Minutes 11-30-61tvIINUTES O-F THE. PLANNING B:OAKD, BO~fNTON BEg. CH ~ FLOP~ID~ HE~ IN CITY. HALL, NOVEMBEP~ 30, 19611 PI~ESENT~ $,TANL]EY WEAVe, CHI{. jACK CALL BAILNI~ SHUHI DPex- $2kGK R3kU LSTON JEl{l~Y DANE, representing blt .. SimOns~, Master ~ ~1~ r DI~ ~OOT~BO~,, D'irector P~ng ~ Inspec~on ABSENT: KIT ~LMEISTEK ED DUFFY This meeting'~ras called by 'Mr, Dake for' the 'purpose of discussing i~ da/ail preparatio, ns regard~ land use maps,, highway tr~ic .maps- a~zd, c~welopment .of.r~eighbork~ood a~as prior _to receipt ~of a report Mr, .Simons is preparing.for summation.to the. Planning Board., He left:With tt~e Boarc~, co. pies of the sag~gested plan for PiOne:er :Park a~d ihe ~ve rnme~t Gent.er surroundi~g City Hall, Mr-.. Call -moved that. the Board recommend t.o Council that an Emergency-Ordinance be pas~ed atthe next..G°-rmcil meeting, prohibiting the erection :of billboard~, the d~finition of which is to be worked o~t by City kttoraey. IVIo.iLoI~. seconded by Mr'..l~yd and ananimousl¥ :carried. The B:oard felt very 'strO/llg!y about this .m~atIer and re,laC s~.~ that. ]~r. ~ ~rootenboer r~port on this metier ~'with Council. · Dis¢:assion was held in regard to the Boardts resignation and it w~s a~gr.eed that ~r. Gyootenboer check on tke or~n~ce to deter~ how lop_the hoard was to ser~e. It was the co~e~ of the members pres.~nt t~tit'~d be to. the best ~tereS/s of the Ci~ if those presen~ sePving ~ho ca, zed to, remain-on, the-Boar~were, =eappoi~ed, It--~as reported, th~ Mrs. ~ahl~ist~r'~ de sir~d~ to be replaced. dee to ~i~g ke~ih ~d ih~ s was co~irme:d by. Dr. ~a~ston th~ it: was necessary;. Jack C~l requested to be repiace~ ~ that he expecI.s to move from~ t~s area and in vie~ of the fact that Ed ~uffy has a~ende~ o~y ~o mee~gs, daring th~ year it wa~s felt he Sh~ b~ replaced. The neXt meetiJag will be held December !3th, ~ 1961. " Sg. ani~Weaver, Chr,