Minutes 11-09-611MINUTF_ZS.-OF p~tk~NG 150~, BOYNTON BEwitCH, FLORI~, IN CITYHAIJ~, THUt~Y, NOVE1Vi~ 9, 1961 PRES~ T: STANLEY WEAVER, CHAIR~ JAOK CALL ROBERT i~YD DR.~:~ .JAg_X{ tLAU EST ON B~, SH UPiI DIRGK GKOOTENBOER~, DIREGTOR PLANtiNG & INS~C TION . A~BStEN T: ED-DUFFY I{IT ~ L~ISTF2~ A.ppea~ing before the p~g boazcl in lae. rmon. were Mr. Hanson and Mr~ Davis, rep. resen~veS of 8o~h.e~n Be~ Tel. & Tel. ~Co. in regard to re-zo~ng the prope~y atSo-uthwest 3rdAv~ue bet~e~ B~ers Par:k, B1, 4 and C:~esce~..Hei~ts, Block 3., ~om ~ or .~.t-~to C?l for ~he purpose ~ ~.~./ract~g ~wo b.~il~gs t~ kouse a ~al ce~'at, o~ce amd a. work cent. er They' statecl ii Wo~d ~.~siitate a~ investment of appro~mately $400.,00.fl. 00. The remainde.r of the evening was spen~, in routiue matters. Ohr.