Minutes 02-28-62~UT~ OF PLANNING-ZONING BOARD, BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR!BA HELD AT .CITY H~LL, BOYNTON BE~.CH, FLORIDA, FF_~RHAi{% ZS, 196Z i~I{ESENT: STANI~RY WEAYEK, CHAIRMAN ROBiEt{T i{YD, VICE CHAIRMAN WILLIA~ TIRSBIER 1%rARD CUMMINC~ WILLIAM W~ LEB. Dl~ IAQK ~AULSTON 2OSEPH HUMPHEYS D~t H.~m ~OTENBiOEi{, -- P'LAiNlk~NQ & INSPECTION MTN LREN KIl{ TON, SECRETMY This meeting:was called to order.mt 4:00 Mr. Ryd moved that the action taken on the reque:st. -of Mary Shuhi at the. F~br~ary. 15, 1962 meeting be-rescinded,~, in order that this request can b~e properly advertised. Bt'. Re, sion-~d u~n. carried. Mr. Hu~mphreys move:d that the Board take no action .at. this time regarding the.zoning ct~ang.e app!ic~tions pre:sentl¥ be fO. re it regarding.Lakesicle Ga~den~s. ~nd Lakeside, Harbor. for the reason that the Master Plan mnst be republished and one more public-hearing must be held and that these~ma,t~ers will be'decided t~e.f~re this kearingo ]~Jfotion seconcted by ]~iro l{yd and unanimously carried. Mr. Grootenboer% office will writ, e: 'letter to Mr o Hill.coat, Mr. B.uttner, Dr. Hunt. er'and Mr. Yandrosevich telling them ef this. aciion. It, .was discussed that due to the fact a mistake.was made in the advertisin-g for .~the Ma:stet:Plan that no further acIion would be taken at, this time-and the meeting iadjourned. Chairman