Minutes 03-15-62MINUTES ~OF P ~LANNING/ZiONING B:OARD:., BOyNTON. BEACH, FLORIDA HELD AT -~iTY HALL, THU~DA/f, ~fA_I{Ciq I5,~.119~6Z PR~]KNT: I{OBEtqiT t{YD, VICE WtLLIAI~ H DIECK ., - DIKEGTOt{ .PLA~4ING AND INSHF~TION E3iiVH ~L----------------F~. 'N KIRTON, . This meeting .w~S .~ed ~o o=der :at 7130 p.:n~, a~c! ~nntes.:were read. ~f the ..~bru~ry 'I~h ~.. ~~ed the ~n~es 7~:-ap~ov~d ~ :writ. eh. ~Oti0n Sec~e_d bY .~, T~rsbier_~ un~. carried. Minutes ~£. the .Sp~ci~ Meeting .of. Feb, r.~ry ZSth me-e~g ~were by the.'C~rm:~.. Motion by Joe Hump~eys~ ~e:~d by'WiI~ T'irsbier _tk~ minute's be ~:roved ~s read. .M~ion ~a.rr-~d ~imo~sly. Tke Chairman ~ed ti~ a~ le gal technicality, h~d been .disco~;ered in re~d to the rnetho~l in ~hiCh the/Vi~ster Pla/z_~dn~anc:e hacl heen..adverti~ed ~d corn~equen~iyartotker p~ublic ke~ring will beheld af~r~re-adtyer~ising. Dr. 1Ta'lU/Ston mo~ed ~ha~. the ma~er .p~talning~o: zeroing ~ f Lakeside Harbor, ~.esi~Ie Garclens be l~Stl~d u-util the Board. can take official action ~er being pxoperly advertised. ~o~ou se:co~de-d, by Joe ~mphreys ~ ~ carr~ed~. C~l. l{icha~d l~ooley ~ ~vised that tl~e :re~ords pe.rtmi~.to z~nin~g ~re pab!ic ~'ecorcls and. he could rea~ copies of leiS:ers by requesi~ng.this informa- tion from l%{r~ GrOotenbeer~S~of£ice. A leCcer/rom Mr. & .Mrs. Buntan regarding L Z3, 24 BI.~ Gentral Park ~ex ~ re~ stat~g ~ ~o~d H~e to o~n a, b~uty shop :~t. this A I~t~er ~om- Weber,.~e~ ~Go-., ~. L~ude~e was read reg~ing zoningof a,~ inSe.acr~ Ea~S near ~F~C .A Ie~er .~om_ Ernest KIo~, Box i557 reg~d~gl .Donald ~ac~'on ~eq~sted ~e -op~:rt~ tO re.~ the le~r :wri~n copy. of ~her pr'o~ ~ ~a~ed ~.~ow what zOn~ ~Tf .had. . Jo~ ~.. Melee. 3300 Ri~e ~- b~ild 8 ~ts and was i~rme~d. ~ey co:~d he a ~imum d 500 st, ~, He s~ed W~n ~.:~to get.~tit, r~e~7.750 ~q. Letter from City Adzn/niStrat0r'w~s read_which s~t.at~d all P~n'g ~oard ~tme~s..~ere for one ~. Sk~i~s: re:queSt pe~ng ~ ~e~y Terr'~ce hel~ pe~g r.e,a~e~is:~g.. ~equest of ~-ozge Felt~ - Gu~ Stream ~tateS - Mr A ietter fmom Harh~.E~s, residers :s,~d ~ey feb they ~d. have ~uest f=Om -Co:quire. CO~e =eside~s re:q~s.~d be ~.~ an~ n~ permit co-op ~ b~ built. -Z- not the-. ~ec~dS~re' p~bticr ariel w~as: ~dvLs~ that tkey There- was a-cH-~c-~ss/on~ rega=d~ng the rneet/ng:,cla~e ~nd [t~ w~a £e s/nee ~e-co,m~c-il ~e~d~.clo:seS;at.5~:O0, p.m. Thursday tka~ tke meeting to, tke se~ond~ Thurmday. ..~ot~o~. $:econdad by Mr. Tirsbier aml u~_~-~:, carried. l~r. I-I~h~eys m~ecl that '~he _meeting hy Dr'. l~a~lSton .a~ um~.n_~ carried. ~otLon se c~ed