Minutes 07-20-61lVlIhSJTF_2I OF ~ZONING BO~2~D tvH~ETING HELD IN THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BF~CH, FLORIDA, JULY ZO, 1961 Pi{F_d~EN T: JACK CALL, LOU SAMYN JflS~l:S{ B~P. WELL V~ ILI. J2klV[ 55r,OHL~B i~OBEt~T RYD 1MEt{!~E Df NJ Giq TY ST~Y W E/kVEP. This meeting was. called to order by the Chairman at 7:30 p~m., for the purpose of reviewing the request of William Yates to allow a postoffice to be built on Lots 13,, 14, 15, 16 N. W, Znd Ave. and Lots 17, 18, 19, ZO, Z!,- ZZ, and Z3 on.SeacreSt Blvd.., Biock4, B~nton Heights · ~. ~.Yd moved the re:qae.st be gr:~Ied fr-o~. A-l.to ~low posiof~ce site_on the baSis that it be ased for a pos~office o~y. Motion. seconded BY ~r. Ba~ell ~d ~n~imoasty carried, There being no, further business, the ;meeting adjourned., There were no objectors pre:sent in person_arid, mo objections by writing ACREAGE HOMES COMMERCIAL YATES ]REALTY POST OFFICE BOX 102 BOYNTON E~EAGH, FLORIDA WM. H. YATE \ ~7-/.5 T' BUSINESS AND MOTELS - c~ty