Minutes 08-17-61
l%OB ~EI{T
The Chairman. requested members of the audience to st~t.e their names
and indicate which zone they are referring .to in speaking their objections.
~E~b~ction~ to zoning were as follows:
Written request referring to Lots Z2, 2.3, Z4, Z5, BI. 2,
, objecting t.o proposed P~-i, They stated they felt their
property shovdd.be: 'zoned C-l, in. view of the. fact that the new road would
take Z3* from the 110 feet, leaving 87z. Property zoned commercial D. since
July 1956 and it is inteI~t of owners to develop commercially upon completion
of Bosrnton.West Road to Military Trail.
Written. req~e;st referring to Lots 5, .6, 7, Pine Crest
11-2 zoning. Theme lots include in
Simons recommendation .to council in letter of August 1Z, 1960.
north of Pine~ Crest Ridge.
l~ecl~es,t, inwriting, his property at Z611 S.
Lots i & Z~of School l{oad. Estates lying
Written request that Fern l{idge. Subdivision he zoned for 1Z50
, single family residence: inasmuch as there is no zoning~at present
North Federal Highx~aTo lleqaest for R-2 and i{~iA~. Had
be used commercially in order to assist financially in
paying city a~d c-oun~y taxels. Letter enclosed.
Ed : Leona Appeared in person regarding. Lots
view. ed the }~Iaster Plan, it appeared that P~te 1
is not aS it %~ill be after it is widened. According to plan, Mfrs. Miller's
property is zoned l%-Z residential 150z back bat road will slice, off 65z of that.
He stated, his client had beenon this property since: 1911 and a ntunber of
long established b,usinesses north of the city are tile.re, and tke area, is rna, ch
better suited for cornmercial ventures and she raised, same ob3ection_ as
Mrs, S~epperd.
Mr. Gonde stated he ~z~uated to extend his motel.
single family hot, se on. it, We wanI the zc~ning
to Ne wo~d not ha~e paid' th~uch .~ney ~ build a house,
~e fro~ the buil~gs and therefore the un,ts c~:t be re~ed.
He stated it took 3 ~onths~ to get a ~ar~ license ~d n~ t~e ~ is trig to
Asked if tile entire zoning in tile city-would be scraped.
Weaver: In:tile ibemginnLug, we rnacle a ,t use. ". map and tried as ~ach as ~ssible
to honor preS~nt:zo~ng where we felt it was correct.
~sczek: I' h~ve two lots on B,Oynton~o,ad and accor~ng to new map it is. set
~pas co~eriC~ , ~ 5rd ~d. 2nd Ave. ~e ~nd of ~oney I ha, ye in ~ose
lOtSHe statedare ~Othe~t fo~ ~ ~zer~hing else on the street, is commercial.
.e:. He had pl~ ,d~a~n for a drug
store, ~'d s,tate,,d, it should be zoned ~-1. Spe:~ing of ~-!~ on 1250' lots, I
hame at Fern ~idge 1250' he said, ~t that ti~ the proper~
set off fro~~ 6' ~d no~ it is 7~.
~ea~er: In.~y old subdivision this ordnance can be held to~ s~etbac~. The
Bulldog Board and B, oa~d of ~dj~.t~ent ~o~d. study a~d if you h~ a, co~plaint
because You di~~ ~-~ ~ '
' J : ~, ~ve emo~ roo_m they would ~ecide om t~t. Yo~ would
have right to ge~ adjustme~,.
Bob Inc: 2:420, 2500, 26I)0 S.. Federa/- stated
carne BOard a~d they passed on .this zoning.
ExtenSive plans are a/rea, ch/ma.de to develop this area. .Building permit and
financing arra~gie,ments are about finished, Tkis, new plan calls frona .G-,.t to
,i{-1A~k, ~(Weaver stated if they were not ir~clu, ded it wa~ a maistake on the map,
s for R1.A~k. ~2klre~dy
of land
consists of 81 lots. ~,uld like to saggest that zo~ng of ~ be changed ~
R-lA, 1500 sq, ~, on e~re~ties of ci~ limits is not e ' ·
He reco.~ends R-~ aszest ~t~ng to
~rchased Your lots 50~53 last Jan, ~,~ IZth,~ve. and 4th
was to be conazner~ial.
....Joseph. Forbas,~ . .N~V~,: . ~zith. ~kve, & Joel Ha=less:
Sta~ed that Mrs. La~sing had b~ilt a $32,000 hO~Se and thez~ a ~n~n next do. or
built a~ $8, 000~ house.. That ~es.mZt look good. I~ is now 1, ~000 or R-iA ~d
~e wo~d liketo ~Pgr~de the area to 1500 sq. ft. or at te~st
~-Z con~pta~es ~part~e~ hO~es.
750 sg~ ft. The o~y t~n~ I had to
n~ber of 'o Ie ' , ~. , ~ s~g~e~t w~s the
~ ~zszm~ ,tz~ they ha~e e~z~ bedrooms
i~ their ho~se, You,c~ b~ld a ve~, Ece 1 b.edroo~ apartment 600 - 650
One hedr~h, eze, ' ~on'~g ~o~d de~and 750 sq. ~. wO~d be a very large
*' ' ~o~ld like :to see this taken. ~er'
my letter states t~ where ~m~jori~ of
hO~Ses of I000 s:q~, ~. it is ~ ~n~e har~hip. ~
forcsi~e we' ~p~ar'd, Secon~y, the 23 acres s~pping center
on:the ~orth i~rs:e~c~-o~ of main artery
of our to~ and ai. railroad crossing and we are sarprised ~ see it C~ed
to ~ultiple ~
f~ly zoning. ~ould like this .t~en ~der c~sideration..
Lots 7 & 9, B1, ~. Lots 3, 4. 5, 9 & 10~, B1 3 S~my
~g and feels IZ.50,~ ~nreasonable~ ~ ~o.~d like this ~o re~n
1000. ~eference to prope~ i~e~iately north is zoned 250 sq.
St. & 3rd St. ~e re.on. I bo~.~t th~ ~as be:c~use it
see it is 1250'. T~s is by the ~esh~erian Church.
~O~e~ on 10th~ve. and a grozgry store is in there.
~istrict is limited .to 1Z lots ~n~d '~e. wo~ld lik~ to have
10th re-zoned CO~erciai fro~ Seacrest to Dixie H~Y. ~e~ would l~e ~
hold 10th.~ve.~ open for f~t~re genera~ons~
People on 10ih ~&v~e. v~ uld like the street going east to
~own~.to railroad track yo~ jnmp over~ CO~ercial.
~e ~oatd l~e whole thing zoned conner cial.
In ~erry Hi~ we ~e i02' o~ ~ 4lk S.t.. facing s:o,~h on 12th ~ve. Would
like that to be' zoned commercial and a~oi~ng lots to be co.~ercial.
N'orth Federal Highway. This is the trailer coizrt. It is zoned
is. Marina, the, Other side is vacant land and also there is
WoUld like to. b,e zoned
Would like this zoned, comnuercial.
Tract 1-2 south of cemetery.
tried. 1%l.jkzk. -3kc!jacent to
cerneIery will not be approi0ria~e 'for' residential. Would like to have 150'
classified C~I ~ ~ks ~0 Tract 2- .it. can prob~ly, be pat to ~se, as ho~el or mo~et
and in view of ~he f~ct he ~a~ts.~o erect aperients he.~Ould l~e to h~e the
word '~apa~me-nt ,t [ncla~edi ~ Tract g is o~.both sides, of.Seacres~. It goes by
water,pta~ Th~, is C-1 and he w~ts word 't apa~ments '" included.
Letter re; Lots t 7 in bl~s 1, 2,
) and Lot~s L, 80
· c ornrne rcial,
exchaizge with City fro~ C.i~ Cterk~to be
, J, Mi' Koran also e~cI~sed on,t~s ~tt~e.r,
From Ocean Avenue South to, 15th gkve.
going to build a residence on .Seacrest.
There: a~re: three times as roach traffic as on Boyntor~ ~oad~ It: s.ho.,uld be 1~-'3 or
Stated he was owner'of considerable property within city and
Board has pat in a lot of effort, All of his p.ropeirty has been
ch~a~ag:ed az~d he-is opposed to zoning of tkree of tko:re, He -si.a/ed a le~er of
Hi,top ViSage L. 1 -11
~der :Ord, 60-40 (~-1 550 sq, ft., ) C~entr~ ~rk - L~a 30-35 inc,
Ord, 60~t5 ~d La~rel Hi!ls, L, Z, ~d. 60-!4,
He sro. ted ~e above req~e.stS were g~ted ~ter adyertis~g and he
requests, the three above ~e~ed properties rem~n as presenI~ zoned~
Pre sentty zoned zn,ultiple dwelling aa!d., t~te proposed zoning
resideatiali Two units one of'whiO~ is .~occapied
a~d ~wo~ld like t.o. M~e l~s rem.i~ as ii is m~tiple ~welling. Would l~e it
.to st~y ~ iris or be zoned co~erci~.
~ory Haman.. Mr. lvicGahey an~d mk4r, Lefort.e expressed desire to go on
record that. they endorsed and approved tko action, o£ the lvlaster Planner in
zoning area .north of Coquina .Co~e
Objected to having U, iSI, ~! frontage so.nth, of 15th zoned
Mr. Simons congrat, ulated the:. Chairman ors the_ rnarve!ous manner he
conducted the me,ting, He expl~ned that. the map.had been on display.. . and
is not the work o£ a fe~ Ir~orne-nts, He stated BoYnton is predo~ninently a
This is the third map prepared by Z
Planning Board 8hid it has been. sttzdied and worked over for rnany'rr~onthSo
This ~de~elops a c~ompreherzsive plan for Boyr~t. on Beach for next. Z5 years
and_ deterrnim.e needs £or street, s., public buildings, public services, -sckools
parks,, recreation etc. ' '