Minutes 07-13-61PLA1NNING BOA~I)A~EETINQ HE~. AT CiTY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH F, LORIDA:, T~- , ~URSD~Y, ~LY'13, 1961 PR~ENT: STA~ILEY WEAVER I}R; JACK I~_~LST ON JACK CALL I{OBERT P~YD B~NEY SHU~ ~T ~LmS TEE ~BSENT: ED I)UFFY PRESENT: GER_A_L/~ RAKE, PLANING C.ONSULT~/~T I~THI~EN KIl{ TON, .~ SECR~ET~Y Dt~CK GROOTE~BOER, DiR~ P~N~NG ~D INSPECTION Motion made by Jack Call, seconded by Mr. Ryd that changes a,s placed on the map be accepted by the BOard Motion carried u~anirno u's ty. Mr. Dake, Planning Consultant recornnaendedthe P~I classification be o~nitted until after the Public Hearing. ~ter ~uch discussion, Mr.~ ~ston moved th~ ~1~ be included in ~e ordi~nce ~th ~mini~',u~ front f~tage of 100~ and ~ini~ flo~r area of 1800 sq~ ft. Motion seconded by ~r. C~I and It ~as agreed unanimou~sly that the Public Hearing be advertised for the date of Augas.t 17th~ The Board members were insIructed to thoroughly read the Tentative Zoni/igI Ordinance No. 3 and if there are any errors existing in, the context thereof to call Mr. Weaver irnrnediatety. ~ It. was unanim~o'asly agreed that the map be presented to ~{r. Sizn,O~s for preparation of the third and final zoning map to be presented at the~ Pub/lc Hearing ~ugust ITth. The Board req~lest,ed that the. zoning classifications be colored so it wou/d be readily more easily read by the pt~blic'~ · The'meeting ad3ourned at 10:30 p.m.