 70 x i00 and it is almost~ irr~possible .to, build a 1500
sq ~, ft. ho~ttse in t~is are~.
~'. ,Humphreys 'mo~e:d the ~-iA zo~ng requ,est be greed.,
s:ec~.d by Mrs, W'ohlleb and ~a~maasty c:~ried.
1.95 SE ZTth i%~e. r.epres,enti~g 5-6 nei;gkb0rs
stmted tl~t. l~r, Zill w:as out .of to~ and therefore he requested postponeme~,.
~It ~s reveated~ this requesl, h~ been s~itIed by, Weber~ealty, ~. L~derdale.
the zoning re~.~n ~-2 ~d ~e =eque:st be de~e:d. ~o/ion seconded, by ~r.
.~ohlleb and ~a~mo~ly carried.
revue st.
later_ :on_ Co:u~c:il' o~e:r- ruled the: :Zoning B.oa~d.
T~e~:~r, .S~mo~ ~elt: the fo~..ez :~o~h~g ~o~d be in effect ~d
~til the la:S~ ko.~ ~ ~e meeting in De,cemb~:r~, it~'w:m's zoned residential
recor:d 'as
!~r · G~m:mings
1Viz. Ti~sbier,
seconded by Mr'..l~¥d
and nnmmorm!y carried.
It Was a~c_ed that these minntes w~ll b: t~eR ~ sent to
Mr. Ham~)hreg. moved the meeting adjourn, sec~ded by
· Meeting adjO~urned at 10:15 p.m..