Minutes 11-16-61l%4INUTES OF THE ZCE~IING B-OA~D HELD IN CITY PL~LL, BOYNTON BEACH,.FLORIDA, TBiUI{SDAY, NOVEAiB~ 16, 1961 This meeting .was: called to artier .at. 7:30 p, rn, to review theapplication' '. ofthe~ 'S°uIt~ern Bell Tel~ ~ Tel. Co. to rezone the property at Southwest 3rd ~enae beiween Bowers ~rk, Bi, 4 ~d C~escent Heights, Block 3, f~o~ ~ or ~ to C-1. lvir..Da~is,. Engineer for the So, Bell Tel. & Tel, appeared before the Board speaking in favor of the c~nf~e proposed change. It ~vas revealed that the comply is desiroas of building t~o buildings to ho~e a di~ central o~zce and a work center. Mr, E, ;L,. Cline, 214 S~. 3rd A~enue, a for~er e~ployee of the telephone company for appmo~ely !5 years., ~d a property adjacent to. lt~e la~ in-q~estion of berg re-zoned, asked pertinent questio~ in re~ard to the land ~se ~ch ~o~ld adversely ~ect a ~her~objecgors 'speWing in person .were~W~ter G~., 319 S~ 3rd, Mr. ~lia~s, Z19 S. ~. 3~d Avenue, Ernest ~erson, 3Z0 S~ 3rd Avenue, Mrs. ~ohert Benson, 136. $.W. 6th ~ve., and Mr. Himpel~ ~Ii1 S.W, 5th Mr. ~ H~rin~, the deV~.ope.r op~sed this zoning change and retried t~t Ae had sold a~ ~e houses in this area and felt. morally obligated, tO object.~ ~s inas.muck as he had in good faiih assured the P~C~sers ibis w'oald be a residenti~ area, that he is st~. the o~er of a large portion of the andevelpped land. in this area ~d s~b~il!ed a peiition ~ith ~.7 na~eS objec/i~.io/his ~ter ~ucA ~scussion, ~r. Davis: requested t karts request be ~thdr~n. Mr. Cline and others e~ress:ed their apprecia~on t,o Mr. ~vis and the ~ee~ng a~ourned,